Cate's Diary

I hope your walk was lovely and that you are snug as mice in their nice hise now!

(Oh, and I think the spigot in the holding tank was something a plumber did after the fact. It wasn't a holding tank that came with a spigot.)
G & I are watching birds flitting in & out of the birdbaths. This year we seem to have so many more birds than last Spring. As one type flits in & out another does the same. Some little birds who usually nest in the eaves down the other end of the house have decided that the little birdhouse that has been outside our living room for over 20 years is the place to bring new babies into the world so we can watch all the flitting in & out. They make a lot of noise but it's quite sweet.
So sweet! I love just sitting and watching birds do their thing--so soothing.
I hope you find really good glasses at the eye appointment. I was just telling K that some day there will probably be smart glasses where you push a button on the frames to dim them, etc. I was thinking about how you said that no pair of glasses ever works for all situations. I hope you find one that's close, though!
Hope you got all that shopping done efficiently so you don't have to go back too soon - and that people don't wear insensitive amounts of perfume.
(why isn't the plural of house hice, like mouse/mice and louse/lice?)
In case anyone else is still wondering: according to a stranger on the internet the short answer is that hūs (ancestor to house) is a neuter noun in Old English, while both mūs (mouse) and lūs (louse) are feminine nouns. And unlike in humans gender in language influences everything.
I thought it was interesting how the flat tyre got you out of a golf game you didn't want to play! Are such things coincidence or did you MANIFEST it? 😵‍💫 Hahaha.

Enjoy your busy shopping day.
I hope you find really good glasses at the eye appointment. I was just telling K that some day there will probably be smart glasses where you push a button on the frames to dim them, etc. I was thinking about how you said that no pair of glasses ever works for all situations. I hope you find one that's close, though!
Time will tell, M, but I have polarized sunglasses (bifocals) ordered & I think they will be for wearing outside for much of the year, but especially on walks, playing golf & driving & if I need to read inside my current glasses will do the job. I already carry 2 pairs of glasses with me. My eyes are particularly sensitive to light since my cataracts were removed & I also have Holmes-Adie Syndrome in both eyes. By looking for a link to share to explain it I learned something I didn't know. My tendons are tight in my calves & I would never have connected the two. involves a,of calf through heel bone). Plus a persistent dry cough can be associated with it.
Hope you got all that shopping done efficiently so you don't have to go back too soon - and that people don't wear insensitive amounts of perfume.
We got all of the shopping done efficiently Llama but I should have worn a mask. I was shattered when I got back home.
In case anyone else is still wondering: according to a stranger on the internet the short answer is that hūs (ancestor to house) is a neuter noun in Old English, while both mūs (mouse) and lūs (louse) are feminine nouns. And unlike in humans gender in language influences everything.
& it is so important in French. I could never understand why.
I thought it was interesting how the flat tyre got you out of a golf game you didn't want to play! Are such things coincidence or did you MANIFEST it? 😵‍💫 Hahaha.
I think I may have manifested it :smilielol5:
Enjoy your busy shopping day.
I loathe shopping but we got it done. I think you would call it speed shopping.
Yay for efficient shopping! Too bad about the scent. There's one therapy room at work that smells like a tiger enclosure (no idea why) and I hate it but it's still better than my room at my previous work place. Which was thick with some fruity candy scent like 10 scented candles burning simultaneously. Took about 6 months of near-constant airing to get it down to bearable and it was still noticeable after five years.
I can't avoid fragrance. Online shopping is better for me & I'll continue to do that mostly. If I do have to go into a shop, I should wear a mask that blocks fragrance. I will still itch like crazy but will be able to breathe better.
Today I stayed outside. I took Arch for a walk around the river & then went to the market, had a picnic lunch by the river & came home. I felt quite loopy this morning & really out of sorts but went anyway & I am glad I did. I talked to lots of strangers. There are so many tourists around. I like that.
Wow, Holmes-Adie Syndrome is very strange. I have never heard of a syndrome that effects such disparate parts of the body. It's so good you can correct the effect on your eyes with glasses. I have been running in to tons of people who douse themselves in perfume, which makes my throat go closed first thing. Whenever that happens I think of you and how amazing it would be to have a mask with a portable air filter backpack or something like that. It's good you can do most of your shopping online now. We love going downtown amongst all the tourists where we are, too. It's so festive, and makes you appreciate where you are all the more. Hope you are feeling all better now!
Yes so interesting about Holmes-Adie Syndrome!

It's funny--in my town people really don't wear much scents at all--very noticeable when I do run into someone with some--yesterday I walked by two young guys really heavy in always takes me by surprise when I encounter that. I don't have any reactions to it thankfully but I can imagine how aggravating that must be when you don't know where it will spring up.
Your outing with Archie sounds really nice.
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza. Holmes-Adie isn't really a worry, but it is a bit weird. I didn't even know I had it until someone serving me at the chemist a number of years ago pointed out that I had one pupil much larger than the other. It lets in a lot more light & now I have it both eyes & have had my cataracts removed I need to wear sunglasses more often. I try not to fall down the rabbit hole of things that might be wrong with my body but I did find it interesting that the tightness in my calves might be connected. I keep forgetting to ask about it when I go to see a doctor as it seems so insignificant.
I did have a nice day today & am having a home day today. I am going to go around our house wiping down surfaces with a damp rag. I think that will take most of the day. It is Spring cleaning time. There is so much to do :svengo: I'm going to pull up one of our timber blinds & wash a big window as well as it's the one facing our bird bath & I am about to participate in an annual Australian bird count.
It is Spring cleaning time. There is so much to do :svengo: I'm going to pull up one of our timber blinds & wash a big window as well as it's the one facing our bird bath & I am about to participate in an annual Australian bird count.
Being busy is good, but the spring cleaning not so much. I'm in the middle of fall cleanup and winterization... rather it was springtime.
I guess that's the disadvantage of having your own paradise: it needs more maintenance than a shoebox.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a place closer in size to your "shoebox".
Yes i'm also glad of my shoebox--I get overwhelmed with cleaning as it is! I do sometimes dream of a big old house with beautiful rooms and especially one with a piano...but in reality it would probably be too overwhelming for me.

Anyways Cate I hope it goes well without too much overwhelm. Lovely about being part of the bird count!
Thanks, Llama, Rob & Liza. I seriously thought about downsizing yesterday for about 5 minutes & then just got stuck into it. We love our house & where we live & I have to clean more often. It's mostly just dust & a lot of it comes from the wood heater. When that goes out soon it will be easier to keep clean. I transformed the laundry yesterday. It's probably the size of most people's kitchen & also looks like one. I also did all of the ironing & other housework. I took Arch for a walk.
At 3.30 this morning I woke & couldn't get back to sleep. It's 5.30 a.m. now & I'm starting to feel sleepy again. I decided at about 4.30 that I really must do something about losing some weight. I think cutting down on starchy carbs whenever I can will really help. G is going away for 6 nights soon so that will help too. If I could lose 2 kgs in the next month I would be happy.
Well done on all that house work! Boo on the sleepless night though.