Cate's Diary

Sounds like a lovely time!
I feel so happy for R's new dog and his new little family and the kids being nice and gentle with him and him having a nice little dog friend in C's dog as well. What a nice home he's found himself in!
Glad you had a good time despite it being a little exhausting.
Thanks Liza Llama Rob & Vic. The weekend was a bit too tiring for everyone I think. C & R both do a lot of juggling(& driving) to make their relationship work. His house is an hour's drive from hers but is closer to where he works. Mostly they catch up at weekends. I feel tired just thinking about what they do to make it work but I love that they do.
We woke without any power again this morning. There was to be a planned outage from 9-4 so I thought I had time to have a shower do the dishes fill water containers etc in preparation for it but no! :svengo:
I also can't do any commas this morning. It does a p instead. Weird!
Luckily I had charged my laptop last night & my phone & my little power bank. I am about to have a wash & get dressed & will shower as soon as it comes back on this afternoon. It is also rainy & foggy. *sigh*
That's sweet about R and C. I really hope it works out for them. R seems to be in a good place.

No water for the day is a pain but there's always a silver lining. Hope you find it. x
Glad the weekend went so well, despite being a little hectic. I hope you get your power and water back on quickly. No fair they turned it off early. It sounds like "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink." It's really nice to hear that R and C are doing so well. I really hope it works out for them!
A weekend relationship sounds quite nice to me: during the week I mostly need my time and energy for my own survival anyway.
Boo on losing water early! That's so inconsiderate, unless something broke while they were working on it and they couldn't help it.
Oh wow--no power means no water too? What a pain! I can do sort of ok with the power outages, but no water would be much worse.
I like the sound of the weekend relationship too!
Thanks, everyone. The early power outage was unplanned & they were combing the area trying to find what caused it. When I asked a guy who came up here if they would still be turning it off to do the work later he thought not. It came back on later in the morning & stayed on for the day.
I feel depleted today & was out of sorts yesterday. I don't feel up to typing in everyone's diaries I'm sorry. If I type in one I feel I should type in all & I just can't today.
I don't feel like going to golf & I'll come home if I'm not enjoying it.
Glad your power and water are back. You must depend on a pump for water that lost power. Liza is right living without power is a lot easier than living without water. After the worst hurricane I remember we were without power for 2 months, however we got water back in just a week or so. The water made things a lot more livable. Do you keep an emergency supply of water?
I feel depleted today & was out of sorts yesterday. I don't feel up to typing in everyone's diaries I'm sorry. If I type in one I feel I should type in all & I just can't today.
Hey lady you are and have been more consistent about posting in diaries than most, you deserve to take a break! No one will think the less of you for it. Hope you are feeling better soon, water and power should help.
Thanks, M & Rob :grouphug:
We have tank water only which is pumped to the house. When the power goes out, that's it for water too. We probably should get a generator, but then they are run on petrol & then we have the problem of getting petrol up to here.
Time to head to golf.....
We have tank water only which is pumped to the house.
Can you tap into the water tank to fill jugs and the like? Better than no water.

We have a generator, but it is powered by natural gas, which we have at the house. Comes on automatically when the power goes out. Gasoline or diesel generators are a lot more trouble, but a small one might we worth it.
Can you tap into the water tank to fill jugs and the like? Better than no water.
We can do that Rob, but it's awkward. You need a ladder up against the tank & then would need to lower a bucket down on a rope I guess. I usually have containers filled with water under the sinks & we use them to water the indoor plants so the water isn't stagnant. G doesn't usually fill them back up though when he uses them.
We have a generator, but it is powered by natural gas, which we have at the house. Comes on automatically when the power goes out. Gasoline or diesel generators are a lot more trouble, but a small one might we worth it.
I'll do some research I think, Rob. Being unable to pump water from our tanks is scary on high-fire danger days.
Our water used to go out with the power, too, in CA. Not nice. Hope you get lots of lovely rest!
Thanks, M. I had a really restful day after getting a flat tyre on my way to golf & returning back home as soon as it was fixed. I needed that a lot more than I needed to play yesterday. My 3 favourite women were all away and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. It was also a really cold day.
:grouphug: I hope you have fun at golf and feel better after :grouphug:
Thanks, Llama. I'm about to go out & play in the first chicken run of the season with G & T's husband, I. It's only 9 holes & there is no pressure at all. T has just had an operation on her right hand so won't be playing for a while.
I think my allergies are responsible for me feeling so exhausted & flat. I feel a lot better today after a good night's sleep.
G & I are watching birds flitting in & out of the birdbaths. This year we seem to have so many more birds than last Spring. As one type flits in & out another does the same. Some little birds who usually nest in the eaves down the other end of the house have decided that the little birdhouse that has been outside our living room for over 20 years is the place to bring new babies into the world so we can watch all the flitting in & out. They make a lot of noise but it's quite sweet.
So glad you are feeling better. We're exhausted, too, and I also think it's allergies. I'm glad you could stay home and get better. The birdsong in the video is lovely and I love how the little birds dart around eagerly. My grandparents had a big bird feeder and binoculars and I loved when they'd show us their favorite visitors. One of our water holding tanks had a hose spigot on it so you could just fill up water from the side of it. I hope T's hand recovers well and you can both get together and play more often. Hope you have another nice restful day!
One of our water holding tanks had a hose spigot on it so you could just fill up water from the side of it.
I must check that out, M.
G & I just got home from playing golf. It was good as it's also so quick. I played some really good shots but I am so inconsistent. Oh, well. We had a delicious salad for lunch & I'm having a cup of peppermint tea before taking Arch for a walk.
My parents have so many little birdhouses (why isn't the plural of house hice, like mouse/mice and louse/lice?) and watching all those little things flit about and chatter at each other is just lovely.
why isn't the plural of house hice, like mouse/mice and louse/lice?
Gotta love English
A dreadful language? Why, man alive,
I'd learned to talk it when I was five,
And yet to write it, the more I tried,
I hadn't learned it at fifty-five!