Cate's Diary

Wow, that's great the retired person golfed right up until 90! Sorry about your allergies. Here they spray air freshener in every office and motel, and my throat closes up, so I really empathize. Good idea to wear your mask in the golfing cart shed. I had to look up what being full of beans meant - I like that you are full of beans!
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Every time I see (or hear of) people with osteoporotic fractures in their spines I'm reminded to eat more calcium and drink less cola... I'm doing better at the second part at least. Glad to hear you won't be fully away from us for a week!
Wow, that's great the retired person golfed right up until 90! Sorry about your allergies. Here they spray air freshener in every office and motel, and my throat closes up, so I really empathize. Good idea to wear your mask in the golfing cart shed. I had to look up what being full of beans meant - I like that you are full of beans!
B played up until she was in her mid 80s which is great. We have quite a few golfers at the club around 80. She's switched on but quite frail. I wore the mask in the shed to get my buggy but they had cleaned it up & opened all of the doors to air it out so all was good. We used to say "You must be full of Mexican Jumping Beans" when I was a kid if someone was full of energy. I haven't watched all of this video but what I saw looked funny.
Every time I see (or hear of) people with osteoporotic fractures in their spines I'm reminded to eat more calcium and drink less cola... I'm doing better at the second part at least. Glad to hear you won't be fully away from us for a week!
It was good to see A. She had been diagnosed with Osteopenia a few years back & was complaining that no one told her what she should or shouldn't be doing to prevent osteoporosis or she wouldn't be in the situation she is in. She has a few fractures & compressed discs in her spine & takes a lot of painkillers.
I'm glad that I do so much research when a doctor tells me anything. They can't be expected to tell you everything. They see so many people and are time-restricted. It's time I went in & had a skin check for example & I need a referral for a bone scan myself.
Hope you can enjoy the golf and tea and that the allergies don't get in the way too much.
Thanks, Liza. I didn't enjoy the golf but I had excellent company with my two favourites, K & T. I felt out of sorts. It happens from time to time & I don't seem to be able to snap out of it. I felt absent mentally & struggled to concentrate.
When we came in afterwards we had an afternoon tea for A & B. One of our members who didn't play went & picked them up & brought them out. It was quite a spread & was pleasant. We had some sad news about N, one of our newer members who has been away for a few weeks. Most of us thought she was on holiday, but she has been interstate for treatment of a tumour in her arm & says she probably won't be playing golf again. I sent her a message of support last night. I really like her. She is absolutely lovely & so cheerful.
I read a book on Tuesday that was about surviving after someone you love dies from cancer & it made me feel very sad about losing my sister to cancer. I usually avoid books like this. Hearing the news about N yesterday rocked me. I hope she survives to play golf again 🤞
I've seen the Mexican Jumping Beans at county fairs. They are so fun! Loved the video of them. Glad that you got to have afternoon tea with friends even though the golfing didn't click with you. I can't imagine having so many friends going through so many deadly serious health problems. I'm really glad you take good care of yourself!!
Thanks, Marsia. I had never bothered looking up Mexican Jumping Beans & never knew what they were so it was fun to look it up. I wouldn't want those in my stomach!
I used to think that G's mum was just complaining when she used to say how all of her friends were dying & she was becoming the only one left. She lived to 90. I don't want to think about how many of our friends will die before we get to that age if we indeed do get there. It's a constant reminder that we need to look after ourselves as best we can.
Today I made an appointment for G & me to get the results of our blood tests with the doctor who referred us.
I made an appointment for a skin check, after asking the golfing women who they see.
I made an appointment for an eye test & to get new glasses that I can wear playing golf. Mine fall off & I can only wear them for reading & the laptop as when I walk with them on or try to play golf or drive they make me feel a bit giddy.
I think they can be permanent sunglasses with only a small section at the bottom for reading (my golf card & the dashboard panel in my car) & they must fit fairly tightly & not fall off. The ones I have will still be fine for home, even if there is a small change in my sight.
Today a parcel arrived that I felt 90% sure I would be returning. I ordered some golf pants from the US, from Callaway & assumed that they would be too small. They didn't have a bigger size & I really thought I had messed up. They are fantastic. I love them. I will need to take them up a little, but they looked so smart. I could wear them as dress pants. I love having nice golf clothes. They have wonderful pockets!
I felt out of sorts. It happens from time to time & I don't seem to be able to snap out of it. I felt absent mentally & struggled to concentrate.
Maybe also a reaction to the seasonal allergies and/or heavy AH use? I know I can be quite out of it in allergy season.

Yay for great pants and double yay for pockets!
So great that the pants are such a great fit--so good when you were figuring you would just have to send them back!
I agree with Liza, pants fitting is a good thing!
I used to think that G's mum was just complaining when she used to say how all of her friends were dying & she was becoming the only one left. She lived to 90. I don't want to think about how many of our friends will die before we get to that age if we indeed do get there.
Both my grandfathers lived into their 90s. My maternal grandfather to 99. He used to tell me that if I planned to live so long to be sure and make some younger friends, I'd be needing them some day. I remember his last fishing buddy, a guy he called the "old man" he was in his 60s when my grandfather was in his 90s. It was a sad day when the old man passed, it was before my grandfather. Kind of put an end to grandfather's fishing.
I'm so glad you'll be getting glasses that don't fall off when you golf. Mine for driving have a self-dimming feature so the bright headlights at night don't make my eyes tired out, and I love the feature so much. I wonder if you could get the kind that turn into sunglasses when it's bright but are normal otherwise and still have the reading glasses at the bottom? I love pants that you can wear in many different settings, and ones like that with good pockets would be so treasured! So happy they fit!!
Maybe also a reaction to the seasonal allergies and/or heavy AH use? I know I can be quite out of it in allergy season.
I think that may have been it, Llama. I must talk to the doctor about it as maybe I do take to much AH medication.
Yay for great pants and double yay for pockets!
Double yay indeed. It made my day.
So great that the pants are such a great fit--so good when you were figuring you would just have to send them back!
It was such a boost, Liza. I was so certain they wouldn't fit. I have been feeling very negative about my body lately & trash-talking myself.
Both my grandfathers lived into their 90s. My maternal grandfather to 99. He used to tell me that if I planned to live so long to be sure and make some younger friends, I'd be needing them some day. I remember his last fishing buddy, a guy he called the "old man" he was in his 60s when my grandfather was in his 90s. It was a sad day when the old man passed, it was before my grandfather. Kind of put an end to grandfather's fishing.
I think having younger friends is very sensible. My Mum & G's Mum lived into their 90s & outlived most of their friends.
I'm so glad you'll be getting glasses that don't fall off when you golf. Mine for driving have a self-dimming feature so the bright headlights at night don't make my eyes tired out, and I love the feature so much. I wonder if you could get the kind that turn into sunglasses when it's bright but are normal otherwise and still have the reading glasses at the bottom? I love pants that you can wear in many different settings, and ones like that with good pockets would be so treasured! So happy they fit!!
The self-dimming glasses sound handy, M. The glasses I have are transitional in that they turn into sunglasses outside but they don't when I'm driving because of the UV layer in the windscreen. I was contemplating getting permanent sunglasses with just the reading part on the very bottom but may go for the transition ones again so that I could still wear them inside & be able to look at my phone etc. It's a bit like women's handbags- they're never just right!
I just quickly rang my SIL as it would have been their 50th wedding anniversary today. She was out and about & I said I just wanted to send her my love. She seemed touched that I thought of her.
I just started wearing glasses, so I am really impressed with the technology since I wore reading glasses in high school. I can see that having one pair that does everything might not be possible. I am lucky that my driving pair still works and I can get a bifocal pair now for everything else. That's so nice you remember everyone's anniversaries and call and wish them well!
I'm glad the pants gave you the boost you needed and hopefully quieted those trash-talking voices for a while!
Lovely to think of your sister in law on what would have been their anniversary and to give her a call--things like that can mean so much.
Thanks, Marsia, Liza & Em( & Vic & Llama).
We'll be heading to Hobart when we finish our coffee as we plan on leaving at 8 a.m. We're only staying one night because of yesterday's wake, which was ok. I probably won't be in the forum until Monday morning xoxo
Thanks, everyone :grouphug:
We had a good weekend. It was full-on with the driving, the kids, the dogs, and the AFL grand final & it was noisy & exhausting but I'm glad we went. I am also very glad that we are home. We slept well last night & I feel much better this morning. I really do feel that R & C will be together for a long time. This makes me happy. They are making long-term plans together.
R's dog is a lovely old thing & gets along well with C's dog. The littlies seem to realise that they need to be quieter around him too, which is good for everyone.