Cate's Diary

It really felt like magic to me. I play some really good shots here & there that usually surprise me but 3 in a row like that on a top course was something else. I love golf.
Oh very nice!! Especially on that especially tricky one.
So nice to hear your passion.

Sorry to hear about your golfing buddy :grouphug:
Thanks, Llama & Liza. It was a shock. I really feel for the guy who found him on the course & rolled him on his side & rang an ambulance. It took quite a while to get there & has shaken him up. G will most probably see him today.
I'm still on a bit of a high from that one hole on the course the other day. I can't imagine how excited I would be with a hole-in-one. It's meant to rain tomorrow & we might not get to play, but if not I will be again on Saturday in a team event with G & 2 other men. They're always fun.
Arch is booked in for a haircut today & I will do a little shopping. I have to call in at the bank as I got a message saying my card was blocked due to unusual activity. It didn't seem like a scam text as it didn't have a link in it. Nothing has come out of my account.
Oh gosh yeah that would be a real shock for the person finding him. i can't imagine.
I hope your bank card gets sorted without any big issue and that we will get to see a picture of Archie with his new haircut :)
Oh gosh yeah that would be a real shock for the person finding him. i can't imagine.
It was worse than I imagined, apparently. I really feel for the guy that found him. He's 89 & it has really shaken him up.
I hope your bank card gets sorted without any big issue and that we will get to see a picture of Archie with his new haircut :)
My card has been sorted & I have to get a new one. Someone in the Philippines tried using the number to purchase something. Apparently, they start with the first 8 numbers & then work their way through until they find a number that works. I won't keep much money in that account. I upgraded the security with my online banking whilst there so that it will only recognise my phone.
I had a full-on day yesterday & maybe overdid it. I did lots of walks with Arch & shopping & rushing about. I just tried to reduce his photos in size to put them here but am struggling to get them small enough. I'll try again now.
My brain is not working well it seems.
I'm not going to golf today. I just feel really tired, a bit headachy & think a day at home would do me more good.
Well done on that fantastic golf you played the other day. You always say you’re not a great golfer but you seem pretty good to me!

As for the hole-in-one, you know what I would say, MANIFEST! :)
Well done on that fantastic golf you played the other day. You always say you’re not a great golfer but you seem pretty good to me!
Haha. Thanks, Em. I can play really good shots but I'm really inconsistent. I need to improve my game up near & on the greens. I think I would benefit from a lesson.
As for the hole-in-one, you know what I would say, MANIFEST! :)
I will certainly try! If you think you can.....I would love to get a hole-in-one on a Saturday as then it would go up on the main board in the club room & not the women's. MANIFEST!
My headache is still persisting. I think it's from hay fever. I'll get a new nasal spray tomorrow as I had two, but both are empty :svengo:
Hi Cate! I'm glad all is ok with your card. That's awful about the man who found the golfer. I've helped out when I see someone in trouble and it's a shock even when they do get help fast. Are golfing lessons really expensive? That sounds like a good investment if you could afford to.

I've got ragweed allergies, too, for the first time here. Do you know of natural remedies that work? I hope you got a nice rest after your really active day.
Oh too bad about the headache persisting--I hope it leaves you soon.
I'm glad the bank card got sorted without too much trouble.
Hi Cate! I'm glad all is ok with your card. That's awful about the man who found the golfer. I've helped out when I see someone in trouble and it's a shock even when they do get help fast. Are golfing lessons really expensive? That sounds like a good investment if you could afford to.
I really do feel for him & the guy's wife especially. He went home from hospital as he felt better & died that night at home.
Golfing lessons aren't too expensive here (less than $100?) & I would just have one & see how I went with it.
I've got ragweed allergies, too, for the first time here. Do you know of natural remedies that work? I hope you got a nice rest after your really active day.
I have tried so many things M that just haven't worked. I went to bed early last night & had a good night's sleep & feel quite a bit better today. From now on I am going to try to make sure I have a day at home in between doing things. We were meant to go into town tomorrow, but have changed that to today & then I will have tomorrow at home & then golf on Saturday.
Oh too bad about the headache persisting--I hope it leaves you soon.
Thanks, Liza. I have a headache this morning, but it's just a slight background headache.
I'm glad the bank card got sorted without too much trouble.
Me too. It's great that we have such helpful staff in our local branch. When our usual bank closed its local branch I opened an account with the other bank & planned on switching over altogether. We have a pension go into each but I think I will keep both accounts so we always have access if something goes wrong.
Oh, the poor wife. I hope she will come to be ok with how he was sent home from the hospital.

Glad your headache subsided for the most part. I realized that ragweed allergies are probably why I am so exhausted - I think I'll follow your lead and go to bed early. That sounds like an excellent plan to have a day at home between outings. We've been having to drive everywhere this week and last, and it does get tiring and not as nice as if there is a break to relax. I think it's a really smart idea to have 2 banks. There are bank closures here and banks that were hacked and people have not been able to get their money out at times. Anyway, I hope you have a restful nice day off!
I hope your headache is fully gone by now Cate. That sounds like a really good idea to have a rest day between doing things.
I have tried so many things M that just haven't worked.
I sat next to a yoga-teaching-hippie colleague at the first aid refresher and he kept telling me about all these wonderful herbal concoctions from ayurvedic medicine that would definitely help my allergies. And I just... smiled and nodded while I sat dying inside.
Today is a home day :)
Thanks, Marsia, Liza & Llama.
I bought some anti-histamine nasal sprays yesterday (one spare) & hope they will help. The spray is a different ingredient to my morning AH meds. I'll use it for the next couple of months when pollen is at its highest. I used it this morning & I'm breathing better. I'm going to reduce my paracetamol osteo by half & take it 3 times a day instead of two, which will still be only half the recommended maximum dose. My headache is definitely sinusey, my eyes are stinging & I have been sneezing a lot.
R is going to the dogs' home this morning first thing with C. He has been missing his dog badly & had an awful night Wednesday when he found O's collar. R absolutely needs to have a dog to love. His heart is full of love.
Speaking of hearts I gave one to a woman who delivered to my car boot yesterday morning in town & I think she said it made her day at least three times. I also gave M one I had made especially for her. She actually was wearing bright orange, the colour of the heart I had made her. I had better make some more today.
I ordered some green felt but I don't love it & it's not talking to me. Usually, I see combinations that I like, but the green needs a green patterned felt to go with it. I'll have another look to see if there is any in the bundle I was given by J2. I think it's synthetic felt though & I don't like that.
Arch has a pain in the tummy again today. I think it's from stress when we leave him at home. It happens almost every time. I have ordered something from the local pet product store that is meant to help calm dogs & she swears by it.
Our son, R & C went to the dogs' home & he has adopted a 15-year-old dog. He knows he will only have a few years at most with him, but I'm sure they will be that dog's best few years. It says a lot about R that he is prepared to take him on & love him. He has sent me numerous photos & he seems to have settled in nicely at C's. They took her little dog along to the pound with them. I am so relieved. What a lucky old dog.
I have had a good day today. I took Arch for a good walk, did minimal housework, read a book & did a bit of gardening. We have woodchipped Arch's yard so it's nice & neat. I am logging today. I'll go do it now....
Looking good. I think I'll have a nice deficit. It's good to start off my day with oats.
Our son, R & C went to the dogs' home & he has adopted a 15-year-old dog. He knows he will only have a few years at most with him, but I'm sure they will be that dog's best few years. It says a lot about R that he is prepared to take him on & love him. He has sent me numerous photos & he seems to have settled in nicely at C's. They took her little dog along to the pound with them. I am so relieved. What a lucky old dog.
That´s so lovely. Your son is a wonderful, kind man for giving a senior dog the best possible golden years. It does say a lot about him to put the good that comes out of doing this kindness to an old dog before the heartache that comes from losing them :Angel_anim:
Wow, I hope the new spray helps a lot. So glad that R got a new dog, and it's great he could rescue an old dog. When my mom passed, I had to take care of her elderly cat Henry separately from our cat because he picked on our cat. I finally had to get him a new home because he was so desperately lonely when I wasn't there, and a very nice English retiree took him in and became our friend. It was a lovely end to Henry's life. The man lived in a retirement community where everyone fussed over Henry and came to visit him. Glad you had a nice day at home!
Aw that's so sweet and lovely that R and his new dog have each other... :)
Your day sounds really nice and well balanced.
I'm so happy to hear that R got a new dog. So sweet that he went for an older dog.

Lovely story from Marsia too about Henry the cat! Such happy endings for these beautiful animals. ❤️