Today is a home day

Thanks, Marsia, Liza & Llama.
I bought some anti-histamine nasal sprays yesterday (one spare) & hope they will help. The spray is a different ingredient to my morning AH meds. I'll use it for the next couple of months when pollen is at its highest. I used it this morning & I'm breathing better. I'm going to reduce my paracetamol osteo by half & take it 3 times a day instead of two, which will still be only half the recommended maximum dose. My headache is definitely sinusey, my eyes are stinging & I have been sneezing a lot.
R is going to the dogs' home this morning first thing with C. He has been missing his dog badly & had an awful night Wednesday when he found O's collar. R absolutely needs to have a dog to love. His heart is full of love.
Speaking of hearts I gave one to a woman who delivered to my car boot yesterday morning in town & I think she said it made her day at least three times. I also gave M one I had made especially for her. She actually was wearing bright orange, the colour of the heart I had made her. I had better make some more today.
I ordered some green felt but I don't love it & it's not talking to me. Usually, I see combinations that I like, but the green needs a green patterned felt to go with it. I'll have another look to see if there is any in the bundle I was given by J2. I think it's synthetic felt though & I don't like that.
Arch has a pain in the tummy again today. I think it's from stress when we leave him at home. It happens almost every time. I have ordered something from the local pet product store that is meant to help calm dogs & she swears by it.