Cate's Diary

Glad to hear things went so well with the golfing including turning down the position--I can imagine that's a load off!
It certainly is. I wish I wasn't such an overthinker.
That's great! To have that feeling of wanting to get back right away to improve your game. I can sort of imagine how people's advice could really get in the way--like too much thinking getting in the way of just doing the way you know feels right to you.
It's also a lack of confidence. When self-doubt creeps in my golf suffers. I will try to block out advice from now on & trust my judgment more (not just on the golf course).
Very nice about the good haircut and chat!
It was lovely, Liza. I like my hairdresser. I have known her for a long time & we have always got along well. She has a very positive attitude to life. She is Mormon but doesn't try to convert me.
Ah, that's so lovely that you gave your hairdresser a heart. Very sweet.
She always lifts me up & it felt good to give her something back. She gets why I do it. I must make some more. My supply is dwindling a bit.
I also lack confidence, and I know what you mean about assuming that something will happen correctly, and so it just does because you aren't getting in your own way. I need to do that more, too! Happy heart making!
I bet by the next time you get need a haircut she'll either have started making hearts or pass on her stock. I love that you gave her a heart!
I will try to block out advice from now on & trust my judgment more (not just on the golf course).
It is so great to see that connection from the golf course to other things in life--I always feel like my running has been a good teacher for me in approaching life in general...
I also lack confidence, and I know what you mean about assuming that something will happen correctly, and so it just does because you aren't getting in your own way. I need to do that more, too! Happy heart making!
Thanks, M. I must stop getting in my own way. I only made one heart yesterday but it's one for my SIL who loves purple. She always has.
I bet by the next time you get need a haircut she'll either have started making hearts or pass on her stock. I love that you gave her a heart!
Thanks, Llama. I wonder if she'll make time to start.
It is so great to see that connection from the golf course to other things in life--I always feel like my running has been a good teacher for me in approaching life in general...
Thanks, Liza. I love golf & want to keep loving it. I need to stop worrying about things & what people might think & just play & have fun. Golf is such a mental game, especially up close to the greens. It's the old "if you think you can, you can" thing & if you lose confidence your game goes along with it.

Our son, R has been feeling very lonely. He has always had a dog & you would never meet anyone who loves his dog more than R. I didn't know whether to mention it or not but a very cute dog came up in my feed from the dogs' home in Hobart. I rang to see how he was yesterday as he sounded so sad the night before. I asked him if he thought he would leave getting a dog for a while & he told me he was already looking. Actually, I just had another look & there are two dogs that I love the look of. There are also 2 that look very similar to his O which made me feel sad. R has so much love to give & he needs a dog.
I always loved how Andy Warhol dealt with what people might think. He was questioned by an interviewer once and he asked the interviewer if he could just answer, "Blah, blah, blah," and she giggled and shook her head yes. So, he proclaimed with a flourish, "Blah, blah, blah!" I think Rob has a great approach to joke if you are feeling judged. I often hear things like a sister giving her brother advice and him saying with a laugh that it's great advice, but of course he isn't going to take it. I hope I can be like that some day.

I hope R finds the perfect dog. That's so sad about O. I hope you have a great weekend, Cate!!
Thanks, M. I hope I can be like that one day too. R will be better when he gets another dog to love. I had better get a move on & get into this weekend xoxo
I think I have already Em :) It's 1.40 p.m. on Saturday & I have had 2 outings already. On into our local town to pick up some shopping, quickly catch up with an old golfer & take Arch for a walk & then after lunch down to a cafe on the highway to pick up some sponsorship for a golf tournament from one of our nieces. She & her husband have a big building company. Another walk for Arch & now I'm ready for a nap as I didn't sleep well last night. We're golfing tomorrow (120 km return drive).
Thanks, Liza. Yesterday was a good day & I dragged myself off to bed early after dropping off in my chair & I slept until 6 a.m. We're leaving in about half an hour & I feel refreshed & raring to go. I ordered a new golf shirt online yesterday (navy & white) & some golf pants on Friday (navy blue). I have never had golf pants & they look shmick, comfortable & practical with proper pockets.
Nice you got caught up on sleep and are feeling so good now! I love nice pants with good pockets. I hope you love wearing them!
Thanks, Liza. Yesterday was a good day & I dragged myself off to bed early after dropping off in my chair & I slept until 6 a.m. We're leaving in about half an hour & I feel refreshed & raring to go. I ordered a new golf shirt online yesterday (navy & white) & some golf pants on Friday (navy blue). I have never had golf pants & they look shmick, comfortable & practical with proper pockets.
Sounds great--getting a good proper sleep and waking raring to go!
And excellent about the nice golf pants!
Thanks, Marsia, Llama & Liza. I hope the golf pants fit me as they're coming from the US :oops: Golf clothes are so expensive & these were reasonably priced & look so good 🤞 The top I ordered may be a size too big as I went one up from the one I have. Don't ask me why because I don't really know, except that the model in the photo looked a little bumpy around the middle.
I had a really good day yesterday. I had booked a cart at the course & offered a ride to a woman (J) who was there without her partner. She plays off a much higher handicap than me. I spent most of the day trying to cheer her up & calm her down. She was in tears at least three times at her game. G & I talked about it last night & we both think she won't get much better as she doesn't seem to enjoy it at all & puts constant pressure on herself. She just can't relax & enjoy it. I got her laughing as we went along but I really felt sorry for her.
My score for the day was very ordinary but on one of the holes (the 2nd) I played the best golf that I possibly could. It's a par 5 for men & women & is 466 metres long, a dog leg to the right, & I got to within 6" of the hole in 3 shots (driver, 3 wood, 3 wood) & putted out for a birdie. I think I'm still in shock. M I don't think believed me when I told her after the game. She looked at me very sceptically & said she couldn't possibly do that & I said you can ask G & D who saw it. It really felt like magic to me. I play some really good shots here & there that usually surprise me but 3 in a row like that on a top course was something else. I love golf. I may never be consistent with it, but it's shots like that that make me want to get back out there.
That's a shame your friend was being too hard on herself. I don't do well with most sports and it took me forever to get so I don't care. That sounds magical making such a hard hole. I love when skills come together like that in a surprising new way. It's always so nice to savor those times!
Thanks, M & Llama. I don't know J well at all but she has only been playing for 2.5 years. I think she started because her partner is an avid golfer. I think she has probably been good at other sports. I know her close friend is a keen rower. J is a sports masseuse & keeps having lots of lessons. She thinks she should be getting much better at golf, but maybe she won't. It seems to matter too much to her. She puts the pressure on herself & I don't think it's social pressure. I have accepted that I will never be great at golf, but love it when I do play some really good shots. It's best to focus on those & not the bad ones as there will always be plenty of those. I am hoping for a hole-in-one one day. I would love to get my name up on the honour boards again somewhere & I don't care where.
I have had a good active, healthy day today.
Edit: One of our golfing "buddies" died of a heart attack over the weekend. We weren't close to him but he was in G's vets group & a life member of the club. He used to do lots & lots of work at the club out on the course. He was a prickly character but we got along well with him. He was a real worrier. He is in between us in age.
Sorry to hear about your golfing "buddy". Even if you weren't close that would be a shock :grouphug:

She thinks she should be getting much better at golf, but maybe she won't. It seems to matter too much to her. She puts the pressure on herself & I don't think it's social pressure.
Maybe the tension is keeping her from playing better, like you said you get into your head too much sometimes and it's bad for your play.