Cate's Diary

Thanks, Arvo, Marsia, Liza & Em. R is a very loving & kind person. Not many people would take on such an old dog. Our other son, D rang last night so excited as they made an offer on a house out in the country & it has been accepted. They were over the moon. I could hear his wife in the background adding stuff about the house. He said he can't wait to show us. I had looked online the other day & picked which one it might be & had a good look. They are planning on getting chooks & a few sheep & a cow & can't wait to get away from having such close neighbours. I asked him a bit later if he had told his brother & he said he was just texting him. He & his wife are in Hobart but probably haven't told R that they're there. R was really hurt when he offered for them to stay with them when they come down next but D declined & said they like treating themselves to fancy hotels. There is a slight undercurrent between the two brothers but mostly they get along well. They are quite different. It was so nice that D rang me last night to tell me about the house.
G & I are playing golf today with 2 men in a team event, which will be fun. It's a beautiful day.
I wonder how the first night with the new/old dog went.
Edit: I have run out of time to get around all of the diaries & won't be back until tomorrow xoxo
Best of luck in the golf today Cate.

Great news for D and the new house. Sounds lovely.
Can't wait to hear about how the dogs get along. That sounds so nice having a place with chickens and sheep out in the country, and nice D is so excited. Happy golfing!
Congratulations R on a the new dog and D on the new house!
I honestly hate staying overnight with people (except my parents) because I always feel like I might be in the way so I make myself as small as possible even though my hosts mean well and wouldn't want me to do so. I guess I just don't like feeling beholden to anyone, so I understand the "we prefer tot treat ourselves" stance. But I can understand how it would hurt someone so caring.
Oh exciting about D buying a new place out in the countryside. Sounds lovely! How far a drive is it from where you are?
Thanks, everyone :grouphug: R slept on the couch the first night with his new/old dog. He is used to being an outside dog. Yesterday R built him a bit of an enclosure with pallets around a kennel that C already had & he slept in that last night. He just sent me a couple of videos of him. He looks like such a sweet old thing. R is heading down to his place soon to get it set up so that BJ will have a comfortable space on his front porch. He won't be as needy as a puppy or a hound & should cope well with being left on his own during the day while R is at work. He may even be able to take him with him to work.
Yesterday was very full on. We were out at the golf course at 9 a.m. Our team came 5th I think & we had a good day. It wasn't as much fun for me without having T there, & the other 2 men took it a bit too seriously for my liking but the day was perfect & I played some good shots. I drove well & we had no trouble getting me qualified. I can outdrive one of the men.
We weren't home long & then we had to go out again & didn't get home until 10.30. I am knackered today but have 3 days where I don't have to go anywhere.
I have a slight sore throat this morning & I put this down to a few things. One of the volunteer workers out at the course damaged one of the mowers & it spilled diesel through the shed where we also store our ride-on golf buggies. I was first there in the morning & had to open up the shed, not knowing about this, so didn't have a chance to wear a mask. It took me a couple of hours to recover & I was reacting to every smell in the place.
Last night the BBQ was held in a great big shed & most of the women there wore perfume & the BBQ smoked out the shed at one stage.
A couple of days at home will hopefully clear my lungs.
I'm going to start logging everything again. I really want to fit back into my Summer clothes & my new golf pants that are on the way. I rashly ordered these pants hoping they will fit, but knowing that they don't come in a bigger size.
It's nice to hear that R and his dog are bonding, and that he is mellow enough to take to work. Does he get along with the other dog ok? That's a shame that the other golfers were so serious. If I can't relax and have fun doing sports, I don't enjoy them as much either. I hope you can go out on the green with T again soon. I love hearing how happy you are after a day with her. I hope the new golf pants fit you nicely!
I don't mind the smell of diesel but smoke drives me insane. Hard to breathe and it makes my skin itch regardless of the source. No wonder your throat is irritated with a double whammy like that.
It's nice to hear that R and his dog are bonding, and that he is mellow enough to take to work. Does he get along with the other dog ok?
I'm not sure that R will take him to work yet, but he should be ok to leave at home for now. He gets along really well with C's dog. He may leave him there & travel from her place for a couple of days. I'm not sure.
That's a shame that the other golfers were so serious. If I can't relax and have fun doing sports, I don't enjoy them as much either. I hope you can go out on the green with T again soon. I love hearing how happy you are after a day with her. I hope the new golf pants fit you nicely!
I prefer just to go out & have fun. T has injured her elbow but I hope she's good to play on Wednesday 🤞 She makes me happy that's for sure. I played with her husband yesterday. It does his head in how T plays. She & I laugh our way around the course & notice birds & chat constantly & he can't handle it. He's a lovely guy & they have been together forever so she is very used to it. They are very close. As close as us probably.
I don't mind the smell of diesel but smoke drives me insane. Hard to breathe and it makes my skin itch regardless of the source. No wonder your throat is irritated with a double whammy like that.
It's not a matter of not minding or minding the fumes from diesel that's for sure. Diesel fumes even from a car I am following affect me badly. After being exposed to diesel I then react strongly to things that would normally not affect me anywhere near as much. Fire smoke does too, but not as much as diesel fumes. My throat is OK this afternoon thank goodness. thanks, Llama.
I have had a fairly lazy day really but still managed a walk with Arch & went down through the bush. Unfortunately, he got a leech on him. Leeches freak me out. They are gross. It didn't latch on to him but was trying to burrow through his fur. Our neighbour got it off for me. I think that puts an end to the walks through the bush 😥 Our back bush block is like a small rainforest. I think I'll take Arch to the vet soon for his annual checkup/vaccinations & ask them about leech prevention & fern tick protection. He's not due until November.
I prefer just to go out & have fun. T has injured her elbow but I hope she's good to play on Wednesday 🤞 She makes me happy that's for sure. I played with her husband yesterday. It does his head in how T plays. She & I laugh our way around the course & notice birds & chat constantly & he can't handle it. He's a lovely guy & they have been together forever so she is very used to it. They are very close. As close as us probably.
It's so good you've found such a perfect golf buddy. It made me laugh to hear how her husband is driven nuts with her chatting on and laughing her way round the golf course-good you two can enjoy each other!

Unfortunately, he got a leech on him. Leeches freak me out. They are gross. It didn't latch on to him but was trying to burrow through his fur. Our neighbour got it off for me. I think that puts an end to the walks through the bush 😥 Our back bush block is like a small rainforest.
Oh dear about the leech. i don't like stuff like that either--leeches or ticks or anything else that wants to latch on like's too bad it would limit where you can walk...
Burning diesel is bad for me as well, especially if it isn't burning efficienctly. I kind of like the smell, because happy memories of harvest time, but I still avoid it because being able to breathe is more important.

Your golf rounds with T sound amazing! I tagged along on the golf course with an ex a couple of times and I did love the scenery but golfers themselves are elitist around here and it makes me nervous so they can keep their game.
It's so good you've found such a perfect golf buddy. It made me laugh to hear how her husband is driven nuts with her chatting on and laughing her way round the golf course-good you two can enjoy each other!
She is such a good golfing buddy. I would love to be surrounded by people like T :grouphug:
Oh dear about the leech. i don't like stuff like that either--leeches or ticks or anything else that wants to latch on like's too bad it would limit where you can walk...
It is too bad. We have 50 acres & over half of it is beautiful bush ( a forest) & when it's not snaky it's leechy. I can put eucalyptus oil on my boots & hat, but I can't put it on Archie. This leech hadn't actually latched onto him but was struggling to get through his thick fur. It was hard to get off & I was grateful to our neighbour. They make me feel sick just looking at them. Ticks are worse. I think I'll make up a small spray bottle of salt and vinegar & spray it on Arch before we go walking & take a little one with me. Distilled vinegar is the go apparently. I just fell down a rabbit hole looking at ways to prevent them and getting them off & vinegar features strongly.
Your golf rounds with T sound amazing! I tagged along on the golf course with an ex a couple of times and I did love the scenery but golfers themselves are elitist around here and it makes me nervous so they can keep their game.
Golfers around here are in no way elitist or I would be nowhere near a golf course. I am allergic to snobbery. I love the game.
I think almost anyone can play here & you can pick up second-hand clubs very cheaply. A lot of players do upgrade their clubs regularly. Mine I was given & they're lovely, Calloway graphite shafted clubs.
That's really sad about not getting to enjoy walks on your property because of the snakes and leaches and ticks. Could you mow a wide path for walking on? My mom used to do that when she lived next door to my grandparents' farm - she mowed a path to the pine forest for walking because the ticks there give you Lyme disease. I have trouble with diesel vehicles where you can smell the diesel and old cars that have a lot of exhaust. I really need to consciously eat more garlic and onion and frutis with vitamin C to get my immune system up. When I do, those things don't bug me as much. It's really nice that golfing isn't expensive there. We went along the same golf course yesterday and I can really see why people like golf. It looks strategic, is good exercise, and you'd get fabulous walks in while getting to socialize. I hope T's elbow heals quickly and you can get out on the course together!
That is funny how golf would have ever become an elitist game in some countries and not in others...Like it doesn't seem like it should be in its simplicity really. I could see having some fancy golf courses that are only accessed by the rich, but really you should be able to keep the game simple. I'm glad it's a nice accessible game where you are Cate.

Is it that Archie goes off the trails and into the bush? That's what I see on my walks all the time--the dogs love to get off trail and bounce through the forest sections...I think that's where the ticks and everything else becomes a worry...Anyways I hope the vinegar works.
Just popping in quickly to let you know that I have been without the internet today as they’re working in our area & will be for another week. I’m too tired to catch up tonight & will be going to golf tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll wake up full of beans!
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em. It seems the internet will be intermittent & unpredictable so I'll just post briefly, but maybe do my diary first up each day.
I just looked up Mexican Jumping Beans & am glad I don't have them in my stomach!
I do feel much better though & am ready to go to golf. Shopping tires me out more than anything & I'm sure it's because of all of my reactions to fragrance on top of seasonal allergies. I am madly sneezing this morning & have taken an extra AH. I'll wear my mask when I go in the greenkeepers' shed to get my buggy this morning. I wish they were in a separate section like they were going to be.
We are having an afternoon tea today as one of our retired players just turned 90 & another has to quit due to Osteoporosis & a fracture in her spine.