Thank you, Liza, Marsia & Llama

Ringing T, who is like a ray of sunshine, lifted my spirits & got me going. She truly is inspirational. She giggles a lot & seems to find the humour in everything. We talk about anything & everything. She's a tonic. Her husband is sharing a room with G on this trip & it's their first time apart. Like G, he was worrying about having everything just right for her & fussing. She's not meant to be driving after her hand operation but is going to drive to work today (she works one day a week) today as she's bored at home. I told her how naughty that was.
Marsia, I love canned tuna. It feels funny for me to share a "recipe" of my own. Most people who know me know that I don't cook. I used to decades ago, but it's never been something I particularly enjoy & I'm very self-critical about my cooking "skills". About most things really.
Archie has settled down again & was back to his usual self yesterday. He loves an outing & just loves being by my side.
I decided against the ice cream last night & had yoghurt with fruit last night after dinner. I was hungry at about 9 p.m. & had 4 rice crackers with hommus. I had a deficit of 379 cals.
Only one more sleep, LLama. Only one more sleep! It really does feel like I am taking extra care of myself this time with G away. Usually, I would have had a glass or two of wine some nights and/or some chocolate or sweet biscuits.
Yesterday I did a quick list of what I would really want to take with me if I moved & it's not a big list. I'm not super attached to our furniture. Even the dining table which belonged to my great aunt & uncle & has an extension I'm not that attached to & can't imagine it fitting into a smaller house or unit. I did the list on my phone under my notes & I think it will be good to add and/or subtract to it. I find doing this is fun. I can imagine living in a cottage or a bungalow in town. Having an undercover outdoor area where most of my plants could live would have to be a high priority & a safe & secluded dog yard.
Maybe we should start looking again......