Cate's Diary

Thanks, folks :grouphug:
I had a rough evening & night & just tested positive. I registered for the at-home program just then. I'm not sure if I will be able to get anti-virals though as it's Saturday & our local pharmacy shuts at midday. Hopefully, I won't get much worse than I am now. I might ring the hotline & see if they can organise me some anti-virals. *sigh*
just tested positive. I registered for the at-home program just then. I'm not sure if I will be able to get anti-virals though as it's Saturday
Sorry to hear that, and I hope you get those anti-virals quickly. I believe they helped me a lot.

Hope your covid experience is brief and mild!!
Thanks, Rob & Tru. I have started taking the antivirals already & my kit arrived within a couple of hours of my registering so I will start doing the home tests at 4 pm. They're run off their feet at the moment as there is a big spike in cases in Tasmania at the moment. I'm very grateful. I hope I don't feel any worse than I do now.
I have started taking the antivirals already & my kit arrived within a couple of hours of my registering so I will start doing the home tests at 4 pm.
Wow that was fast, and I understand the sooner the better with the antivirals.
They're run off their feet at the moment as there is a big spike in cases in Tasmania at the moment. I'm very grateful.
You have an impressive health service, we have nothing so efficient!
I hope I don't feel any worse than I do now.
If my experience is any guide you shouldn't, not much anyway.

Heal soon!
Thanks, Rob & LLama. I think this is something that our Tasmanian state government has done well. I'm really impressed with everyone I have spoken to today & had a good laugh with the doctor. She read my mind about a plan & then said she didn't hear a thing, but agreed that my plan would work. She was good fun. I am taking it very easy.
Thanks, Llama, Vic & Liza :grouphug:
I'm already feeling a little better this morning.
I'll take it easy again today & tomorrow I have to make some calls to cancel a couple of appointments this week.
So sorry to hear you caught Covid, too, but so glad to hear you are feeling better already. Your healthcare sounds amazing there, and I'm so glad you can get treatment from home and rest and recuperate! :grouphug: s and more :grouphug:s!!!
So sorry to hear you caught Covid, too, but so glad to hear you are feeling better already. Your healthcare sounds amazing there, and I'm so glad you can get treatment from home and rest and recuperate! :grouphug: s and more :grouphug:s!!!
Thank you. I must be feeling quite a bit better as I'm getting bored. I can't do much though as even little chores exhaust me. The covid at home program is really good. A nurse rang G yesterday to see how he was doing. Of course, he always says he is better than he actually is.
sleeping lots sounds perfect. Glad to hear you're getting better and taking it easy.
I'm tired about an hour after getting up, but napping seems to be what I need to do. The doctor I spoke to on Saturday stressed that it is very important to take it easy & rest as much as I can.
Thanks, Em. I was only just listening to a new release from a singer I like (after seeing her for the first time at a RocKwiz concert last year) & thought of you. It's on Spotify. The song is "Enjoy The Ride" & she's Fanny Lumsden.
Have you only had 2 covid shots, Em?
I must be feeling quite a bit better as I'm getting bored.
Yes, that is a good sign, hope you continue to improve!
A nurse rang G yesterday to see how he was doing. Of course, he always says he is better than he actually is.
LOL, I think a lot of us do, wishful thinking sometimes.
The doctor I spoke to on Saturday stressed that it is very important to take it easy & rest as much as I can.
I am sure that's true, do it!
Thanks, Rob. I have been taking it easy. I went to get in the shower this morning & instead crawled into bed. Archie wasn't impressed & growled at me, so I very reluctantly crawled out & had a shower. He doesn't seem to be able to jump up on our bed easily any more, but he also doesn't like a change in the routine.
I haven't had any energy at all, but have re-read To Kill A Mockingbird. It was my original book from High School, which I first read in 1968.
I will be happy when I feel well again. I managed to re-schedule my dentist appointments & hair appointment yet again.
I am so sick of being at home.
Boredom is generally a good sign. If Archie still does jump up onto the bed maybe it would be helpful to have little steps or a ramp so he doesn't hurt himself?