Cate's Diary

Happy birthday to G!!!
Thanks, Vic! I just told him 😊
I second the Happy Birthday to G! Do you know what foods to eat when you have low blood pressure? My family tends toward low blood pressure, and K has that, too, and her meds make it worse so she gets really woozy, too. Glad you are feeling well enough to get out and go grocery shopping. You recovered so fast!!
Prawn risotto sounds great. Hope you enjoy the quieter birthday together.
G makes a delicious Risotto. I’m so sick of being home, Em!
I second the Happy Birthday to G! Do you know what foods to eat when you have low blood pressure? My family tends toward low blood pressure, and K has that, too, and her meds make it worse so she gets really woozy, too. Glad you are feeling well enough to get out and go grocery shopping. You recovered so fast!!
Thanks, M. I used to have low blood pressure but that changed about 15 years ago when it went through the roof. 3 meds later….my cardio is happy but occasionally it goes a little too low. I have a bit of salt & I’m good again.
I won’t be challenging myself with the shopping, that’s for sure. I am feeling quite a bit better today but won’t be silly.
Happy birthday to G and further well-wishes, Cate :) Could the low blood pressure be causing sweet cravings? I seem to remember that back when I had very low blood pressure it often coincided with low blood sugar as well: could that be a thing for you?
I won’t be challenging myself with the shopping, that’s for sure. I am feeling quite a bit better today but won’t be silly.
Glad you're being sensible and continuing to listen to your body--good to get fully recovered rather than risk making it worse again.
And Happy Birthday to G!
Happy birthday to G and further well-wishes, Cate :) Could the low blood pressure be causing sweet cravings? I seem to remember that back when I had very low blood pressure it often coincided with low blood sugar as well: could that be a thing for you?
Thanks, Llama. I think the sweet cravings are coming from me feeling so run down from the virus. I have ordered a heap of fruit online so I don't have to shop for them today. We'll just do our golf shopping & frozen stuff from a wholesale warehouse.
Glad you're being sensible and continuing to listen to your body--good to get fully recovered rather than risk making it worse again.
And Happy Birthday to G!
Thanks, Liza. I am listening to my body & it's telling me that I am nowhere near healed yet. I coughed & coughed last night & feel pretty tired this morning. I need to get out of the house but I can just stay in the car if I want.
I have been using a spacer with Ventolin a couple of times a day on top of my usual preventer, which I always use morning & night. I didn't take the "top-of-the-range" antivirals because of the side effects risk & because I would have had to stop taking some of my blood pressure meds. The doctor who I spoke to said she would do the same (after I told her that I was happy to take the same ones as G). They finish today.
I think the sweet cravings are coming from me feeling so run down from the virus.
Funny how that works, when I am feeling bad it seems I either lose my apatite or have strong cravings. Cravings all too often. Harder to resist when you are not feeling good.
I am listening to my body & it's telling me that I am nowhere near healed yet. I coughed & coughed last night & feel pretty tired this morning. I need to get out of the house but I can just stay in the car if I want.
Good to listen to your body and take it easy. Going out but staying in the car sounds like a good thing. Hopefully the thing will soon pass and you'll be back to normal.
Losing your apatite would be a shame: some of them are so pretty!

(Combination of being pedantic and excited to share mineral knowledge: )
You got me, and I do know the difference.

Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral, I actually did some with with apatite to remove fluoride from drinking water years ago. Turns out too much fluoride in water is worse for your teeth than none. And I have some friends who developed a fish bone based apatite for treating heavy metals in soil. So I have typed the word a lot of times, and it still comes out a lot when I am thinking about appetite. They are pronounced identically.

Appetite- I wish I had lost mine, but unfortunately didn't.
I'm feeling much better today & think my body is starting to give this bug the flick. I'm still a bit mucky, but not too bad.
I think I'll start tracking again tomorrow & do a bit more walking. Maybe a couple of smaller walks a day until I can build up to a game of golf. I'm hoping to play on Wednesday.
I have been doing little walks with Archie around our block. Soon we will have these pesky sticky weeds out (& snakes). G saw one on a walk along the road a couple of weeks ago. It's still a bit cool overnight but they'll be out there somewhere.
That stinks that you have so many snakes and tall grass with all sorts of creepy crawlies in it. I looked in to renting a goat heard to eat all the poison oak on our CA property once. Too bad I can't rent a goat heard for you for Christmas! Smaller walks to build up your stamina seem really nice. Is Archie going stir crazy, too?
Snakes are wonderful but I can see not wanting to accidentally step on/startle a venomous one. Yay for more energy!
Thanks, M. Unfortunately, renting a goat herd won't work. Our fences aren't good enough for goats & I don't like tethering them. Our sheep eat almost anything & they don't touch this stuff. By the end of Summer, they are covered in it. A ton of spray would be needed to get rid of it. It's a horrible plant, designed to spread absolutely everywhere- socks, gloves, shoes, dogs, sheep......
Acaena novae-zelandiae (Rosaceae)
G has been walking Archie & I took him for a fairly long walk this afternoon & I have been taking him for small walks.
I have been feeling a bit grumpy today. I'm sick of myself.
Those do look like a bother. I hope you'll continue feeling better so you won't get on your own nerves as much.
I looked up the plant and it looks really tenacious. I don't think I've seen a seed that will even stick to feathers. Ugh, I can imagine that in sheep's wool and dog fur. It's good that G is recovered now and can take Archie for walks, and that you're feeling a lot better. I hope you can find a nice DVD or something to get into another fun or happy realm. :grouphug:
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza.
I did another test last night (even though I was told not to as you can test positive for weeks afterwards, apparently) & it was negative so today I am going out to the club to watch the end of the club championships. G & I will do a tip run along the way as it needs doing. You don't get dirty at all.
It will be good to feel well again. It's also hay fever season so it's hard to know what is left from covid & what is "normal" for me at this time of year. My lungs probably aren't great.
I have started logging again today. Thanks, Liza :)
I probably was just being hopeful, Llama xo
I was so glad to get out of the house though, but I have zero energy & absolutely no stamina.