Cate's Diary

So glad to hear the day went so well and everyone seemed in good spirits despite some issues with the greens.
I'm sure your suggestion for the offered refund really helped people to just accept it and play on and enjoy the day.
But yes---feeling the change in culture and attitude at the club is the best news of all!
Way to go on making the day such a success Cate!
Thank you very much, Liza xo

Day 1 (for the gazillionth time)
Tracking, (under 1500 cals), walking the dog (if it stops raining. We really need this rain!) Maybe some squats...
BF Eggs & 1/4 avocado on toast.
Mood- good
Well done Cate, how brilliant to get that recognition and appreciation from people that you never got before. Well-deserved!

Glad that the mood is good.
Thank you, Em! It was so good to feel respected. It's so different these days. It's how it should be.
I think my mood has lifted a lot as I also feel a lot better physically. I took Archie for a good walk yesterday & got a little short of breath, but then recovered quickly.
Thank you very much, Liza xo

Day 1 (for the gazillionth time)
Tracking, (under 1500 cals), walking the dog (if it stops raining. We really need this rain!) Maybe some squats...
BF Eggs & 1/4 avocado on toast.
Mood- good
Good for you getting back to tracking!
Glad you recovered well after getting a little short of breath. i imagine it will take some easing back into things after covid.
Thank you, Llama & Liza :grouphug:
I didn't finish tracking yesterday & I will go & do it right now!
Hmmm. Nothing there at all. I'll try to put today's in now.
BF: small bowl GF cereal with unsweetened almond milk, 1 piece GF toast with PB. Black coffee.
Lunch: a big salad with half a baked stuffed potato in its jacket.
Dinner: curries (venison curry & a vegetable curry) with a little rice. Maybe with some rhubarb chutney, a papadam & a dollop of Greek-style yoghurt. Fruit platter.
Nothing had been planned for the day so it was good that I asked :) Curries are in the freezer. That is 1266 cals.

We have had a lovely rain & it's cool & fresh this morning. G & I are going to do housework today & may go into town tomorrow. There is a lot on between now & Christmas & getting the house really clean & tidy would be good.
BF: small bowl GF cereal with unsweetened almond milk, 1 piece GF toast with PB. Black coffee.
Lunch: a big salad with half a baked stuffed potato in its jacket.
Dinner: curries (venison curry & a vegetable curry) with a little rice. Maybe with some rhubarb chutney, a papadam & a dollop of Greek-style yoghurt. Fruit platter.
Sounds good! I really like curry, but don't often get it.
... That is 1266 cals.
Good as well! I think the tracking is helping you. Are you using MFP?

Good on the walk too!
So wonderful to hear that the golf club culture is turning around and that you and G are finally being respected for your input! And so glad you took it easy. I often am impressed at how when I do things while sick I can do them in so much more relaxed a manner and enjoy them so much more. I try to remember to learn from this when it happens! I want to give Llama's comment two thumbs up. Getting back on the horse really is the important thing, not how many times we've slipped off it!! It's wonderful being in a group of people so dedicated to our health, and there is nothing to feel funny about as far as the struggle. We can just dust ourselves off and keep going, and at the very least, we didn't gain a ton of weight while not trying, so it's all a big win really!!
Good for you with the tracking--your meals always sound so good!
Nice that you are getting back to your walks --G sounds like a good sort of nag to have around--getting the dishes done, getting out for walks...I could sure use a G at times!
The curries were absolutely delicious, Rob. You could curry some of your fish. I love curried white fish, cooked with some coconut milk. Tracking helps me see where I am going wrong that's for sure. I do use MFP. You probably aren't seeing much as I'm rarely finishing tracking the day :blush5:

Oh, Marsia. It is so much better out at the club. There are so many out there now who all pitch in to help one another. I'll try to remember to learn from last Thursday. I just didn't get at all stressed & was able to calm the president of the club down in the morning. He was expecting complaints & I just told him I didn't think it would happen & that I think they are a good bunch of folks.
This is such a good supportive environment. Not giving up on ourselves & supporting one another is so important. I am struggling to focus on losing weight. It's just not happening magically. When I lost a lot of weight back in 2007 I had to become obsessive about it. I'm an all-or-nothing sort of person. I just don't want to be obsessive again. It's unhealthy.

Liza- my tracking starts off well, but unfortunately, it is being derailed by a couple of glasses of wine at about 5 pm. I'm still eating super healthy, delicious meals & the wine doesn't have me snacking or eating junk. G is the best sort of nag to have around. He has my best interests at heart.
Your food sounds delicious and well done on the walk.
Thanks, Em.

I had better get moving. We have a few things to do in town & then we'll plant out the rest of the tomatoes when we get home.
It's nice to see your garden season is getting underway properly now that it's getting gloomy and cold here: reminds me that life doesn't end but just moves south for winter, like the birds :)

Why are you having trouble finishing your daily tracking? Do you forget or is it because you don't want to have to enter certain things?
I'm an all-or-nothing sort of person. I just don't want to be obsessive again. It's unhealthy.
Yes being unhealthy/obsessive over losing weight is also not ideal...I think that all- or- nothing thing can really get us in a lot of ways. It's hard to stick to things in the long-term which is probably why so many of us regain weight after losing...I hope you can find your way to a healthy moderate. That's what I'm aiming for...
It's nice to see your garden season is getting underway properly now that it's getting gloomy and cold here: reminds me that life doesn't end but just moves south for winter, like the birds :)
It's funny but just reading about gloomy & cold makes me feel a bit gloomy. I forget how much the seasons affect me. I'm also glad we don't have the extreme heat & humidity that so many people have all over the world. Today I'm in a jumper.
Why are you having trouble finishing your daily tracking? Do you forget or is it because you don't want to have to enter certain things?
I do forget usually but maybe it's a bit of both. I don't like using MFP on my phone because the ads take up so much space on my screen. At night I rarely turn on my laptop.
Yesterday's deficit was 233 cals.
R is coming up on Friday for a couple of nights. There are a few dogs he wants to check out.
That's a nice deficit for yesterday.
I know for me it can be hard getting back into logging things after I haven't done so in a while...I've been good with it lately but I know it can sometimes just feel like a bit of a pain!