Cate's Diary

I just messaged D & apparently, he & T are coming up here with her younger daughter & our 2 GKs for our new tradition of Christmas Eve dinner :ROFLMAO:. He said it was my idea last year as their day is too full on with lunch
lol good he let you know! And wonderful to have plans in place to see everyone.
I sure hope G is feeling better quickly and that you both will be full on healthy for Christmas celebrations!
That's so great about the Christmas Eve feast, Cate! I hope G recovers quickly.
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em. I'm waiting for G to appear this morning. I slept in a spare bed last night & got a good night's sleep. G was snoring his head off & I wanted him (& me) to get as much sleep as possible. It's just after 8 am & he has just appeared. "I'm better" he just said. *groan*. Last night you would have thought he was dying. He hates having a runny nose :svengo:
Hopefully, he feels well enough to make something Christmassy between now & Christmas Eve.
I still have one day's worth of ABs left & I'm not sure whether to ring & get a repeat or not.
G went downhill after about an hour of getting up, but he doesn't seem too bad now. I had been thinking about ringing the doctor but then I got a call from a friend's husband to tell me that she was in the hospital. She had Covid about the same time as me & went for her annual kidney function blood test yesterday & she got sent straight to the hospital. They may have to put her on dialysis. She asked her husband to ring me as I said I was having back pain with all of the coughing. I rang the medical centre & the doctor I saw last week rang me back & agreed that having a test for kidney function was a good idea & he will leave a referral for a blood test at the front desk for me to pick up first thing tomorrow. I like this doctor. I told him I'm no worse & he thinks it will just take a while for my cough to get better & doesn't think another dose of antibiotics will help.
I hope G rests and takes it easy to allow himself to properly kick whatever he's got...
That must be scary for your friend possibly having to go on dialysis. So nice of her to think of you and to get her husband to call and tell you to get checked out as well!
I hope you can take these next days to just really rest up Cate.
Wow, so glad you'll get to see your family at Christmas, and I do hope you and G both feel better and like everyone said, that this can be a nice casual tradition and not stressful! I'm sure no one would mind if everything is store bought and you can just relax and enjoy family!!
I'm sure the blood test will be negative but it's good to get it checked anyway. Here's to a swift recovery for both you and G.
Thanks, Llama, Liza, Marsia & Em. I'm sure the test will be fine too. I have to leave soon to get there early as it's a fasting blood test. I have a toastie made, but not yet cooked, to take with me. The smell in the car might drive me bonkers. I'll put it in the boot I think. G has it in his head that afterwards we'll play 9 holes of golf in my cart in the turkey run, just on our own. Here goes......
For the first day for weeks & weeks I woke without coughing up muck!
If you just woke up feeling somewhat decently for the first time it's too early to play golf. I hope it goes well though.
If you just woke up feeling somewhat decently for the first time it's too early to play golf. I hope it goes well though.
It was too early to play golf, Llama, but I did anyway. We only played 9 holes & in my ride on cart. I didn't exert myself. Getting some fresh air into my lungs felt good. It was very fresh. I played some really good shots, mainly because I didn't try too hard.
We did a little shopping on the way home. I have done an online supermarket shop which will be delivered tomorrow & I don't want to do another physical shop for a week.
I dozed off about half a dozen times this afternoon but then took Arch for a short walk. I won't try playing golf for another week I think & once again, only 9 holes in my cart. I love my cart!
It really was, Llama. I must get out there more often. I’m glad we don’t have such crazy hot weather here in Tasmania. Fresh air & sleep- so important!
Wow--nice you were able to get out for a bit of golf and get some nice fresh air. Fresh air combined with good sleeps sounds like a good recipe for healing!
Wow--nice you were able to get out for a bit of golf and get some nice fresh air. Fresh air combined with good sleeps sounds like a good recipe for healing!
Thanks, Liza. I thanked G for being such a nag. It did me good mentally & I slept during the evening & then again all night. G even won a chook, which surprised him as his score was OK, but not great.
Thanks, Em. I have had another nap this afternoon. I just am struggling to stay awake. My cart is definitely not "Carty". I'm a bit allergic to baby talk. When our kids were babies I didn't call sheep baa baas etc as I didn't see the point of teaching them one thing & then having to change it. I regretted them calling me Mummy, instead of Mum straight up. Mummy and Daddy from older kids (& adults *groan*) to me sounds painful. I haven't come up with a name for him yet. I do think he is a he though. He's a bit macho & needs to be personalised for me. I just haven't thought of how yet. I don't want my cart to be girly. Any suggestions for names will be given much consideration.
I just found an etsy store that does cart decals & so I am keen to get some writing on my cart.
I also will ring my dentist now. Thanks for the reminder, Em!
My cart is definitely not "Carty". I'm a bit allergic to baby talk.
lol i never thought of that as baby talk...more like a term of affection...but we will have to find an appropriately macho name for your cart then!
:p Well if he isn't (Mc)Carty maybe he can just be Paul?
haha good one!
He's a bit macho & needs to be personalised for me.
I have been thinking of different ways to personalize my bike as well...