Cate's Diary

Thanks, Liza (& Marsia, Vic & Llama).
We have had a lovely few days, but everyone has gone now & it's just G, Archie & me. I am still sick unfortunately, & will ring the medical centre tomorrow. The doctor wants to see me with the results of my tests (the text said non-urgent) but he also said in my last telehealth call that he wants me to have a chest x-ray, which I have been thinking for a while, that I should have. I'm still very chesty & struggling for breath. I can't seem to shake it.
R did some brush-cutting for us yesterday with D's brushcutter while g did some with ours. G did some more this afternoon. D is calling in on his way home from work & is going to do some trimming underneath shrubs in the garden outside our bedroom to make it easier for G to brush cut in future. I'm glad I asked for help. G & I aren't great at asking for help, but it's time we did. If we want to stay here longer we'll need to get more help. My DIL may be able to help us organise that as that is what she's doing now. She's a qualified nurse, but there's a government program designed to keep people in their own homes & there are all different levels & types of help available.
Sorry to hear you're still under the weather :grouphug: Asking for help would probably also be a way to see D more often...
It's so good you are asking for help and that your daughter in law can help with you staying in your home! That would be so amazing if it could happen!! I'm glad you are getting the chest x-ray. I was worried that you might have bronchitis or something hard to shake like that. I also have trouble asking for help and putting my health first, so I really empathize, so I'm extra happy you are getting help! It's so nice you are surrounded in family who loves you, and I am so glad you are sharing with them what you need!!
Sorry to hear you are still not back to healthy Cate. That sounds so hard especially the struggling for breath. :grouphug:
Very nice you are getting some help around the house. I'm sure everyone is happy to help in any way they can, and yes, as llama points out may be an extra opportunity for good family time.
Sorry to hear you're still under the weather :grouphug: Asking for help would probably also be a way to see D more often...
Thanks, Llama. I hope we do get to see him more often. I think T may encourage him to, which would be nice.
It's so good you are asking for help and that your daughter in law can help with you staying in your home! That would be so amazing if it could happen!! I'm glad you are getting the chest x-ray. I was worried that you might have bronchitis or something hard to shake like that. I also have trouble asking for help and putting my health first, so I really empathize, so I'm extra happy you are getting help! It's so nice you are surrounded in family who loves you, and I am so glad you are sharing with them what you need!!
Thanks, M. Asking for help is so hard for us both. I think T can probably give me some advice on how to go about getting help around the house & it would be a good way of seeing her more often & us getting to know one another a bit better. I am so grateful that something has shifted & we can start over. I do feel well-loved.
I made an appointment with the same doctor that I saw recently. The earliest I could get in was next Friday, the 5th of Jan. I am hoping my lungs did not get too damaged from running a pub when smoking was allowed inside. We were enveloped in it.
Sorry to hear you are still not back to healthy Cate. That sounds so hard especially the struggling for breath. :grouphug:
Very nice you are getting some help around the house. I'm sure everyone is happy to help in any way they can, and yes, as llama points out may be an extra opportunity for good family time.
Thanks, Liza.
I must admit that T was surprised that I was so sick & shocked that I had been for most of December. "D didn't tell me!" she said. I then admitted that I may not have told him & when she was surprised by that I asked her if she tells her kids when she feels sick & she admitted that she probably didn't. We agreed that we try not to worry them. We got a whole lot closer the other night & had some lovely conversations.

G has just gone off to golf & I have decided I'll stay home again today. I was thinking of playing just 9 holes, but I have such a sore throat & am tired. I did have a good night's sleep, which was lovely. I think I'll just faff around for the day.
I hope you can rest and take it easy today. It seems like one of those illnesses where you have to rest a few days even past when you feel better just to be sure it doesn't come back. I hope all goes well with the chest x-ray, and hopefully by then you will feel all better. It's so nice that T and you are bonding now!
Thanks, M. I haven't done much today. I just got back from taking Arch for a walk. I should do that in the mornings before it gets hot. I have done a little necessary housework but not much. I finished a book (Ian Rankin, "The Complaints") & have turned on the test cricket & am half watching it. I also had a nap at midday.
It is such a relief to have connected with T. I hope we can keep that going.
Thanks, Liza. I am so sick of the need to rest, to be honest. I think I'll ring the medical centre & see if I can get an earlier appointment with the doctor I saw last time. Next Friday seems like such a long way away. I feel like I have a heavy weight on my lungs & I get so exhausted from doing very little.
I am going to give some thought to what I want to achieve in 2024.
Get my lungs as healthy as I possibly can.
Lose 7 kg minimum.
Go for a walk every day, even if it's not far.
Play at least one game of golf a week. It can be just 9 holes.
Try selling some things, rather than giving it all away.
Edited at 2 pm as weighed myself this morning. I gained half a kilo over Christmas.
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Your goals look really good! I hope you are able to get an earlier apt. Sorry you are going stir crazy, but glad you are not overdoing things, too.
Thanks, Marsia (& Vic). I couldn't get an earlier appointment with the same doctor, so unless I feel worse on Monday I'll wait until next Friday. I think it's important to have some continuity with this illness. An elderly neighbour died on Christmas Day, from an undiagnosed perforated bowel, according to our bottom neighbour. I think she was about 85 but had been in good health until about a year ago.
That's too bad about not getting in earlier but I see what you mean about having some continuity with care. Hopefully your continued rest will have you feeling better.
Your goals look great!
One of my mom's Canadian cousins had to work in an under-serviced region for a couple of years as a young doctor and ended up sticking around. 48 years later he's mostly retired but still sees some people in the local retirement and nursing home who don't have proper medical insurance. Maybe your nice new doctor will stay as well.
That's too bad about not getting in earlier but I see what you mean about having some continuity with care. Hopefully your continued rest will have you feeling better.
Your goals look great!
Thanks, Liza. My head feels a little bit clearer this morning 🤞 My goals are all around health. I want to feel healthy & stay healthy.
One of my mom's Canadian cousins had to work in an under-serviced region for a couple of years as a young doctor and ended up sticking around. 48 years later he's mostly retired but still sees some people in the local retirement and nursing home who don't have proper medical insurance. Maybe your nice new doctor will stay as well.
I hope so, Llama. There are three doctors in the practice that I like so I'm hoping at least one will stay.

I'm driving G to golf this morning & picking him up this afternoon as he will have a few too many drinks & I will take Arch for a walk in town this morning. I haven't been anywhere for a week. I do feel a bit better today. I hope that continues.
I hope you got to enjoy getting out and having a nice walk with the doggo! Good to hear your head feels clearer. I like that your goals are all centered around health. I think that is a really good way to look at this, so you're focused on something positive!
Thanks, M. We had a lovely walk & I managed to do a few things as well. I do think our health is more important than anything else. I'm looking forward to feeling well again. I'm back home again after going out to pick up G. It was nice to catch up with a few of the golfers too.
Not going anywhere for a week when you're not feeling great is perfectly nirnal and sensible. Glad your head is a little clearer.
Sorry to hear you are still not well Cate but good going on the walk all the same. I hope it’s nothing serious and the doctor’s visit sorts you out.
Thanks, M. We had a lovely walk & I managed to do a few things as well. I do think our health is more important than anything else. I'm looking forward to feeling well again. I'm back home again after going out to pick up G. It was nice to catch up with a few of the golfers too.
Nice to hear you had a good walk and are feeling a little better.
2 more golf cart names: Mack and Snook. We decided that if you don't use these, they'd be good names for a cartoon, as in "The Adventures of Mack and Snook"! And also, hope you are feeling much, much better and have a fantabulous 🥳🎉New Year🎉🥳!!!