Cate's Diary

Your food sounds delightful but boo on the persistent cough. Getting an x-ray sounds 100% warranted even without your sister's awful example but even more so with it :grouphug:
Doing little bits of exercise whenever you can without overexerting yourself sounds perfect.
It's meant to get to 28°C which is classified as a heatwave here. I just got a warning from the Bureau of Meteorology & there is also meant to be thunderstorms & rain. UV is also meant to be extreme.
Seems a good idea to skip it especially when you aren't feeling great in the first place. Your day sounds really good with the food choices and getting some movement without overdoing things.
Your food sounds delightful but boo on the persistent cough. Getting an x-ray sounds 100% warranted even without your sister's awful example but even more so with it :grouphug:
Doing little bits of exercise whenever you can without overexerting yourself sounds perfect.
Thanks, Llama. I don't feel that I have lung cancer after reading about the symptoms, but I know I do have lung problems. Maybe a change of Asthma meds might help. I do feel this doctor will try to get to the bottom of it.
I decided not to go to golf as I was awake for hours last night & don't feel good this morning. I was very wheezy last night. I'll stick with the exercise/rest without trying to do too much until I feel much better.
Seems a good idea to skip it especially when you aren't feeling great in the first place. Your day sounds really good with the food choices and getting some movement without overdoing things.
Thanks, Liza.

I got things ready last night in case I woke up feeling like going to golf, but I had very little sleep during the night & then slept in until 8 am. I wanted to catch up with T, but I got a message from her saying she & her husband were both sick & that she wouldn't be there. I hope they don't have Covid. He did seem out of sorts on Saturday & he didn't play yesterday.

I ended up with a deficit of 382 yesterday. I had 2 drinks as I felt like a piccolo of bubbles after my walk in the afternoon with Archie & then I had a CC & diet dry. I enjoyed the bubbles, but the CC was a mistake. I won't buy any more of it. I would have preferred a diet tonic or a straight diet dry. I must buy some more. Later in the evening, I had a small bowl of mixed nuts.
I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning.
Darn, your symptoms are really hanging on. So glad you'll see the doctor on Friday, and I'm also glad you stayed home and recuperated. Is it hard to get a hold of non-alcoholic wine again? I know you seem to enjoy it almost as much as regular wine when you have it. I love hearing about you and G, and how you met sounds lovely! Hope you are feeling better and got some good sleep in!!!
Darn, your symptoms are really hanging on. So glad you'll see the doctor on Friday, and I'm also glad you stayed home and recuperated.
They sure are, Marsia. I will be so happy when I feel well again.
Is it hard to get a hold of non-alcoholic wine again? I know you seem to enjoy it almost as much as regular wine when you have it.
Especially the bubbles. I must buy some more. I really enjoy diet tonic, especially with a lemon juice ice block.
I love hearing about you and G, and how you met sounds lovely!
I try not to go on too much about how lucky I am but I know I am very, very lucky & still just as much in love as I was when we first started going out. I don't take it for granted.
I try not to go on too much about how lucky I am but I know I am very, very lucky & still just as much in love as I was when we first started going out. I don't take it for granted.
That's just how I feel about being a mom! I still see K at all ages whenever I look at her and it's just as precious as the day she was born. And it's also hard not to talk about that too much!!
I try not to go on too much about how lucky I am but I know I am very, very lucky & still just as much in love as I was when we first started going out. I don't take it for granted.
I love this! I have one couple friend who are like that as well and it always seems like they just hit the jackpot. I honestly never thought such a thing was possible before!
I know I do have lung problems. Maybe a change of Asthma meds might help. I do feel this doctor will try to get to the bottom of it.
I do hope something can be figured out there Cate--it all sounds very hard!
I ended up with a deficit of 382 yesterday.
oh very nice!
I'm relieved that you don't think I go on too much about it. I felt bad (almost guilty) when our older son split from his wife & tried explaining why to us. He said, "Mum, I just don't love her like you & Dad love one another".
R is messaging me at the moment with photos of his puppy. He takes him out to a cafe near C's place, by the river in Hobart & he looks so cute sitting in a chair, right by the road. He is such a chilled dog & only 4 months old.
I had better get moving. G & I are going out to play 9 holes of golf in the chicken run. I hope I get around OK. It's worth a try.
I agree with Llama. It's so wonderful that you and G have each other, and I am glad you can be happy about being happy!!! That's so nice that R and the puppy can sit around the cafe together! R and his trusty sidekick!! I hope all goes well with the chicken run.
G & I are going out to play 9 holes of golf in the chicken run. I hope I get around OK. It's worth a try.
Lovely! How did it go?
R is messaging me at the moment with photos of his puppy. He takes him out to a cafe near C's place, by the river in Hobart & he looks so cute sitting in a chair, right by the road. He is such a chilled dog & only 4 months old.
aw I'm so glad R found such a nice new little dog buddy!
Thanks, Llama. Marsia, Liza & Vic :grouphug:
R is so happy with his puppy. I don't think I have ever known anyone who loves his dog more than R does. He needs to have a dog.
I managed the chicken run OK & am glad I played. I am so out of practice though & need to get out there at least once a week even if I only play nine holes for a while. I don't think I would manage 18 yet. I get too short of breath.
We had such a healthy day yesterday. We had eggs & avocado on toast for BF, minestrone for lunch & curried venison with lots of veggies for dinner. After lunch, we had a small bowl of stewed rhubarb & low-fat ice cream & after dinner, we had a small fruit platter. No wine for either of us. Yay! In the afternoon, we took Archie for a walk up the other end of our road. I had to stop halfway up a hill as I struggled for breath, but I still had a crazy day of exercise according to my Fitbit. My deficit, according to MFP was 665, with 455 from exercise.
I have a 12.30 appointment today with my doctor.
I have had a good day so far. I went in early & managed to find the twins a few presents. I couldn't decide between 2 games so I got both & then when I was walking out I saw a great big very colourful box of pavement chalk & couldn't resist. I have bought duck pellets for them to feed the ducks at our local park by the river which is next to where the 4-hour concert is that we are all going to on Sunday afternoon. I also have snacks for them & we have SO much fruit & food they love.
My visit to the doctor was good. I mentioned that my sister died from lung cancer when she was 56. Because I can't have a Spirometry test for my lung function he wants me to have an MRI, which I am happy to have. He seems very thorough, this doctor. He also seems to remember stuff about you. I was impressed that he mentioned my allergies.
While I was gone G cleaned the kitchen windows. I had sprayed some plants with white oil out on our decking & had accidentally also sprayed the windows. They look spiffy now. I rang him as I was leaving town so he headed off with Archie for a walk, which is also one of today's tasks achieved.
I do feel quite a bit better today- less mucky.
Yay for golf and feeling less mucky! Playing "only" 9 holes for a while sounds sensible. I hope the concert won't be too strenuous/allergy-laden but I'm pretty sure the twins are going to have fun!
Very nice on the really good deficit and healthy day the other day!
And so good to hear you had such a good doctor visit as well.
I couldn't decide between 2 games so I got both & then when I was walking out I saw a great big very colourful box of pavement chalk & couldn't resist. I have bought duck pellets for them to feed the ducks at our local park by the river which is next to where the 4-hour concert is that we are all going to on Sunday afternoon. I also have snacks for them & we have SO much fruit & food they love.
Oh sounds like you should all be having a really great time together! How old are they?
Thanks, everyone :grouphug:
I had a good night's sleep last night & feel like I could crawl right back in & sleep for another couple of hours. There is much house cleaning still to be done!
The twins are 6. There will be lots of kids at the concert & it's from 2-6. We also have a 40th to go to tonight at the golf club which is at 7 pm. That might be trickier. I have a backup plan to take them for a ride in my cart if necessary. At least I will take them to see it if it's not practical to take them for a ride. It's down in the machinery shed with lots of interesting mowers etc. I don't want other kids to see us do it. I think there will be quite a few kids & the guy who's 40 also has twins.
They should be arriving here mid-afternoon. I had better get on the move soon, even though it's only 8.15 am. I'm feeling lazy!
The activities for the twins sound great, and it's nice to hear you are out getting exercise and really liking doing that. I hope you do get to slow down and rest though so this doesn't come back!! It's wonderful hearing about R and C and the puppy! So glad they are all happy together!!