What a wonderful story Cate! I'm sure she will remember the heart.I gave away another heart yesterday too. As G & I were walking past the police station near the venue before the show, there was a crashed car on the back of a tow truck, a policeman & a young woman who was very upset. I walked over to her & offered her one of my hearts. She shook her head. I opened up my bag of hearts & selected one for her & held it out. She took it & burst into tears. I said "You'll be OK" & gave her shoulder a little rub & we kept on walking. I think it was her car (it had interstate plates & no hire car sticker) & she was on her own. I'm not sure that she spoke any English. It would have been an awful day for her, but I think she will remember being given a heart.

Well done on the 18 holes and coming runner-up.