Cate's Diary

I gave away another heart yesterday too. As G & I were walking past the police station near the venue before the show, there was a crashed car on the back of a tow truck, a policeman & a young woman who was very upset. I walked over to her & offered her one of my hearts. She shook her head. I opened up my bag of hearts & selected one for her & held it out. She took it & burst into tears. I said "You'll be OK" & gave her shoulder a little rub & we kept on walking. I think it was her car (it had interstate plates & no hire car sticker) & she was on her own. I'm not sure that she spoke any English. It would have been an awful day for her, but I think she will remember being given a heart.
What a wonderful story Cate! I'm sure she will remember the heart. ❤️

Well done on the 18 holes and coming runner-up.
Naps are great for catching up on sleep after a bad night. I hope you got some good rest.
Lovely to hear you had a great day golfing!
Thanks, Liza. I was putting clothes away in the morning & the sun was shining on our bed. I curled up on top of it & had a nap for about an hour. I napped again in the evening but slept for about 8 hours last night. I was very tired.
What a wonderful story Cate! I'm sure she will remember the heart. ❤️

Well done on the 18 holes and coming runner-up.
Thanks, Em xo
I feel so relieved to feel like my normal self again.
G & I went out to the club this morning to “host” a meeting of vets. It was a pleasant, social occasion. We’re good at this stuff. We were paid to do a morning tea & we had it catered. We have learned some valuable lessons.
Tomorrow we’ll have a day at home & do some gardening.
That's so great you got caterers so you didn't get worn out with hosting. And so, so good to hear you are feeling normal again!!! I hope you have a lovely day gardening and enjoying the day with G!!
I am so glad to hear you are feeling back to normal Cate. That really was quite the illness!
Enjoy the garden for all of us who are in the middle of winter!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza. It feels so good to be back to normal. It was a 2-month illness & because of Covid. I think G & I have learned some valuable lessons from the last five years. Neither of us minds helping out, but we don't take on anything big or any more positions. We used to feel that we had to do everything ourselves but that's nonsense.
Liza- our garden looks a bit like a jungle at the moment & we need to do some serious tidying up. I'm going to cut back & pull out some pineapple sage that's behind one of our garden beds. I have it there for the honeyeaters mainly & it has gone crazy. Our tomato plants are getting very big. Ours are slower than most people's. It would be nice to have a greenhouse, but I don't think that will happen.
I had another good night's sleep last night & hopefully, I have caught up. I'm playing golf again tomorrow with our social group. I must remember when I'm feeling down on Monday it's because I am tired. The day after golf I usually feel exhausted.
So glad you are finally recovered Cate. What a dose!

I also very much approve of you and G getting the morning tea catered. It's good to be good to ourselves.
Such wonderful things - taking it way easier when volunteering, big tomato plants, good sleep, and pineapple sage taking over the world! Mine hopped its pot and grew up everywhere last summer, too. Hope you have a lovely time out golfing, and a good rest afterward.
So glad you are finally recovered Cate. What a dose!

I also very much approve of you and G getting the morning tea catered. It's good to be good to ourselves.
Thanks, Em. It is good to be good to ourselves & it's so good to be feeling better!
Such wonderful things - taking it way easier when volunteering, big tomato plants, good sleep, and pineapple sage taking over the world! Mine hopped its pot and grew up everywhere last summer, too. Hope you have a lovely time out golfing, and a good rest afterward.
Thanks, M. I have had a good day today & am looking forward to playing golf tomorrow. I am not going to think that I am a pest going in someone else's cart. I am going to remember that I happily loan him my cart whenever he wants it & I'm not using it, or I offer to share it when I am. Just because he is a good player I shouldn't feel that it's a bother playing in a group with me.
Your garden sounds wonderful, slow or not.
It is, Llama. It's only small, but it is productive.
I am not going to think that I am a pest going in someone else's cart. I am going to remember that I happily loan him my cart whenever he wants it & I'm not using it, or I offer to share it when I am. Just because he is a good player I shouldn't feel that it's a bother playing in a group with me.
You could never be a bother in a group! I'm obviously no golfer but I imagine the ways to be annoying would be...
- Complaining about how bad you are and/or finding external reasons for every bad shot
- Infantilizing or bullying other group members
- Insisting on talking about controversial topics
- Trying to wiggle out of the rules

I can't see you doing any of that. In fact I'm certain you're a delight.
I was just listening to a Rabi talk about shame. and he was saying that if you use things for good, you can focus on the good that is being propagated in the world. He used the example of owning an expensive lake house, and how some people will try to play down that they own an expensive piece of property that is an extravagance, but if the lake property is used for good in the world (he used the example of using it for hosting religious retreats) then the person who owns the lake house can feel proud of the good that is being born from the lake house. I think using someone else's golf cart is propagating good. You are able to join the group, get great exercise and socializing in, and you are not taking 2 golf carts and are therefore saving on energy resources, and like you said, you also share your cart! He was saying that everything can be used as a way to celebrate God, but us secular people can say that we can use things for the good of humanity and the planet. I'm really glad that we are all learning to take good care of ourselves, and there is no shame in that - it's good to be good to ourselves and it makes the world a better place. (Sorry to be so sappy, but it's true!) Also, if we are good to ourselves, then we have a foundation on which to stand where we can then also be good to others and not deplete ourselves in the process.
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Your garden does sound really lovely!
I must remember when I'm feeling down on Monday it's because I am tired. The day after golf I usually feel exhausted.
Yes so good to remember that it's natural for us to feel a little depleted after a tiring day and that can affect our emotions and it's nice to take some time for just some extra self-care at those times.
I am not going to think that I am a pest going in someone else's cart. I am going to remember that I happily loan him my cart whenever he wants it & I'm not using it, or I offer to share it when I am. Just because he is a good player I shouldn't feel that it's a bother playing in a group with me.
Absolutely! I'm sure people wouldn't play in the mixed groups if they weren't open to having people of differing levels. I'm sure you would be a pleasure to share a golf cart with!
Thank you so much Llama, Marsia & Liza. I read your comments along the way yesterday before I played golf & I took notice. The president of our local club has joined our social golf group & is loving it. He is an excellent golfer, off a short handicap. He joined, G, D & I in our group. Instead of feeling nervous or embarrassed about my ability(or lack thereof), I just played & enjoyed it. I hadn't known him that well before, but I feel yesterday's game & the sitting around afterwards were good.
I know that I have put myself down playing with D & I'm glad it was pointed out to me that would be very annoying. I didn't & I enjoyed myself so much more. He is his own biggest critic. If his shot is not perfect he swears & gets very crabby. He also plays off a very short handicap.
It was a memorial event & G won the day. He was thrilled & so was I. It was a great day.
I slept a bit during the evening & then slept from about 10.30 to 7.30. I feel good today.
Sounds like a great day Cate! I'm glad you enjoyed it!