Cate's Diary

That's so good they caught it that the first cast wasn't right. I am in awe at how my crown fits just like it is my own tooth. A stack of new library books does sound so good, and a pot of tea to go with it. I haven't been to an Indian grocery in ages - so nice for G I bet! I love getting paneer and making lots of matar paneer with garden greens and curries.
Hi, Tru & Blue.
I made a smoothie with a cup of unsweetened almond milk, 70g of raspberries, 50 g of blackberries, 70g of banana & a scoop of whey isolate protein powder & it was quite nice. I think when I made them before I used yoghurt instead of almond milk & they were too thick and rich. This was lovely. I only drank half though & then thought I would see how long it would take me to get hungry. About an hour after having it, I wasn't hungry but felt unsatisfied. I had 4 pickled mussels on 4 crackers. YUM. I also had a small apricot & half a plum. I have inputted everything I plan on having for the day, including rump steak & veggies for dinner & stewed rhubarb & a scoop of ice cream tonight &, if I don't have anything else, I should have a deficit of 466 cals, taking into account my Fitbit steps/heart rate etc adjustment. I still have half of the smoothie in the fridge, which I may leave for tomorrow. I took Archie for a 2 km walk at 3.15 pm
I did things in spurts today- some gardening, 2 loads of washing, remaking our bed, the dog walk & in between I sat down & finished off another book. This time it was a DCI Banks book by Peter Robinson- "Standing In The Shadows"—another good book. I like most UK crime/detective books.
I haven't decided if I'll go to golf tomorrow. It's meant to get to 28°C which is classified as a heatwave here. I just got a warning from the Bureau of Meteorology & there is also meant to be thunderstorms & rain. UV is also meant to be extreme.
Wow that smoothie sounds very good.
Glad everything went well at the dentist's and the tech didn't just mock something up when the cast wasn't good enough for a decent crown.
Thanks, Llama. I am too.
Nice you had a good trip into town. Very nice to get a nice stack of books! And nice that the dentist went well too!
Thanks, Lliza. I have almost polished off one of the books- "A Fatal Grace" by Louise Penny. It's an Inspector Armand Gamache book, set in The Three Pines. I love this series. I'm reading them all out fo order, which is unusual for me.
That's so good they caught it that the first cast wasn't right. I am in awe at how my crown fits just like it is my own tooth. A stack of new library books does sound so good, and a pot of tea to go with it. I haven't been to an Indian grocery in ages - so nice for G I bet! I love getting paneer and making lots of matar paneer with garden greens and curries.
I have never had a crown so I am pleased to hear about your success. G was impressed with the Indian supermarket, but only got a few things as we're trying to limit what we spend. I'm waiting until I pay for the dentist before booking Arch into the vet for dental work. I'll book him in soon.
Wow that smoothie sounds very good.
It was but I struggle with the texture of smoothies. I had a sip every now & then over a few days.
Glad you had a good experience at the dentist Cate. Hope you get a windfall soon to help with the bills. x
Thanks, Em. No old relies left that might leave me some, unfortunately. Tatts maybe? Selling some of my collections of bar stuff would be a good start & something I could do. I must check that out. I'm not sure what's holding me back there. Lack of confidence?
Yesterday was a good day. I took Arch for a good walk as we had such a lazy day the day before. G was surprised at how far I went. I ring him up & he comes & picks me up. It's a great arrangement as I get further. I slept very well last night.
Love "old relies"! I'm fresh out of those, too. I hope you can sell some of your collections. Can you go look at places that would take them and see what they sell for now just for information gathering? That's so great you are taking long walks again and sleeping well!
People always say they'll give you a good price. Looking online at reasonable prices and what cut the dealers normally take would make sense. Best of luck!
People always say they'll give you a good price. Looking online at reasonable prices and what cut the dealers normally take would make sense. Best of luck!
I know they do, Llama. I got some of my stuff out & had a look at it & I'm about to go check some prices. They have an annual antiques & collectibles fair in our nearest city once a year & I might check out how to go about participating in that.
I just checked out eBay & tried finding out more info on the fair. I'll keep exploring.....Facebook marketplace might be as good a place as anywhere.
The advantage of FB (or the internet in general) is that you're not dependent on a collector of the specific stuff you have to accidentally drop by the specific yearly fair.
I guess it depends on how much time you want to put into the project, but nice you have many ways to sell things!
They have an annual antiques & collectibles fair in our nearest city once a year & I might check out how to go about participating in that.
I just checked out eBay & tried finding out more info on the fair. I'll keep exploring.....Facebook marketplace might be as good a place as anywhere.
This all sounds like it could be good fun! (as long as it doesn't get overwhelming...)
Good for you getting out on such a good long walk with Archie!
The more research I do on selling the less interest I have in trying. I think I'll go back to trying to sell some stuff on FB marketplace.....when I can find the energy to deal with people I don't know....
Yeah, selling stuff can be a bit tricky. The dealer might be the easiest option, even if you might get a bigger bang for your buck if you do it all yourself.
I'm in two minds about it all, Em. Over the years I have sold (read given stuff away for peanuts) to dealers & if I felt that I didn't need some extra money I would happily just give it away to our sons/grandkids when they're older. I'll probably not do anything for now.
Yeah I must say, selling stuff seems like a big headache to me. If it were me in need of money I would probably just take it to a dealer and accept what they give and let them do the work of selling. But yeah if you don't really need the money, just leaving it for now seems the least stressful!
It is a headache, Liza, so I'll probably shelve the idea for now. I may price a lot of stuff & put it on display in our garage. That way it's at least a start.

I didn't enjoy golf yesterday as the other group we were put with was quite unfriendly- grumpy really. Well, two of the three, a father & his adult son were particularly grumpy. They also were very slow & seemed to have no idea how to play the game. They talked loudly as we were playing our shots & had trouble finding their balls all day & it was chaotic. Let's say they also bent the rules considerably. If we mentioned the rules at any stage they got crotchety & said "We're not playing for sheep stations". We were not impressed. We were the last group in. It seemed to take forever! I got along fine with P (& K of course.) I was glad when the day was over though. I don't think I'll play on one of those days again unless I'm in a team with G.

Although I play in a cart I still get twice as much exercise as I do on a non-golfing day so at least that's a good thing, even if I didn't actually enjoy the day.
G's friend A, came out to do the BBQ for the day & told G that he has Oesophageal Cancer. We knew he was having tests done this week. I don't know what stage it is, but he didn't want to talk about it yesterday & doesn't want people to know. We'll go in soon to see him & his wife & maybe go out to lunch before he starts any treatment.
I feel very tired today. I'll take Arch for a walk when I get some energy & I think we'll do some gardening today.
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Sorry you didn't enjoy the golfing day but as you said, it was good to get the extra exercise in. The other team sounded draining to be around so I'm not surprised you're a bit tired today.
Yes good to get the exercise in even if it wasn't that enjoyable.
I feel very tired today. I'll take Arch for a walk when I get some energy & I think we'll do some gardening today.
I hope the home day with some gardening energizes you. I always find the garden work so restorative.
G's friend A, came out to do the BBQ for the day & told G that he has Oesophageal Cancer. We knew he was having tests done this week. I don't know what stage it is, but he didn't want to talk about it yesterday & doesn't want people to know. We'll go in soon to see him & his wife & maybe go out to lunch before he starts any treatment.
Sorry about G's friend. :grouphug:
That's a shame about the bad golf company. Sorry to hear about G's friend as well: I suppose one disadvantage of knowing so many people is that someone's always getting something horrible - a bit like our giant family.