Cate's Diary

Thanks, Liza, Llama, Marsia & Em. I can't believe how much better I felt after I had the crown fitted. I was so happy to be a big goose & I told him what I had said. He's a lovely guy with a great sense of humour. The crown feels good, M.
G & I found a new sushi place yesterday & took some home for lunch. It was delicious & very inexpensive. He had given blood while I was at the dentist. I did a little food shopping while I waited for him & we bought some cherries from a cherry farm on our way home. Oh boy, they are good!
Another good day today. It feels like Sunday, which is weird. I took Archie for a nice walk, and have been reading another Louise Penny book & we're(G) going backwards & forwards between watching the Test cricket & Djokovic v/s Sinner. I hope Sinner wins. I can't concentrate on my book so the forum seemed like a good option. It's quiet here of course. It's not Sunday!
Not Sunday but it IS Friday, which is almost better. I bet it's the relief that's making you feel festive.
Probably, Llama. I do feel really relieved & happy.
I'm also very happy that Sinner beat Djokovic. He seems like a genuinely nice human being.
So glad you are feeling happy and not worrying anymore, and so glad the cap feels good. Mine is so cold sensitive that I still don't eat on that side if the food is quite hot or cold, but it feels way better having a non-cracked tooth there. We don't watch tv so have to learn about the good tennis people to watch from other people. We'll look up Sinner and watch him!
What a load off that must be having the dental work done and having it go so well!
Yum to the delicious cherries!
Thanks, Marsia, Liza & Em. My teeth are still sensitive to hot & cold drinks but he said that should settle down. The cherries are SO good! We bought two kilos for $20- 1 for $15 & 1 for $5 (jam cherries). We have polished off the jam ones.
Sinner seems like such a lovely guy. The final on Sunday night v/s Medvedev should be good. No histrionics.
I don't know what I'll do today. G is playing golf.
BF was oats with some fruit salad &a dollop of yoghurt.
The cherries sound divine! Hope you really enjoy the tennis finals and hope you have a nice day at home.💜
The cherries are divine, M. I had 10 after lunch. My system has been clogged & they are doing the trick nicely. I finished another book today & just got back from taking Archie for a walk. It was quite sociable- 1 woman who has never spoken to me before & another who admits she's a hermit & she also loves reading & has a little dog. We hadn't seen one another for a long time. I always stop to say hello whenever I see her.
The walk sounds lovely--always nice to meet with people and have a good chat!
It was thanks, Liza. I tire of walking along the same stretch of road, but it's the safest one nearby. I tried psyching myself into getting a bit more dressed up & going into town, but I couldn't be bothered. It's a 22 km return trip & I'm trying to cut down costs when I can. Archie likes this walk anyway. It just gets a bit boring.
We're having a good day. I took Arch for the same walk again this morning but went a little further. We had a delicious Tempeh salad for lunch, followed by fruit salad & yoghurt. Yum! A friend of our older son, D dropped off 15 freshly caught wild rabbits & G will cook a few of the smaller ones probably tomorrow. The rest are in our freezer. We both love eating rabbits. They have reached plague proportions this year.
I will make a couple more hearts soon as G will be watching the cricket. I want to get more made so that there is a better choice. I need to buy some more embroidery thread tomorrow when we go to town & I'm trying to work out what colours I need. Bright orange I know & maybe navy blue. I'll have a look in a sec.
Enjoy craft shopping! Eating animals that need to be culled anyway is probably the best way to eat meat. Plus rabbit is delicious.
Thanks Llama. The main reason we are going in is to have lunch with our friend, A & his wife, before he starts treatment for his cancer.
We have a few things to do as well.
I made 5 hearts today 💖
Hi Cate! We're having the same trouble. We don't want to walk our immediate neighborhood because the neighbors are so nosey, so we hop in the car and do a few different walks, but it adds up in gas to do that. We're trying to find good places to take walks while we're out on errands anyway to go more varied places. Your tempeh and fruit salad sound nice. I haven't tried rabbit. Is it like dark meat chicken? I hope you enjoyed the heart making!
That's too bad about the walk being a bit boring. It's hard when you can't get some variety in. If I'm just doing road walking I can get bored but it's funny--i can walk the same forest paths all the time and never be bored at all--there's always something new and different and interesting...anyways good for you getting out like that despite the boredom. And nice job on all the heart making!