Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza. I had a lovely game of golf, playing with G & T's husband, IJ. I decided not to enter the comp they were playing in because I didn't want to join another group. I had a cracking game & scored 42 points. I haven't played that well for ages. I'm glad I didn't join up. I would have won the comp but it also would have brought my handicap right in & we have club championships coming up & our National ones & my handicap would be lower than my usual ability. I think it's about at my playing ability as it is.
My laptop battery is about to die so I might not get to finish this. I'll save it now & come back & edit it....
Edit: We took both cars yesterday so I didn't have to wait as long afterwards as G was doing the bar. I went to the supermarket & as I was getting bags from the boot I dropped my car keys down a drain! I tried lifting the cover, but it was huge & very heavy. I went inside the supermarket & saw a woman I know who works there & told her what I had done. She just glanced at a young, big strong-looking guy on the checkout & he nodded & she jumped in behind the counter. He came out with me & between the two of us, we got the top off the drain. The drain was about 2 metres deep & there was no way either of us would get down into it & get out again. I held the top on its side while he went back inside & found some strong wire, which he eventually managed to hook on the key ring attached to my car key & he got it out. It probably took 15 mins & we were both shaky afterwards. I was scared I would let go of the top as it was so heavy & he was lying down on his stomach & I was standing on a steep bank with my legs at different angles.
After he handed me my keys he held his hand out to shake hands. I told him he was an absolute gem & how grateful I was. I asked him what he likes to drink & after I did my shopping I went to one of our local bottle shops & bought him some.
I was so glad to get home.