Cate's Diary

I agree with Llama, so nice to wear things that feel good and cheer us up! I know what you mean about gaining and feeling down about that and it potentially snowballing. I think it's wonderful to dress for yourself and to eat for your health and feel proud of the effort no matter if that just means maintaining or if it does lead to some weight loss. I think the effort to be good to ourselves is a major accomplishment in and of itself, and I think you generally do great at that. Sorry about your friend, and I hope they are able to turn things around in time. So sad how many friends you have lost to cancer. I so hope they find the cure for this soon.
Lovely to get lots of nice compliments on your outfit! And I'm glad the lunch went so well. It's funny how sometimes we don't feel like doing these things but then it ends up to be such a positive experience!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza. I think it is important to feel nice & I do feel good in this outfit. We have a dinner next Saturday & I think I'll wear the same outfit. I was hoping the dinner would be cancelled as Archie is having dental work on Friday & will probably be having a couple of teeth out & I don't want to leave him at home on his own for too long. We'll be gone all day Sunday playing golf.
I bumped into a friend in the supermarket yesterday. Her husband K died of cancer back in 2022. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Oesophigal cancer & it quickly spread. I don't think this one can be good. He was 60 & fit & active.
G played golf with A's son yesterday & he was down in the mouth. It would be hard not to be.
There is a memorial golf day for K next month & it raises money for the local cancer clinic. We'll try to get as many people along as we can including A's brothers to play on the day.
I left Arch at home & went to the market on my own yesterday & went to the library & did some supermarket shopping. I took him for a walk in the afternoon. It was a good day, food & exercise-wise. I enjoy the market more when I have him with me though.
Edit: It's Archie's 9th birthday today :beating:
Happy birthday, Archie! He's much younger than I thought. Sorry to hear about his teeth: they do seem to be a common issue with small dogs.
Archie says thank you 🦙 💙 🐶 We have had him since May 2020 & he was five when we got him.
It is an issue with these small dogs apparently, but G & I used to let him have a small piece of Speculaas each evening, along with his home-made sugar-free biscuits. No more though!
I'm going out tomorrow to play an extra game of golf. I think I would really benefit from 2 games every week.
Aw happy birthday Archie! 🎂
I hope his dental work goes ok.

And lovely that you had another good day Cate!
Thanks, Liza (& Llama). We had a thunderstorm in the evening. Archie hates them. He looked so scared. Luckily it was gone by bed time.
I'm heading for golf soon. I'm going to play 18 holes with G & I, but I won't enter the comp.
Happy Birthday to Archie!🐶 That's so wonderful that your knee is better and you can do 2 games a week now. Happy golfing!!💜
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza. I had a lovely game of golf, playing with G & T's husband, IJ. I decided not to enter the comp they were playing in because I didn't want to join another group. I had a cracking game & scored 42 points. I haven't played that well for ages. I'm glad I didn't join up. I would have won the comp but it also would have brought my handicap right in & we have club championships coming up & our National ones & my handicap would be lower than my usual ability. I think it's about at my playing ability as it is.
My laptop battery is about to die so I might not get to finish this. I'll save it now & come back & edit it....
Edit: We took both cars yesterday so I didn't have to wait as long afterwards as G was doing the bar. I went to the supermarket & as I was getting bags from the boot I dropped my car keys down a drain! I tried lifting the cover, but it was huge & very heavy. I went inside the supermarket & saw a woman I know who works there & told her what I had done. She just glanced at a young, big strong-looking guy on the checkout & he nodded & she jumped in behind the counter. He came out with me & between the two of us, we got the top off the drain. The drain was about 2 metres deep & there was no way either of us would get down into it & get out again. I held the top on its side while he went back inside & found some strong wire, which he eventually managed to hook on the key ring attached to my car key & he got it out. It probably took 15 mins & we were both shaky afterwards. I was scared I would let go of the top as it was so heavy & he was lying down on his stomach & I was standing on a steep bank with my legs at different angles.
After he handed me my keys he held his hand out to shake hands. I told him he was an absolute gem & how grateful I was. I asked him what he likes to drink & after I did my shopping I went to one of our local bottle shops & bought him some.
I was so glad to get home.
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Wow, that's some adventure. Sounds like something from a cartoon! Glad you had such a good time playing and that you can keep your handicap where it is instead of competing with your very best score later. I was just watching something on how martial artists who are in certain disciplines don't think of it as competing with an opponent, but as the opponent helping them compete with themselves for a better performance each time. I actually thought about the handicap in golf when they said that. Glad you had such a good day despite the scare at the end!!
Thanks, Marsia. I don't think I would have played as well if I was in a proper comp, but it did me good to have such a good round & know that I am capable of it. I played 6 shots better than my handicap. It's a good sign.
On another note- I'm taking a break from the forum until at least tomorrow night xo
Oh well done on a great game! And thank heavens for big, strong, helpful people. I'm sure he was proud to have been able to help and thankful for your present.
That's so wonderful you played at a whole new level!! I really appreciate all the support you give me and others on the forum and I love hearing about how you are doing, and I understand if you need a break. I hope you have a lovely break and get nice and relaxed again!!
Well done on such a great game Cate. And what a story about the key retrieval! Geez! Glad you got them back and it all went well.
I wish I hadn't played today as I felt out of sorts & I played accordingly. I played with my two favourites- K & T, but I just wasn't feeling it today. I wouldn't have been surprised to see my meds still sitting on the kitchen bench when I got home, but they weren't. I'll put it behind me.
I am so glad that I am home again & I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow!
I hope the game and the company distracted you a bit regardless. Tomorrow will be a better day.