Cate's Diary

Sorry to hear about your friend going through cancer treatment. It's no joke but hopefully, it will help him. Yay for more hearts!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia, Liza & Em.
I wish we could walk around on our 50 acres as it is beautiful & there is always something new. Unfortunately, it also has bidgies that stick to Archie's fur & fern ticks & leeches & most probably snakes. At least we don't have crocodiles here in Tasmania.
Archie loves his walks & he doesn't get bored with them so it's worth it.
I loved the hearts I made yesterday. I could keep them all for myself. It is very satisfying to make them. I will try embroidering in Winter & cut my hearts & use plain felt.
We may hear some more about his proposed treatment today. G never asks questions.
I wish we could walk around on our 50 acres as it is beautiful & there is always something new. Unfortunately, it also has bidgies that stick to Archie's fur & fern ticks & leeches & most probably snakes.
Oh that is too bad that you have all that lovely land but can't really comfortably walk there! What sort of vegetation is it? Like is it forest-y, or more like open grasses? I guess if I had to bushwhack my way through our forests I would encounter a few things as well...but since it is all trails, you don't have too many surprises...I know for sure there are ticks in spring but as long as you stay on the trails you are mostly ok.
Nice job on all the satisfying heart making--it's so nice when we make something we're happy with!
Oh that is too bad that you have all that lovely land but can't really comfortably walk there! What sort of vegetation is it? Like is it forest-y, or more like open grasses? I guess if I had to bushwhack my way through our forests I would encounter a few things as well...but since it is all trails, you don't have too many surprises...I know for sure there are ticks in spring but as long as you stay on the trails you are mostly ok.
Mostly forest. The trails have vegetation creeping back over them- mostly ferns. A lot of it is like this-

Bush Track.jpg
Nice job on all the satisfying heart making--it's so nice when we make something we're happy with!
It is nice. I bought some beautiful cotton yesterday. I felt like a kid in a lolly shop, but I stopped myself after 15 different colours.
We had a nice lunch with A & M yesterday, got stuff done & then our GD & her BF came for dinner. It was a last-minute thing but luckily G had prepared some rabbits in the morning. He cooked up some saffron rice & some greens & we had a delicious meal. J was very impressed. He had missed out on meeting G the last time he was here. G really liked him. He's sweet.
G has gone to golf today & I think I'll take Archie into town to the off-lead dog park for a treat seeing he was left at home all day yesterday.
Edited at 4.15 pm:
Archie loved the off-lead dog park & he got to play with some big dogs & I met a few more women with their dogs. I did a quick shop as I got a park at the front door of the fruit & veg shop. I got home at lunch time & finished off a book this afternoon.
I'm looking forward to golf tomorrow.
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It's too bad no one can take a weed whacker and make nice paths for you, but then there would still be snakes. The rabbits and saffron rice and greens sound amazing! Sounds like a nice time for Archie at the dog park, and I hope you have a wonderful time golfing tomorrow!!
I have my thinking cap on about making some good paths. It should be doable. We haven't seen a snake for a couple of Summers now. I know they're there, somewhere, but not seeing them is good.
G cooked a recipe that one of our customers in the pub gave us many years ago. It's West African. It was just a coincidence that we were having it last night. E's BF is from NW Africa. He loved it & so did E. She has always been a fussy eater & has always avoided spicey food. It was good to see her go back for seconds.
I love taking Archie to the off-lead dog park & watching him run free. It's a huge park!
I am really looking forward to golf tomorrow!
I know the feeling of wanting ALL the colors when in a crafting store :D
How lovely that your grandkids come to visit you independently of their parents: my grandmother was a nice lady but when someone has over 20 grandkids it isn't really possible to build a relationship with all of them.
I guess the biggest issue is walking a dog through the trails as they always want to go off and get into the bushes...i see that all the time on our trails--even if they don't go right into the muddy bog areas/bushes/trees etc, i imagine ticks could be easily picked up on the side bushes when they go to sniff around...and then if you have the possibility of dangerous snakes in the bushes it could be a lot worse...

Anyways the land looks beautiful!

I love seeing how happy the dogs get at off-leash parks, meeting different dog friends, having a good run etc
I know the feeling of wanting ALL the colors when in a crafting store :D
I really did want ALL of the colours!
How lovely that your grandkids come to visit you independently of their parents: my grandmother was a nice lady but when someone has over 20 grandkids it isn't really possible to build a relationship with all of them.
We were tickled pink.
I guess the biggest issue is walking a dog through the trails as they always want to go off and get into the bushes...i see that all the time on our trails--even if they don't go right into the muddy bog areas/bushes/trees etc, i imagine ticks could be easily picked up on the side bushes when they go to sniff around...and then if you have the possibility of dangerous snakes in the bushes it could be a lot worse...

Anyways the land looks beautiful!
Thanks, Liza. I always have Archie on a lead on our walks, but he does love sniffing around the ferns.
I love seeing how happy the dogs get at off-leash parks, meeting different dog friends, having a good run etc
Me too. He's not intimidated by big dogs & had a good play with a kelpie who wanted to round him up 🤣
I'm off to golf soon.
I weighed myself yesterday. It was up, so what did I do? I over-ate. I "got rid of" 2 small packets of veggie chips & some macadamia nuts & I won't be buying any more.
Today is another day. One very healthy day coming up.
I'm currently at work trying to convince myself not to binge afterwards. Gotta remember that I, too, would be sorry after and just go to bed early instead...
So nice your granddaughter and her boyfriend came to visit on their own! Did her boyfriend talk about living in Africa? I wonder if it was a huge culture shock to move. I've been doing so well with food and then having a dessert before bed which makes losing weight impossible. I must really bring to consciousness what I am doing to my healthy plans, too, by doing that. Resisting sneaky urges is hard! Hope you have a great healthy day!!
I weighed myself yesterday. It was up, so what did I do? I over-ate. I "got rid of" 2 small packets of veggie chips & some macadamia nuts & I won't be buying any more.
Oh Cate, I have been there more times than I can count. Hope you have a healthy day today.
Thanks, Liza, Llama, Marsia & Em :grouphug:
I think it is a common reaction, but I hate the shame & disappointment afterwards so I need to stop. When I am losing weight I feel so good about myself & I dislike how I feel about myself at the moment.
Seeing the scales go up almost always has me wanting to stuff my face. When I don't know I feel much better about myself & treat my body with more respect.
I had a healthy day & even though G went out to 8-ball last night I had the last 6 macadamia nuts & some cherries & no chocolate or biscuits. I was still hungry after playing golf & I would have been well in deficit. I haven't been counting my calories but will start again today & weigh myself once a week. I need to play golf more often.
I played with two women I don't usually play with yesterday & enjoyed the day. My handicap has come in again & will probably come in a bit more in the next couple of months with the Summer run we're getting. My ball is going so much further. I love how far I can drive the ball.
I came home straight after the presentation as I wanted to be with G. I rang him before I played as I needed to tell him if there was much recycling to do & he had rung A. The news was not good. He has to have an operation in Victoria after numerous weeks of chemo & radiation to try to reduce the tumour. He'll find out today when that starts. G will be playing golf with his son on Saturday.
G & I are spending the day at home today. We might do a bit of gardening. We slept in this morning, which is unusual for us. We'll still have a bit of a lazy day I think.
Sorry to hear about G's friend: that's rough. Well done sticking to healthy snacks while G was out though.
My ball is going so much further. I love how far I can drive the ball.
That must be lovely to see that improvement!
G & I are spending the day at home today. We might do a bit of gardening. We slept in this morning, which is unusual for us. We'll still have a bit of a lazy day I think.
Sounds like a lovely plan for the day.
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend.

I'm glad you are loving the golf though and your handicap has come in. A sure sign of progress!
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em.
I am enjoying my golf more in the dry conditions. Being in a cart you don't get as hot either as it provides shade.
We should hear today when A starts his treatment. Cancer sucks.
We had a relatively lazy day but Arch got his walk & G got some wood cut & stacked. It was windy & unpleasant yesterday. I'm going to lunch with the women today. I never look forward to it, but this time it's just down the road from me so it's not so bad. I needed a doctor's ap't as my meds have run out & the only ap't I could get is 4 pm today. I couldn't be fussy though as it's my fault. I have seen a doctor a few times but my normal meds weren't thought of.
I had a very healthy day but forgot to log my food after breakfast. I'll try again today!
That's nice that the cart is helping you stay nice and cool with the shade it provides-that would be a nice benefit for sure! And then, too, less hiking around in an open golf course would help with that as well.
I hope the lunch went well.
Good for you on a having a healthy day!
Thanks, Liza ( & Llama & Vic).
Lunch was enjoyable & friendly. There were 17 of us & people moved around & socialised. I'm glad I went. G went with me into town in the afternoon & walked Arch while I was at the doctor's. I got a lot of compliments yesterday on what I was wearing. Even the new doctor complimented me. That was nice. I have a new, very colourful top with tassels & I wore cream linen pants & cream sneakers that have lots of colour in them too. I felt comfortable & it made me feel much better about myself.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. The market is on. It would be much easier to go without Archie but he does love it.