Cate's Diary

I wish I hadn't played today as I felt out of sorts & I played accordingly. I played with my two favourites- K & T, but I just wasn't feeling it today. I wouldn't have been surprised to see my meds still sitting on the kitchen bench when I got home, but they weren't. I'll put it behind me.
I am so glad that I am home again & I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow!
Too bad the game didn't go that well, but I always think it's a win just getting out and playing...Enjoy your day at home!
Thanks, Vic, Llama & Liza. It wasn't so much that I played badly but that I would have been bad company. Sometimes you are better off staying at home. It's OK. At least I got the exercise.
It's nice to have the day at home.
I have had a really good day today. My mood has been much better & I feel like I have recharged my batteries. I was really tired this morning & asked G to take Archie for a walk. I have just taken it easy & pottered about. It was a nice day.
Glad you are feeling better and energized again! You really deserve a day of putting your feet up and resting.
I have had a really good day today. My mood has been much better & I feel like I have recharged my batteries. I was really tired this morning & asked G to take Archie for a walk. I have just taken it easy & pottered about. It was a nice day.
Sounds like a really lovely day Cate. Glad you enjoyed it and are feeling recharged :) Sometimes we really need a rest day!
Thanks, everyone! :grouphug:
I had an awful night's sleep, with lots of weird & unpleasant dreams. I think I was worried about Archie as I had to take him to the vet this morning for dental work, which requires general anaesthetic. We also got a call saying an old friend had a fall yesterday & was found by his daughter, who didn't think he would survive the night. That must have been playing on my mind. At first, we thought the call was about our friend, A who has cancer. In one of my dreams G had died & I was reassuring everyone that I was OK. In another G was yelling at me to hurry up as we were meant to be hitting off at golf.
I am back home again now after dropping Archie off & also having a haircut.
I hope our little doggo gets through this today OK. He may have to have some teeth out.
Sorry to hear you had such a rough night Cate and very sorry about your friend...I hope Archie does ok with the dental work and the anaesthesia :grouphug:
Thank you, Liza & Llama :grouphug:
What a day. I feel really bad because I was oblivious to the state of Archie's teeth. I thought he would maybe need to lose a few teeth as he had bad breath, but he needed to have 23 out. He won't be eating crunchies again. I'm still in shock.
We got lots of things done & it wasn't all bad.
G just rang our friend, A & he was with a couple of other friends. We haven't heard if our older friend died from his fall yesterday, but while G was talking to A we heard that another friend has died from a heart attack today. Bloody hell! I really must stop worrying about things like money. It's such a waste of energy & we should be enjoying our lives because who knows how much time any of us have left?
I had to google how many teeth a dog has in the first place--it came up with 42 so it sounds like Archie still has a number left?
Anyways good for you getting that work done for him. You are such a caring dog mom!
Sorry about another death in your friend circle :grouphug:
Thanks, Llama & Liza (& Marsia) :grouphug: Life is so fragile. I didn't realise dogs had so many teeth, Liza. The vet gave me a teeth chart to show what he had out, but I haven't looked at it yet. I will now.
I had been paying my dog groomer to clean his teeth since she learned how to do it about a year ago, but obviously, she didn't notice either. I had them cleaned by the dentist a couple of years ago.
When we first got him K, the vet said not to feed him raw bones, but I did try a couple of years ago & he just took them outside & buried them.
He ate his pill again this morning so that's great, as usually he detects them & spits them out, no matter how I try to disguise them.
I didn't sleep well again last night. I might need a nap today as we have to go to a dinner tonight in town (a 132 km return drive).
We will be leaving Arch home on his own all day tomorrow while we go to golf. I don't feel good about that. He'll probably sleep most of the day. He doesn't seem to be stressed at all.
We will be leaving Arch home on his own all day tomorrow while we go to golf. I don't feel good about that. He'll probably sleep most of the day. He doesn't seem to be stressed at all.
Archie probably has the right idea. 23 teeth out! Wow, I did not know dogs had that many teeth either.

I'm really sorry to hear about your friend who had the fall. I hope he pulls through. That's also sad about the other friend who passed away. That's tough.
Thanks, Em. Our old friend died this morning. He had a great life & would have hated having to go into a home.
We are back home at 10pm already & dinner was pleasant. I had a nap today which helped. We’ll be back there again in the morning by 9 am. It’s our social golf club’s annual championships. I hope I have fun. If I can relax & have fun usually I play well.
Sorry about your friend, but I am glad to hear he had a great life and didn't have to go into a home if that's something he wouldn't have wanted.
I'm glad Archie isn't seeming stressed and hope your golf goes well!