Cate's Diary

:grouphug: I hope you can get that phonecall done. I'll try to make a start on mine as well so I can stop feeling like a bottomless pit for calorie-dense food.
I tried, Llama but she was on the phone & hasn’t rung back. Today was her late husband’s birthday. I’ll ring on Thursday when I have another home day.
I hate having things like phone calls/asking favors hanging over my head so I hope you can get to talk to her soon and that you feel better once that's done. No fun feeling out of sorts.
good for you with all that heart making!!
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I might try ringing her tonight after golf, but if not I will ring in the morning.
I made 3 more hearts yesterday. I have 18 made & in my handbag now. I might make some more tomorrow 💓
I think making the hearts is quite therapeutic after the sadness of your friends passing away. That was sad that the lady didn't think she deserved one! I'm glad she took a bright one in the end.
So many hearts! Good job Cate!
Thanks, Liza. I have lots of choices now.
I think making the hearts is quite therapeutic after the sadness of your friends passing away. That was sad that the lady didn't think she deserved one! I'm glad she took a bright one in the end.
I'm sure it is, Em. I was surprised at her reaction. She seems overly confident & is very outspoken, but then comes out with things like that.
I played very ordinary golf again yesterday but had an ok day. I played with J1 again & think I'll give her a miss again for a while. She's very negative & it drags you down a bit.
We had some good news yesterday- our friend, A's, cancer appears to be localised 🤞 & his treatment will start on Monday.
I sent my friend a long message about the possibility of us staying with her during the golf week next month. She had said yes before but I wanted to run it all by her & make sure she's still ok with it. I just saw that she has read it & she's typing now. That's one reason I like FB messenger.
She says it's fine. We'll play it by ear & may only stay a couple of nights as discussed but it may work out that we stay more. She lives about 4 doors along from the golf course.
Wow, so great they caught your friend's cancer in time!! That's wonderful you can stay with your other friend for the golf next week, too. Do you take pictures of your hearts before giving them away? I bet having a collage of a lot of your hearts would make a really lovely picture or even greeting cards!
I should have taken photos, M but haven't. I do have some. I also have no idea how many I have given away. I'll take photos from now on. I love the woven platter plates that I have them set up on. I'll try taking some photos & posting them here soon.
It is great news about A! We might visit him & his wife tomorrow after our family lunch.
Pics would be lovely! I hope your family lunch is really fun, and that you get to have a nice celebration with A and his wife, too.
Thanks, M. I wish we could share photos more easily here. I'm not sure I have the patience. I will send you some soon xo
I have had such a laaaazy day today & polished off a good book- The continental affair by Christine Mangan. @Emilyrose I think you would like it.
My quick&dirty trick for pictures on here is to take a rather zoomed-out picture of the object with my phone and cut it down to half the size in both directions. That generally works.
Having a place to stay so close to the golf course would be lovely, especially if you're playing more than you're used to.

Fingers crossed for A!
Lovely it will work to stay with your friend near the golf course!
That's great about your friend having some good news in regards to his cancer. I hope the treatments go well.
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I'll try that with my photos. I hope we feel comfortable at K's. We don't usually stay with friends or family & love getting home but it may be a good option some days. We'll play it by ear.
A's cancer is in his oesophagus & I don't think that can be good, but I'm glad that they think it is localised. We'll visit today after our family lunch. We're leaving Archie at home as G's sister got all funny about him because her dog peed inside once when we visited. I don't feel like going today.
Hi, Em. It’s funny because I’m currently sitting outside on my own & they are sitting inside playing a board game. WTF? Why would you play a board game in the middle of the day when you have company to talk to? I just don’t get it. I really don’t. We’ll be leaving soon I hope.
We will visit A at another friend’s place on our way home.
My family considers board games a social activity. You don't like it you can watch or go do something else - but not joining in and then complaining you're alone would be considered rude. I hate board games and like my alone time so it works for me but if it were this way somewhere I don't go often and/or don't feel at home I'd feel left out. Of course my mom wouldn't dream of joining in with the game if it meant leaving a "real" guest alone.
Sorry to hear the lunch was a bit of a letdown Cate, although I guess you weren't really looking forward to it anyhow!
Our family is like Llama's in that we see board games as a social activity... It seems it often makes it a little easier to connect and have some fun together--especially if the conversation has run out or we are mixing in a group where we maybe have a bit of trouble just connecting through conversation because we are all in different places in our life or whatever...
Anyway, good it's over with now!
We're the same. We like board games and socialize while playing them and put out lots of snacks and non-alcoholic things to drink. But we also wouldn't play them unless everyone was into them, too. Hopefully you can go shopping or bring some hearts to work on or something nice next time. Sorry it was a boring visit. I hope the rest of your weekend goes wonderfully!!!