Cate's Diary

I have never liked board games & it has never been an issue. We only see G's sister & brother every 2-3 months, but they see one another often. If I had Archie with me I would have taken him for a walk.
Dogs are the best solution for any unpleasant social situation. A shame G's sister's dog gets nervous around other dogs.
I have had a good day today. We had a light day's eating & I took Arch for a good walk. It was hot. Tomorrow I'll take him in the morning.
I think I was so peeved yesterday before we got there because G's sister had rung him asking for some of our rhubarb plants(we have been struggling to get any rhubarb for ourselves & he had given our last jar of rhubarb chutney away) & Vietnamese mint (I have given her many plants before). Also apparently it's ok for her other brother to take his dog (the same breed as Arch). Archie has never been aggressive or even assertive towards her dog. I'll try not to think about it too much.
Hi, Llama- G's sister's dog seems to like Archie & I think she's just getting old & has accidents.

I may dig up the rhubarb plants tomorrow & get some sheep manure, fill the bed with it & replant it out with some rich potting mix & give it a good watering. Maybe I should do that when it's cooler.
I think that sometimes being kind when someone is bossing you around could reinforce their bossiness toward you. So, I hope you would consider telling her that your rhubarb is struggling and that you can't spare any. They are inexpensive to buy as bare roots, so she could easily go to a nursery and get some. Plus if she is banning your dog but can bring her dog who peed in someone's house, I would not do her any favors. It sounds like she is blaming your dog for her dog's behavioral issue.
Yes sometimes these family get-togethers are just a matter of getting through them!
Good to not dwell on it too much and move onto happier things like your garden :)
If we all liked our in-laws/extended family, life would be very boring! ;) Sometimes it's good to have something to whinge about, lol.
G would give our last anything away. I'll stop banging on about them as I don't want to be annoyed.

I think I will dig up all of the rhubarb today & nourish the bed. It will feel like a positive thing to do & will take my mind off worrying about the vets' tournament on Tuesday. I'll take Arch for a walk first though as it's meant to be hot today.

Edit at 10.40 am:
I'm back inside after taking Arch for a walk & an attempt at digging up the rhubarb. I manged to dig up half a dozen plants that were in a raised bed around a lime tree(wrong place for them!) & it was too hard, too hot & I got scratched to pieces. I might tackle the other bed in a while. Maybe.....
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I tried tackling the other bed & gave up. They're too hard to dig up & it was too hot. I washed the car instead.

I have had a few calls from our son, R & the upshot is he'll be arriving sometime tonight for a couple of nights. He has had a rotten run of luck in the last week & needs to get away. I feel exhausted just thinking about it all. We have our hands full with this tournament on Tuesday. I'm not sure that we'll be much help to him but he needs a place where he can get some peace & hopefully sleep. I hope he drives carefully as he has hardly had any sleep for a couple of nights.
I probably won't come in here for a couple of days.
Thanks, Llama. That hug was felt. I just got a message from his GF/partner saying she's glad he's coming up to stay with us for a couple of nights as he is feeling overwhelmed. I wish we had a couple of free days.
I have been trying to think of a way to block off the area of our house where my bookshelves are as his dog chews the spines of my hardcover books. Maybe I can use milk crates. I'll go have a look in a minute. I wish G was home. He is playing in a big golf challenge today & I don't know what time he'll get home.
G is home. I rigged up a sliding door with a packing crate & milk crates & I hope that will do the trick. I’ll try talking R into having his dog sleep in the room with him so that I don’t worry about him chewing our furniture. He has 2 days & nights to relax & sleep.
He’s arriving about 7.15 pm.
I feel a bit more relaxed.
It's so heartwarming that when R feels overwhelmed, his instinct is to come home. You have such a wonderful relationship with him. I hope you are ok with all the golf responsibilities and also being there for R. :grouphug:
Sorry to hear R is having a rough time. It is lovely, as Marsia mentioned, that he feels yours is a good safe space to go to at those times.
Do take care of yourself Cate. It can be really hard when trying to support our loved ones through a rough patch. :grouphug:
Thanks, Vic, Llama, Marsia & Vic. It's stressful, but more so for him. He's waiting on a call to an insurance call centre at the moment. They're hopeless. He's going to stay until early Wednesday morning & drive back early.
I feel exhausted this morning, I must admit. He got a decent sleep, I think, but had things going over & over in his head. I woke up so many times too & woke at 5 am unable to get back to sleep.
This time in 2 weeks we'll be playing in our National Championships. Eek!
Put another way- this time in 3 weeks that will all be over. Yay!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia, Liza & bluehat.
I got through the tournament yesterday quite well, but am very tired today. I'm still going to go play golf today.
R had a day at home on his own with the dogs & made a frittata. Unfortunately, as he was putting it in the oven he had an accident with it & it went everywhere, including all over the oven door & in the oven. He told me he bawled for about half an hour, wondering what else could go wrong in his life. He woke at 1 am this morning & couldn't get back to sleep & left here to drive back to Hobart at 6 am. I hope he gets through this bad patch ok.
Archie is good thanks, blue. He hasn't seemed bothered at all by losing all of those teeth. He has coped well with R's dog being here. Arch is top dog though & sorted him out a few times.