Cate's Diary

Poor R. I hope things turn around soon for him. Nice to hear that Archie's doing well and that he gets along well with R's puppy. Sorry to hear you didn't get to spend that much time with R. I hope things calm down for him and that you can have a nice relaxed visit soon!
Thanks, Marsia. I hope so too. He has had a rough week. It has been a real saga & too complicated to explain really. He & C are still good, so that's a big relief for us.
I had a cracking game of golf today but was disqualified because I didn't sign my card. It was funny really as I knew I was going to have a great score & that my handicap would come in & that was bad timing coming into our national championships, but I am not a cheat & I didn't do what a lot of people do & deliberately play badly on the last few holes. Instead, I went for it. I hit some amazing shots today. I was in a rush to get my buggy away as we were the last group & had to lock up the buggy shed. I signed the other woman's card. J is an absolute stickler. G gets the men to sign theirs when they forget, but I wasn't surprised she did this. I can be philosophical about it & I won't forget again & I also will not rush. I would have won the day, but I also would have come in two shots on my handicap, which I have wanted to do for ages. At least I know I'm capable. I hit the ball a mile today! It felt so good. I was so tired.
Oh well done on the great golf! Stroke of luck forgetting to sign your card and not improving your handicap so close to the nationals.

:grouphug: for all of R's goings-on.
So good to hear that R and C are doing well so he has nice support through the difficulties. I'm with Llama, nice you did so well, but it didn't count against you. Life is so funny!
So good to hear how great the golf is going! And yes so great that the excellent game won't affect your handicap.
I feel for R with the frittata story. Stuff like that can just be so exhausting when we are already down.
Thanks, everyone. I didn't take it so well as the evening went on I must admit. It was a cracking score & I can't play much better than that. It was 6 shots better than my handicap. I tried to be philosophical about it, but really I was a bit peeved. I'm not sure that J would have the same rule for her close friends if they had forgotten. I won't make that mistake again.

Thanks for the support for R. :grouphug: I am grateful that he has C who loves him a lot. When I told G that R was coming home for a couple of nights as he was having a rough trot, he looked so sick & the first thing he asked was had they split up.

I'm having a very quiet day today. It's overcast & will be hot & steamy.
Tomorrow we have a funeral to go to in town. We'll see a lot of our golfing friends.
I also hope you play less games with J. She seems to not understand that golf is fun and for socializing and getting exercise. That's sad. I hope you view your win as a genuine incredible win no matter how it was recorded! Sorry you have a funeral to attend. I hope it is a nice homage to your friend's life though.
Thanks, everyone. I didn't take it so well as the evening went on I must admit. It was a cracking score & I can't play much better than that. It was 6 shots better than my handicap. I tried to be philosophical about it, but really I was a bit peeved. I'm not sure that J would have the same rule for her close friends if they had forgotten. I won't make that mistake again.
Oh sorry Cate--i had misunderstood. I thought it was sort of a happy accident that the excellent game wouldn't be affecting your handicap for the national championships...I must admit I know nothing about golf and how all this works. Really sorry that it was so annoying. Anyway, at least you know how well you played and hopefully you'll play as well for the nationals.

I do hope R starts to feel better. So hard when we hit these rough patches. Glad to hear that he is still together with C.
Thanks, everyone. Knowing that I have this support here helps me a lot. R is struggling. I got a message from C yesterday to say she was worried about him. I have felt sick with anxiety & have had trouble sleeping this week.
Liza- you were right about how it worked out. Not having my handicap reduced because of my excellent score will help me at the nationals. I think she was being petty but I will sign my card before I play from now on & won't make that mistake again.
I feel a bit queasy this morning- from anxiety & lack of sleep, I think. The funeral will be ok.
Anxiety and lack of sleep can really reinforce each other and it sucks :grouphug:
They sure can. I'm feeling much better this afternoon. The funeral was ok. It was a bit weird & disconnected. We know what we want when it's our turn. We always discuss it on the way home from funerals so that the other is clear on it. It's not maudlin.

We're playing golf in what will be a fun group tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. I love K & T & we'll be playing with G, T's husband I & one of our lovely friends from town.
I haven't heard from R or C today. Neither of them worked today so I hope they had a chance to chill out.
Being prepared isn't maudlin. It takes a bit of weight off your loved ones during an already stressful time.

Yay for relaxed golf with fun people!
I wrote out my wishes for any sort of funeral stuff and sent it out to the siblings. I think it's nice to know what one wants when the time comes.

I hope your anxiety comes down a bit now...and that you can just relax and enjoy the fun golf game!
Thanks, Llama & Liza.
My anxiety has settled down again. I'm trying not to worry about the nationals. We'll get through them. We will probably have fun. I think I'll drive back home most days (80 km return) rather than stay at my friend's. We'll see.
I'm going to have fun today as the company is excellent!
Hope you have a wonderful day on the green with your happy friends!!
I have had such a lovely day with my happy friends. It was a perfect combination. I love I & K. They really are my favourite female golfing friends. We had such a good day & we also beat G's group, which was good for a bit of teasing. I felt like my cares were a million miles away.
I even went over to the guy who gave us so much grief at the club & thanked him for his sponsorship. He looked a bit shocked. I like that. It felt good to do it.
That's lovely to hear!
I even went over to the guy who gave us so much grief at the club & thanked him for his sponsorship. He looked a bit shocked. I like that. It felt good to do it.
Not only is that probably good for your own mind but it's also a super boss move and I love it :applause: