Cate's Diary

Thank you Llama, Marsia, Liza, Em (& Vic). :grouphug:
I hope I'm a good Mum. It can be exhausting though & I hope R can have a good run & get back to feeling strong again. It's very emotionally tiring.
I'm off to golf today but not feeling much like it. I hope I get to play with T or K today.
I had a great sleep last night & didn't wake until 6 am! That's rare.
Hope you have a lovely day golfing. Getting up before 6am would make me feel mis-er-a-blah. Glad you got a good night's sleep!
I knew I should have stayed at home! K & T had been snaffled before they walked in the door by A & I was left playing with either/or of the Js or with P1 & P2 (who I can't stand). I only played one hole & left. I could tell I was going to lose it. It felt so much better getting out of there. I'm back home with Archie on my chair & have the kettle going for a cup of peppermint tea. I brought all of my gear home & will go through it tomorrow in readiness for next week.
I felt teary & shaky out there but feel better for being home again.
Darn, so sorry you had such a bad surprise, but I'm glad you got out of there and took good care of yourself. Can you pre-plan playing with K & T and the people you like instead of having to show up and get whoever you get? I really hope so.
Thanks, M. I don't think they mind who they play with & it doesn't feel right to deprive them of playing with others. The way I feel this morning is that maybe they would rather play with others. I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. I'll get over it. I didn't feel strong mentally before I got there.
Or maybe the person who snapped them up was also desperately trying to get out of playing with the J's and the P's :grouphug: I'm sorry you felt so fragile but good on you getting out when things didn't improve.
Thanks, Marsia & Llama. Maybe, Llama. I understand why anyone would want to snaffle them. I still feel very fragile but am relieved that I came home. I felt ready to snap at P2 & it was good to get away.
I escaped into a book- "Force of Nature" by Jane Harper, a very good Australian writer. She wrote "The Dry" also an excellent book.
I got a message from T checking in to make sure I'm ok. She is such a good friend.
That's great that T checked up on you, and I hope you can play with the vets more or just practice on your own or something when faced with the Js and Ps as potential golfing partners. Too bad Archie couldn't come along and you could have a nice time with him on the green. Glad you found a good book to sink your teeth into, too.
Good for you going home after just playing the one hole. I think that is a big win to know what we are better off doing for our mental health and just do it.
Going home to a good book, a cup of tea and nice little Archie sounds like very good decision making!
Thanks, Marsia, Llama, Liza & Tru.
I felt ok last night until I got a call from K. I thought she was ringing to see if I was ok, but she was ringing to tell me that J told her that my score from the week before had to be inputted even though I had been disqualified for not signing the card & subsequently I have come in 2 shots. She said she looked it up & it was right. The call made a bad day worse & I was really upset. I think it is correct though, after looking up the official handicap regulations this morning.
I will be playing with the vets the week after next. G doesn't disqualify people for not signing their cards. He asks them to sign them. He also sorts who plays with whom, rather than letting people make up their little groups. J found it amusing that I had such a great score but was disqualified. She couldn't stop smiling. She had even laughed & then tried disguising it. She really is nasty. I don't need that in my life.
If I play with the vets I'll be able to help G with the bar etc. I'll keep my options open.
I have a day at home on my own today. I'll try to do something positive.
That's a shame you have someone who is running things who so insecure that they smile at others' misfortune. I agree, no one wants people like that anywhere near them. I wish I were there to tell her off!! I am glad you can play with the vets instead and maybe sometimes ask T and K. I hope you have a lovely day at home doing nice things for yourself!
I wish you were here too, M! I will play with the vets for a couple of weeks when the women have stroke events. The vets only have one stroke event a month. I will keep my options open. There are a couple of events on Saturdays that I want to play in too, including a memorial event for a friend. I'll ask K & T to play with me in a team against G & I & someone else, as we did recently. That was fun.
I have had a nothing sort of a day with a nap in the middle. I might make some hearts shortly. I might get out in the garden for a little while & see if I can find any ripe banana passionfruit & tomatoes. I feel ok.
That woman did not deserve the nickname upgrade you granted her. I do hope you feel better and occasionally hit it out of the park and crush her ego now that you have to play in her league.
Tru- I wish you were nearby 😊
Today I organised to play with K & T today on the cancer clinic fundraising day.
Llama- she didn’t. From now on she’s B1! I do feel better & you’re right. I am now in the same handicap division as the Bs. Good way of looking at it! 😘
I'm glad you are feeling better by now Cate.
J found it amusing that I had such a great score but was disqualified. She couldn't stop smiling. She had even laughed & then tried disguising it. She really is nasty. I don't need that in my life.
That whole situation with that game sounds awful. What a terrible attitude for J to have.

I am glad you will find better ways to play with kind/fair/good sportsmanship type people!
That's great you are making plans with K and T! I am so over emotionally immature people who are stuck in childhood bully-mode and are about age 5 emotionally. It's such a waste of a life, and I hope you don't let people like that drag you down.