Cate's Diary

I'm glad you are feeling better by now Cate.

That whole situation with that game sounds awful. What a terrible attitude for J to have.

I am glad you will find better ways to play with kind/fair/good sportsmanship type people!
Thanks, Liza. The Js of this world are best avoided if possible. I love golf so I will find a way to play with people I like & respect.
That's great you are making plans with K and T! I am so over emotionally immature people who are stuck in childhood bully-mode and are about age 5 emotionally. It's such a waste of a life, and I hope you don't let people like that drag you down.
They do get me down, Marsia but I will bounce back. Llama said something that made me realise I am now in their handicap division so will be competing directly with them. That's a good thing for the evenness of the competition. Often the best & second-best "Div 2" scores are much better than the best Div 1 score, but they still win a prize. I will only play with the women if I feel like it or if one of my friends contacts me & asks to play with me. I don't want to deal with the Bs. I'll try not to think about them as I get a bit shaky even typing about them. Who needs this anxiety?

I have had a bit of a reset with my "diet" & have been eating very healthily & will be playing lots of golf (4 games) next week. I will also be driving home each day so will only have a couple of drinks here & there. I should lose a little weight.
After our nationals, I am going to reset my life & make some changes. I will play golf twice a week, maybe once in a comp & once just going out for a hit for practise. I don't have any processed snack food at home & I won't buy any more. I am also going to start selling some stuff.
Ugh, sorry to hear about trouble in the golf club again. The schoolyard often rears its ugly head in these clubs. I wouldn't care about her laughing at you, she's probably just worried that you'll come swooping in to take all the prizes from her! Don't mind them and play your own game.
Thanks, Em. I’m sure she delights in other people’s misfortunes. She is mean. I’ll do my best to have as little as possible to do with her, without letting her know how I feel about her. I will play my own game & suit myself. She is not worth losing sleep over.
Em, I’m worried that I’ll miss your birthday so will wish you an early happy birthday, just in case 🥰
Your plan sounds excellent. Fingers crossed 4 games next week won't be too much but maybe think of a backup plan when things do feel like they're going south. Of course if you decide that some things are worth the proverbial hangover that's fine as well.
That's great you can just go practice golf by yourself if there aren't good people to play with. I was wondering about that. Your new plan sounds good. I am about to sell some things as well, and will wish us both luck with that. Hope the nationals go well!! K did the driving test for her license yesterday and got an examiner who would not tell her clearly what to do and failed her before the test even got started, and seemed like she was just being mean. I spent the night thinking about mean people like your awful golfing ladies. I feel sorry for them and think that they are jealous of happy people. We may get temporarily derailed by them, but they have to live with themselves. I hope when you get back from nationals that you can just surround yourself in positive people and ignore the turkeys. You're so positive and full of compassion, and deserve to be surrounded in people who appreciate you.
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I have had a bit of a reset with my "diet" & have been eating very healthily & will be playing lots of golf (4 games) next week. I will also be driving home each day so will only have a couple of drinks here & there. I should lose a little weight.
After our nationals, I am going to reset my life & make some changes. I will play golf twice a week, maybe once in a comp & once just going out for a hit for practise. I don't have any processed snack food at home & I won't buy any more. I am also going to start selling some stuff.
That all sounds super positive Cate. It seems like it will be good when the stress of the Nationals is over and you can get back into a rhythm that suits you well.
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza.
I will be relieved when the Nationals are over & I can get back into "normal" life. We could still stay with my friend KD if we think it will take away some of the stress with driving. We are needed to help tomorrow a bit earlier than we planned so I might drop Arch off at the kennels a day early. It will mean less stress on Monday morning. We had been thinking we needed to take both cars on Monday so this would alleviate that. I don't feel good about taking him there.
We will need to be organised. On Monday we play a 4BBB & my partner & I are defending champions & then there's a dinner, so we'll need to take clothes to change into for that. On Tuesday we play but can come home early & Wednesday we have off. On Thursday we play & then there's a casual "barefoot bowls" fun evening, where we won't need to change. On Friday we play & then come home soon afterwards. Sat home & Sat night we have a dinner. I may pick Archie up on our way home on Friday, rather than going back to pick him up on Sat morning.
We'll know more tomorrow when we get our itinerary with hit-off times. If I find it's all too much I can not play any day but that would put me out of the running for the women's championships. I was runner-up last year.
Edit at 11.45 am. I have decided to leave Archie at home rather than take him to the kennels. I’m sure he would be happier here. It has taken a weight off my shoulders. We’ll be home every night & we have Wednesday off. I feel relieved. I know at these kennels they don’t spend much time with them.
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Wow, that sounds like a whirlwind week. Would it work to have your friend KD dog sit Archie at her place and you stay over one night if you get too overtired with all that driving? I hope it's mostly fun and not too much for you guys!!
I feel better about it all now I have decided to leave Arch at home. We'll enjoy it & if, for any reason, I feel it's too much I can always opt out whenever I like. It's not compulsory.
My friend is not very mobile so I wouldn't want her tripping over Arch.
I have pulled my golf bag apart & taken out lots of things I won't need. I'm starting to look forward to it. I think it's me who suffers from separation anxiety, not Archie :ROFLMAO: :blush5:
It sounds like a lot but also a lot of fun! Maybe make sure you have gel packs or ice bags ready to cool your knees and/or feet at night.
Yes does sound like it will be super busy! But yeah it sounds like you are fitting it all together in a way that hopefully will minimize the stress so that's great to hear. I hope you have some good fun with it all.
Thanks, Llama & Liza. This time in a week it will all be over! :D
We think we may take 2 cars tomorrow so that I can go a bit later than G, but we'll see. We could leave one there overnight.
I had an awful night's sleep last night. I'm glad I'm not playing today.
Edited at 9.05 am-
I must admit my stress/anxiety levels are going up by the minute. I'll probably start adding things back into my golf bag. Actually, I think I'll pack some extra clothes in my car, just in case. It's chilly & overcast.
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The first day will surely be fun. It isn't until later in the week when things might get a bit much, right?
Sorry to hear your stress levels were going up. Mine always go up in anticipation of things. i hope that once you get going they come down. Not a bad idea to pack lots of extras in the car to make the day a comfortable one.
Thanks, Llama & Liza (& Vic & Blue).
The first day didn't include any actual golf & it was a long day. A wanted us there early to help get things ready & to have lunch with him & M. We weren't needed really. He had lots of helpers. We were there at 11.20 & got home at 7.30. It was mostly just sitting around talking or listening all day. I had an asthma attack at about 6.30. There was so much perfume & I assume that's why. It was nice to come home & we had a fruit platter & went to bed just after 10. It was cold & we slept with an extra blanket.
I decided this morning that G's idea of taking both cars today was a good idea after all, so he just left & I am still in my dressing gown. It feels more "normal" & I won't have to kill 3 hours while he's in a meeting. I can now ease into my day. Tomorrow we both hit off at about 8 am & this way, I can leave pretty soon afterwards if I like.
Oh dear sorry to hear you had an asthma attack on the first day! Sounds like a really good decision to take separate cars so you're not stuck there all day. I hope Day 2 went better!
That's so good you can leave now if you are exposed to more perfumes or if you are feeling tired. I hope the day goes wonderfully and that you are feeling all better. So nice you can come home and hug Archie at the end of each day.
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Marsia. I'm home again after hitting off at 8 am this morning. I am utterly exhausted. I think I'll have a nap shortly as my eyes want to close. I played badly yesterday, but even worse today. I enjoyed the company though. I liked the woman I shared the cart with. She's off a much bigger handicap than me (50 to my 29) but we got along well. I think she's in her early 80s.
I won't get around the diaries today but will tomorrow xoxo
I hope you get a good rest and keep enjoying the game. Fun is way more important than playing well in a week that's overwhelming anyway.