Cate's Diary

Exactly what the others say--i hope you got a good nap in and keep having fun!
Thank you, Llama, Marsia & Liza :grouphug:
I woke up this morning feeling much better mentally. From now on I will treat each day as a new one & just enjoy the fact that I am out there playing golf. I have no chance of winning the women's comp so that pressure is gone. Each day some things can be won like the longest drive or nearest the pin or the daily comp. I had a strange attitude yesterday to my game & was just bashing the ball. I did not enjoy it at all. Tomorrow I don't hit off until after lunch & will just try to relax & have fun.
I am so happy that I decided to leave Archie at home. I am certain he is happier too. We have saved lots of money by travelling home each day. It only takes 32-35 mins each way.
I got a message from C this morning as she had heard that there was a big accident near us on the highway. She let me know that she thinks R may have turned the corner & is settling in better. I really appreciate her. It is a big relief. He is going to work today after having last week off.
G & I are going to do some gardening today. We should have some ripe tomatoes & some walnuts & maybe some blueberries.
I hope the rest of the days at the tournament are really fun and relaxing and that you can let your hair down and really enjoy yourself. I know what you mean about how much you can save if you are not having to have people to take care of your pet. Our vacations were so expensive when you added a cat sitter in. That's great that R is bouncing back - he does sound more resilient like you were saying! Happy gardening, and please eat a nice garden tomato for me!!
How nice of C to call to check in on you and update you on R. No wonder your mood improved! Saving money and feeling comfortable is the best combination:)
Thanks, Marsia & Llama. As well as saving money on keeping Archie at home, which was a factor I feel so much less stressed about him being unhappy. He is coping very well with us coming & going & It may be a good thing for him to get a bit more used to it.
I think R is getting more resilient & I'm glad I told him that. I feel C has been so good for him & I know that she really loves him. It makes me feel so much better knowing that. M- I had 2 delicious small tomatoes & thought of you :)
Llama, C is so thoughtful. I am very grateful that we have her in our lives. I do feel much more comfortable being at home. We are not spending much at all. I only spent $3 yesterday! We're mostly able to eat at home too, which has been good.
Tomorrow we're going to have a small bowl of cereal when we get up & then eggs and avocado on toast so that we'll be right for a midday game of golf. We'll probably have a light early dinner there as we're playing a game of indoor bowls, which I have never played. Hopefully it won't be late. We're playing early on Friday morning & can go home again just after lunch time, which will be good. Then we'll only have the dinner on Saturday night. Yay!
I just got a message from R asking how my day was. Sweet. He went back to work today & it was OK. I'll take OK & hope it gets better. He said it was good to have a routine again. That word keeps cropping up :)
Thanks for enjoying tomatoes for me! Bringing Archie to the kennel would not be nice, so I'm glad he's doing well at home and you know he's happier. With R, sometimes just ok is a good accomplishment, and I bet he'll be better than ok soon with C helping him. We have to go out to therapy appointments and K's internship all over the place every week and are getting good at packing lunches and studying in free places so it's fun to hear you talk about how to do an event on a budget and feel happy about it. It's becoming a sort of game for us.
I am so happy to read about how much more relaxed and fun your days are sounding!
I have no chance of winning the women's comp so that pressure is gone.
Having that pressure off sounds so good really, where now you can just enjoy yourself!
I'm so glad that leaving Archie at home and just driving back and forth has worked out so well too.

just got a message from R asking how my day was. Sweet. He went back to work today & it was OK. I'll take OK & hope it gets better. He said it was good to have a routine again. That word keeps cropping up :)
Lovely--so good to hear he's getting back on track. Although it's never fun having things go wrong, it can be very good to learn how we can indeed move on and not completely fall apart at those times. It really helps build up that trust in ourselves. So good you reminded him of his resilience when he needed that reminder!
Sorry to hear you're out of the overall women's comp but I really hope you enjoy the rest of the golfing days. Your pre-golf grub today sounds great. I'm glad R is doing better.
Thanks Llama, Marsia, Liza & Em.
I'm glad we decided to stay home & travel. We can relax in between events & it feels normal. I'm still in my dressing gown, with Archie on my chair 🐶 :beating:
We'll be going down to stay at C's house in 2 weeks for her twin's 7th birthday. G only wants to stay one night, but I think we should stay 2 to spend more time with R. I'll talk to him about it when we're not so busy.
I hope I can relax & enjoy the golf from now on. The harder you try at golf the worse you play usually.
Golf sounds very zen, as does sitting in your dressing gown sharing a chair with a sweet, little dog. I hope you get to stay multiple nights at Cs to visit more with R, but also the twins sound so delightful.
I hope I can relax & enjoy the golf from now on. The harder you try at golf the worse you play usually.
ah yes--that does sound very zen...I feel the same way with lots of things. Even when I have set out to run to try and beat my own personal best I can often get in my own way and do worse!
Thanks, Marsia, Liza & Em xo
I was too tired to post last night. What an exhausting week. I ended up enjoying myself (surprise, surprise) but I'm glad we only have the presentation dinner left. There's no live music so it won't be late. I played woefully yesterday as well, but I'm over it already. After this week, golf at our local course will feel easy. I got along well with one of the women in particular & she & her husband are going to play with us on a vets' day the week after next. I'm looking forward to that.
It is Llama. I also got along better with one of the Tasmanian women who has won the women's comp. She gave me such a hard time last year & was jealous of how well I did. I'm glad that I don't think the same way. I have invited her out to play in a comp in a team with G & I & she seemed chuffed. She is a very complex character & is very self-centred but also needy. G plays golf with her partner regularly & I also get along very well with him. I'm glad I don't get jealous. I used to when I was very young & insecure. It's not a good feeling.
Glad you had a good time, and I agree about making a new friend! I hope you can put your feet up and have a nice relaxing weekend now!!
Glad you were able to end up actually enjoying it Cate and that you have made a new golfing buddy!