Heh, and you were worried you might not be fun enough to play with
I'm not sure she is thinking about having fun, Llama, but OK point taken

I invited her to play with K & I last time so it would have been impolite not to ask me.
It makes sense your weight might be up a little with all the resting you had to do to get over the last Covid symptoms. It's great to see you getting your calorie intake where you want it again and eating so well. I guess if you say yes to the bossy golf lady, you could train her subtly not to be so bossy and not let her boss you around. She'd either get tired of not being obeyed and not want to play with you anymore, or maybe some easy-going-ness will rub off on her. You could use your secret weapon on her and give her a heart!! Take that, miss bossy!
Thanks, M. I really didn't move much for over a month. I got on the scales this morning & I was back down that kilo. Phew! Now to keep working on it!
I will try to stop her being so bossy. She may see me the same way for all I know. I might ask her if she wants to do our card. I also might just make her a heart. Good thinking
Disappointing weigh-ins are never fun but looks like you're right back on track.
I hope you can enjoy the golf even with the woman you don't like playing with!
Thanks, Liza. I am. It gave me the fright I needed.
I will certainly try. I can organise us to play with a group of three men- T's husband, D who I bought my cart off & his friend D who I really like, rather than playing with a group of other women. It's usually more fun. The 2 Ds play in our social group & we usually have a lot of laughs.
We had eggs & avocado on toast this morning as we were both meant to be playing golf. There is thunder & lightning & torrential rain & we are not going anywhere.
Lunch will be the soup I was going to take with me.
Dinner will be curried venison with veggies.
No wine.
I dropped my calories to 1450 from 1550. I want to lose some weight before our national golfing comp in March.