Cate's Diary

I'm just checking in quickly to say we are having a great time. The party last night was brilliant & the kids also had a great time. Everyone is up & about. I've been playing a kids' version of Scrabble that I bought them. That was fun. I had better skedaddle xo
I'm just checking in quickly to say we are having a great time. The party last night was brilliant & the kids also had a great time. Everyone is up & about. I've been playing a kids' version of Scrabble that I bought them. That was fun. I had better skedaddle xo
Oh i can really hear the fun you're having in your post! Excellent!
Thanks, Llama, Liza, Marsia & Vic :grouphug:
Our weekend was a dream. Tina Turner's song, Simply The Best is in my head this morning.
The party on Saturday night was so much fun. We all had a great time & the kids had so many other kids to play with. H bonded with another H the same age as her & L followed F, her older brother around & seemed to hero-worship him. I had asked F to keep an eye on the twins for us as they wanted to follow him around & they were venturing further than we felt comfortable with. He was really sweet. The parents of these 2 kids are friends with both of our sons & also bought G's Mum's house. We have a strong family connection as G & I are also friends with his parents.

Yesterday we all had a bit of a sleep-in & had a peaceful, pleasant morning & an early lunch. R & C had a meetup with the other 2 kids with their parents in the local park & then we went to the concert. The kids were so good during the concert. It was amazing. Afterwards, I asked H if she would like to give the singer(CT) one of my hearts. She leapt at the chance & went up on stage & gave it to her, CT was teary. When H got back, little L said he would also like to give her one, so he snuck up on stage & did so. When we caught up with her off stage I told her that I wanted her to have the hearts as she gives so much of herself in her shows that we wanted to give her back some love. We had such a lovely hug. Later when she was signing CDs she told us that she would take the hearts around with her on her new album tour. She has a child who has a rare neurological disease called Angelman Syndrome & life would be so hard for her & her partner. She opens up her heart & soul in her songs.

The kids had a quick visit to the other kids again after the show at their home & R got to see the renovations that have been made to his Nan's old home. They came back & had dinner & the kids went to bed without any bother & R & C had an early night too. This visit was the best we have had. It was very special.

I gave away another heart yesterday too. As G & I were walking past the police station near the venue before the show, there was a crashed car on the back of a tow truck, a policeman & a young woman who was very upset. I walked over to her & offered her one of my hearts. She shook her head. I opened up my bag of hearts & selected one for her & held it out. She took it & burst into tears. I said "You'll be OK" & gave her shoulder a little rub & we kept on walking. I think it was her car (it had interstate plates & no hire car sticker) & she was on her own. I'm not sure that she spoke any English. It would have been an awful day for her, but I think she will remember being given a heart.

R & C & the twinnies left at about 9.30 & we are just sitting in our chairs chilling out. It's raining & it feels so calm & peaceful again but I feel so content & happy for us all to have had such a lovely weekend.
That's so lovely that you could have such a fun weekend with 6 year olds. I really miss being around kids that age - they are so magical! And music and a nice visit from R and C, too!! I love how you tell about how gratifying it is handing out hearts and each person's reaction. So glad you had such a great weekend, and it sounds like you are feeling a lot better, too!!
Thanks, M. I am feeling heaps better. I love these two little six-year-olds & I also love their mother. Our family has been enriched by having them in our lives. It was a wonderful weekend.
As little H was leaving this morning she asked me if she could have "one of the flat hearts" & when I asked her which one it was "all of them". I have two woven trays from Papua New Guinea that my SIL gave me many years ago- one has all of the cut-out hearts, ready to match the two parts & the other tray has ones I have matched up & will make next, the cotton I use to sew them up with, stuffing, scissors, needles etc & that is the one I sit down with.
As they were leaving, R called out that he had put the one little H loved best & another that he would like. R gets very emotional when I give my hearts away. He understands why I do it & what it means to me & he has seen the effect it has on people. It really is very gratifying.
That does sound like such a lovely, uplifting weekend and so good to hear you are feeling so much better and was able to properly enjoy it all as well.
So great about all the heart sharing--what a wonderful tangible way to share some love!
I love the emotional sharing you and R have! It really reminds me of me and K. So cool you are building lovely childhood memories for the twins. I always loved doing fun things with neighbors when growing up, and still think fondly back on those times.
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Marsia. It was such a lovely weekend :beating:
I feel so much better this morning. I'm still very husky, but my lungs seem to have cleared up a lot. I'll spend today at home doing housework & tomorrow I'm going to golf.
I have been half-hearted about logging so will try again. I need to put in what I plan on having at the start of the day.

I just did that & without any exercise, I will have a 397 deficit. I haven't added anything to "After lunch" though & will probably have some fruit. I might make a fruit salad today & maybe some hommus. I'm craving garlic so will make it very garlicky & lemony.
For BF I had 2 small slices of GF multigrain toast- 1 with cheese & green tomato pickles, and 1 with marmalade. Lunch will be some pickled mussels on 4 crackers, snow peas & some homemade avocado dip & a small tomato on 1 piece of toast. Dinner is going to be beef rissoles gravy & veggies, followed by a small fruit platter & 1/2 a piece of licorice. No wine today.
Thanks, Llama. Lunch was delicious. I made hommus & a fruit salad & had some FS after my lunch with a dollop of Greek yoghurt & some dry toasted coconut.
I have had/am having a good day. I have done quite a bit of housework, taken Arch for a walk & am happily sitting in my chair, about to start a book with a pot of herbal tea beside me.
Your food does sound delicious, and I'm so glad you had such a lovely weekend and are feeling so much better!! A book and a pot of tea sounds so good right now.
Good for you getting back to tracking--your food sounds delicious as always. So good to hear you back to feeling so much better!
Thanks, Marsia, Liza & LLama xo
I just went back to ensure I logged everything in & added a small bowl of nuts. Wow! Macadamia nuts are 20 calories each.
I had four plus a few mixed nuts. I had a deficit of 300 cals.
BF this morning was 2 eggs, & some avocado dip I made on two pieces of toast, no butter.
Lunch at golf will be soup & some grapes & cherries.
Dinner tonight will be grilled fish with veggies, followed by fruit salad & either Greek yoghurt or a scoop of low-fat ice cream.
I am attempting 18 holes of golf today. If I feel unwell I'll stop.
Hope you had fun and your energy levels held out.
I did have lots of fun, thanks Llama & my energy levels did last. I played with J1 & A & we got along really well. A seems to be more & more friendly towards me. They shared A's cart & I was in mine. I was really happy with my game. I played some great tee shots & had some lovely long drives, was runner-up in Div 2(the winner had an exceptional score) & had the fewest putts.
I stayed on for longer as everyone seemed happy & were pleasantly chatty.
Yes always amazing how many calories are packed into nuts! 300 is great for a deficit.

I hope it went well!
Thanks, Liza. It was a very pleasant day.

I had trouble getting to sleep last night & had a broken night's sleep. I feel so tired now. I will probably have a nap today I think. I feel exhausted. I had a big deficit yesterday when I include my Fitbit calories.
Naps are great for catching up on sleep after a bad night. I hope you got some good rest.
Lovely to hear you had a great day golfing!