Long term member
Thank you, LLama, Em, Liza & Marsia 
My head does feel quite a bit clearer. I still have a mucky chest & am constantly trying to clear it & it feels stuck. I'm not feeling so down about it now; I feel I'm getting better.
It's funny, M that the two names you like are nicknames of two Vets golfers (one deceased & one from another club). I think a name will come to me, but meanwhile, I will keep an eye out for some stickers to put on it. I fancy getting a big wedge-tailed eagle across the bonnet. We often see a pair of them out on the course & I love these majestic birds. Then, of course, there's the golfing connection. I would love to get an Eagle on any hole. It would suit the colouring of my buggy too. It's sort of a bronze colour. Maybe it doesn't need a name. I think I'll start decorating it & then a name might come to me.
I'll finish up for now & come back later as my laptop battery is about to die.

My head does feel quite a bit clearer. I still have a mucky chest & am constantly trying to clear it & it feels stuck. I'm not feeling so down about it now; I feel I'm getting better.
It's funny, M that the two names you like are nicknames of two Vets golfers (one deceased & one from another club). I think a name will come to me, but meanwhile, I will keep an eye out for some stickers to put on it. I fancy getting a big wedge-tailed eagle across the bonnet. We often see a pair of them out on the course & I love these majestic birds. Then, of course, there's the golfing connection. I would love to get an Eagle on any hole. It would suit the colouring of my buggy too. It's sort of a bronze colour. Maybe it doesn't need a name. I think I'll start decorating it & then a name might come to me.
I'll finish up for now & come back later as my laptop battery is about to die.