Cate's Diary

Thank you, LLama, Em, Liza & Marsia :grouphug:
My head does feel quite a bit clearer. I still have a mucky chest & am constantly trying to clear it & it feels stuck. I'm not feeling so down about it now; I feel I'm getting better.
It's funny, M that the two names you like are nicknames of two Vets golfers (one deceased & one from another club). I think a name will come to me, but meanwhile, I will keep an eye out for some stickers to put on it. I fancy getting a big wedge-tailed eagle across the bonnet. We often see a pair of them out on the course & I love these majestic birds. Then, of course, there's the golfing connection. I would love to get an Eagle on any hole. It would suit the colouring of my buggy too. It's sort of a bronze colour. Maybe it doesn't need a name. I think I'll start decorating it & then a name might come to me.
I'll finish up for now & come back later as my laptop battery is about to die.
Funny about the names matching people you knew or know! I like the idea of tricking out your golf cart in stickers, and a nice eagle on the front sounds perfect. I hope your chest congestion clears soon. When I had what I'm pretty sure was Covid, that was the last of the symptoms to go, and if I got chilled or overly tired, the wheezing would return, so I had to really err on the side of resting a few more days than I wanted to to be sure it was gone. That was in the early days of Covid though, so not sure if we had the same strain or not. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your day!
I quite like Buggy as a name as well 🤷‍♀️ But I agree that once you decorate him to your liking a name will come up if he needs one.
Hi, Marsia. It is funny about the names. I just told G. I think the stickers will help me find a name. There will be nothing that can be seen as political & I don't want a name for it that makes me look like I think I'm a great golfer. I don't want anything that can be mocked.
The chest congestion is tiring. I probably have had the same strain. I get so short of breath from doing so little, but I am so tired of doing so little!
I am enjoying my day, Marsia. Our older son, D came up with his whiz-bang hedge trimmer yesterday & trimmed under lots of bushes for us & today G & I tidied them all up. It looks so much better! There were two ute loads to cart away. I also read a book that I loved. Usually, I don't like short stories, but this was one of my favourite characters, Bruno. The author is Martin Walker & his book was "Bruno's Challenge & other Dordogne Tales." I loved it.
Hi, Llama. You just posted as I was typing *hug*. Buggy is what most people call push ones, rather than ride on here. I feel like calling my cart "Cate's cart" but that would confuse people at the golf club. I love being called Cate, but I also love that is what I am known as here & nowhere else. I think I'll wait until something feels just right, but I'll start by decorating it.
Our older son, D came up with his whiz-bang hedge trimmer yesterday & trimmed under lots of bushes for us & today G & I tidied them all up. It looks so much better! There were two ute loads to cart away.
Yay for getting some outside help! Sounds like you guys still did plenty yourself as well and having the place look nice is always a good reward.
Thanks, Llama. We had a good day & are enjoying watching Tina Turner films tonight. We saw her way back in the 1970s. We loved the show so much we went back again a week later! The dancing in Tina-One Last Time was amazing!
We have the best memories of bands we have seen.
Happy New Year my forum friends! 💖
Edit: it’s 2024 here & I’m off to bed!
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I just looked up Bruno's Challenge & other Dordogne Tales. It looks really fun! My grandmother and I loved to exchange books like that, and it reminds me of her!! Tina Turner really inspires me. I think of "What's Love Got To Do With It?" at times throughout my life, and really feel that creativity helps us find our stronger, better selves. I feel like your hearts definitely do that for everyone around you!! With resting a few days past when I thought I was better - if I didn't do that, all the stupid symptoms came right back, so after 4 false starts, I finally gave in and forced myself to ignore all those urges to get up and get going. It was hard!! I'm glad you are seeing more of D and that your yard is getting all spiffied up! ✨H :) PPY NEW YEAR!!!✨
Thanks, Em. I am really grateful that I am so happy. I feel so lucky.
We just got back from a quick shop & dog walk in our local town & I feel stuffed. I did buy a really colourful top that I wasn’t sure about in the shop but love now I have tried it on with comfy stretch capris. G loves it. He loves bright colours. He walked Arch while I did a supermarket shop. I loathe supermarket shopping as I have to wear a mask & I can’t breathe very well with one on. I forgot a few things as my list was at home *sigh*, along with my phone. It was a last minute decision to go in. I now don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow 🙂
Thanks, Llama, Vic & Em. I had a reasonably successful start to 2024. No wine & a 221 deficit without much walking. Still not feeling great, but I’m getting there.
Sounds like a great beginning Cate! I find getting deficits when I can't move much so challenging.
It's so lovely hearing about you and G and Archie in your house being happy together! It's wonderful that G likes your clothes and bright colors on you and that you have someone to share so much of your life with!! Hope this stubborn illness passes soon!
Thanks, LLama, Liza, Marsia, Em & Vic :grouphug:
It’s 8.10 am on January 1st, 2024 here in Australia. There's blue sky, bird noise, Arch is on my chair with me, G is reading a book & all is well in our little part of the world.
Is arch your dog? What kind?
Thank you, LLama, Em, Liza & Marsia :grouphug:
My head does feel quite a bit clearer. I still have a mucky chest & am constantly trying to clear it & it feels stuck. I'm not feeling so down about it now; I feel I'm getting better.
It's funny, M that the two names you like are nicknames of two Vets golfers (one deceased & one from another club). I think a name will come to me, but meanwhile, I will keep an eye out for some stickers to put on it. I fancy getting a big wedge-tailed eagle across the bonnet. We often see a pair of them out on the course & I love these majestic birds. Then, of course, there's the golfing connection. I would love to get an Eagle on any hole. It would suit the colouring of my buggy too. It's sort of a bronze colour. Maybe it doesn't need a name. I think I'll start decorating it & then a name might come to me.
I'll finish up for now & come back later as my laptop battery is about to die.
Is it cleared up?
Sounds like a great beginning Cate! I find getting deficits when I can't move much so challenging.
Thanks, Liza. Any exercise has me coughing but I'll just keep doing it in small increments until I'm better.
It's so lovely hearing about you and G and Archie in your house being happy together! It's wonderful that G likes your clothes and bright colors on you and that you have someone to share so much of your life with!! Hope this stubborn illness passes soon!
I feel so lucky, M. I met G when I was only 17 & moved to Melbourne from country Victoria & we started going out nine months later when he was leaving work. Luck came into it, that's for sure. We have grown closer over the years, where so many have grown apart. I am very grateful that we found one another & are so compatible.
I will be so happy when this stubborn illness goes away! Talking on the phone is the hardest thing!
Is arch your dog? What kind?
Archie is a Maltese/Shi Tsu/Poodle cross & will soon be nine years old. We got him during lockdown in May 2020. He's adorable.
My cough just doesn't want to leave me. I feel that gunk is stuck in my chest. I wish it would shift. I'm seeing a doctor on Friday & I think he'll send me for an x-ray. My older sister had a cough for ages before they discovered she had stage 4 lung cancer & I do not want to go down that path.

Day 2, 2024.
BF- 2 eggs, 1/4 avocado on 2 small GF multigrain toast.
Lunch will be.....a salad I think or I may try making a smoothie. I have a stick blender. I'll go look at some recipes online in a sec. I have some ripe bananas in the freezer, some unsweetened oat milk & some berries in the freezer too. That sounds OK. Whenever I have bought smoothies I haven't much liked the texture. I'll give it a go.
Hi, Tru & Blue.
I made a smoothie with a cup of unsweetened almond milk, 70g of raspberries, 50 g of blackberries, 70g of banana & a scoop of whey isolate protein powder & it was quite nice. I think when I made them before I used yoghurt instead of almond milk & they were too thick and rich. This was lovely. I only drank half though & then thought I would see how long it would take me to get hungry. About an hour after having it, I wasn't hungry but felt unsatisfied. I had 4 pickled mussels on 4 crackers. YUM. I also had a small apricot & half a plum. I have inputted everything I plan on having for the day, including rump steak & veggies for dinner & stewed rhubarb & a scoop of ice cream tonight &, if I don't have anything else, I should have a deficit of 466 cals, taking into account my Fitbit steps/heart rate etc adjustment. I still have half of the smoothie in the fridge, which I may leave for tomorrow. I took Archie for a 2 km walk at 3.15 pm
I did things in spurts today- some gardening, 2 loads of washing, remaking our bed, the dog walk & in between I sat down & finished off another book. This time it was a DCI Banks book by Peter Robinson- "Standing In The Shadows"—another good book. I like most UK crime/detective books.
I haven't decided if I'll go to golf tomorrow. It's meant to get to 28°C which is classified as a heatwave here. I just got a warning from the Bureau of Meteorology & there is also meant to be thunderstorms & rain. UV is also meant to be extreme.