Cate's Diary

lol i never thought of that as baby talk...more like a term of affection...but we will have to find an appropriately macho name for your cart then!
Yes, please. I put it out there on FB & will go have a look at the suggestions now......
Ah Cate, you have to let yourself get a bit silly at times! Lol.
Thanks, M. I feel that when I see or hear the right name for my cart I will know. I feel like calling it Lucky because I feel lucky in so many ways it's ridiculous. DC who I bought the cart from, who I really, really like thinks he can come up with a better name. We'll see. It's a bit of fun, asking for ideas.
I found out today that our grandson, A will be here on Christmas Day too. Apparently he and our son, R have been plotting. I'm happy. Christmas is different this year, but so long as I do get to see our family at some stage I don't care how it works. I'll just go with the flow. I have SO much food & it's mostly healthy. I have bought special chocolates & marzipan & tomorrow I'll start making garlic bread & doing platters. We have the makings. I haven't wrapped anything.
It sounds like it's going to be a wonderful, extended celebration. Glad you are resting so you'll have energy for all the guests on different days. I need to wrap presents today, too. Is A R's son?

Edit: It came to me as if in a vision. If that were my golf cart it would be dubbed ✨"Putt-Putt"✨!!:)
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How about the Par-Tee Bus? So glad you are finally feeling better and that the golfing did you good. Glad you are being cautious and ordering groceries to be delivered, too!
oh that's clever! As is putt-putt!
I feel like calling it Lucky because I feel lucky in so many ways it's ridiculous. DC who I bought the cart from, who I really, really like thinks he can come up with a better name. We'll see. It's a bit of fun, asking for ideas.
Lucky's a cute little name :) and yes may bring you some extra luck in your games!

Sounds like your Christmas is really coming together! Nice to hear.
It sounds like it's going to be a wonderful, extended celebration. Glad you are resting so you'll have energy for all the guests on different days. I need to wrap presents today, too. Is A R's son?
A is our oldest GS. When our older son, D, got together with his first wife she had a 2-year-old son. He doesn't know his father & D has always accepted him as if he was his own. We have always been close to him. He's a lovely young man.
Edit: It came to me as if in a vision. If that were my golf cart it would be dubbed "✨Putt-Putt"✨!!:)
I like it. That's cute!
oh that's clever! As is putt-putt!

Lucky's a cute little name :) and yes may bring you some extra luck in your games!

Sounds like your Christmas is really coming together! Nice to hear.
Thanks, Liza. Christmas should be a casual drawn-out few days but not stressful. It will be good to get some help from R doing a few jobs around our place. I'm so glad that we will be seeing all of our immediate family.
I'm so happy that you will see all the family Cate. That's so nice that A will drop by. You're a bit ahead of the game, it's Christmas Eve already for you. Have a lovely day. x
Putt-putt is cute! I like Lucky as well though. Maybe Felix? Means the same and is still a boy's name.

A and R conspiring is lovely. I think it's a great sign of a cohesive family when kids and their aunts/uncles/grandparents stay in contact directly, rather than always having their parents mediate
Christmas should be a casual drawn-out few days but not stressful. It will be good to get some help from R doing a few jobs around our place. I'm so glad that we will be seeing all of our immediate family.
That sounds lovely and perfect! Enjoy!
I'm so happy that you will see all the family Cate. That's so nice that A will drop by. You're a bit ahead of the game, it's Christmas Eve already for you. Have a lovely day. x
Thanks, Em. Day one (Christmas Eve) was lovely. Our DIL was relaxed with us & we had a fun night. Something has happened there. I'm glad. The kids were gorgeous. We had some funny conversations. I hope D will spend some more time with his kids from now on. He was surprised that I knew a lot of things about his daughter's bf that he did not know. It was because she spent a night alone with me when I picked her up from the airport & drove her back here in that horrible storm.
Yes, Merry Christmas Eve from me, too!💫🌜🎄🌛💫
Thanks, M xoxo
Putt-putt is cute! I like Lucky as well though. Maybe Felix? Means the same and is still a boy's name.
Felix to me is "Felix, the cat, the wonderful, wonderful cat."
A and R conspiring is lovely. I think it's a great sign of a cohesive family when kids and their aunts/uncles/grandparents stay in contact directly, rather than always having their parents mediate
I agree. Now that the GKs are older I don't think I have to go through their Dad to contact them. He always wanted me to, so that's why I haven't before. I didn't want to upset him. I think it's because his ex-wife used to verbally abuse him constantly & he didn't want her having any extra ammunition.
That sounds lovely and perfect! Enjoy!
I think this may be one of my most peaceful Christmases. So far, so good anyway. Last night was lovely, without being chaotic.
My DIL was the friendliest & most relaxed that I have ever seen her. Right from the moment they got here, I knew it was different. She actively sat near me & talked to me & was affectionate. I'm so glad that something has shifted.
G & I have time to ourselves this morning as R, C & A won't arrive until the afternoon. I'm feeling very relaxed.
That’s great that your DIL was more relaxed with you Cate. I’m glad you had a nice evening with the family.

Happy Christmas. 🎅
Merry Christmas! So glad the relationship with your DIL has shifted and that you'll get to make plans with your grandkids directly now!! And the best thing is hearing that you can just relax and enjoy being with family!!!
Thank you, Vic, Em, Liza, Llama & Marsia. I am having a lovely extended Christmas & am taking a quick forum look, but won't reply in everyone's diaries possibly until tomorrow afternoon when everyone has gone again. It has been lovely.
I'm still not better, but I think I'll slowly get there.
No rush on the diaries Cate--enjoy the family!