Alligatorob's Diary

Yeah once you reach 40 degrees it doesn't seem to help that it's dry heat...
Nice you have that promising bit of snow to meditate on when it's gross. Do you have air-conditioning in your home?
Not a great day, just 3 minutes into a workout got a call that my sister-in-law had died. We rushed over to her house got there just before her daughter and were met by the police. Nothing criminal about it, but that is who gets called when an unattended death occurs. Her health was not good, but still it was an unexpected surprise. She was 72, a lifetime smoker, diabetic, and overweight, but showed no sign of anything immanent... Stayed with her daughter most of the day helping with what we could. I think just being there was helpful to her... Anyway food was haphazard, not over on calories though, and no exercise.
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Oh, so sorry Rob. I bet her daughter was so grateful that you were there for support. I think you did wonderfully with food with such a stressful day especially.
Yesterday was a good day. Ate more than my 1800 calorie goal, but not a whole lot more and no binge, good enough. We had unexpected company last night ran into an old friend and his son yesterday and had the over. I drank some wine, my homemade peach, but have a pact not to do it today.

Thanks all for your condolences, I appreciate that. People are doing as well as could be expected, her son arrived yesterday I think that is helping her daughter.
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You did well under the circumstances, Rob. Catching up with old friends creates an occasion. I'm glad your nephew has arrived to provide extra support for his Mum.
I had one glass of wine yesterday, but will not have any today.
Yesterday was not a bad day. I went a little under on calories, but not a lot. Struggled to make my 140 g protein goal, fell just 1 gram short. Making that goal is hard. My weight has been creeping up for the last 10 day, 6 pounds. I know that can't be fat, not eating enough for that. Hope its just water that will go away.
I'm with you! Will do my best for sugar-free day!
Made the challenge yesterday, felt good.
Less than 10% deviation from your goal sounds good to me.
I know, but with my weight creeping up I do worry a little. Too soon to panic though.
You did well under the circumstances, Rob. Catching up with old friends creates an occasion. I'm glad your nephew has arrived to provide extra support for his Mum.
I had one glass of wine yesterday, but will not have any today.
Thanks Cate. I know it was ok, but getting reassurance is nice.
You have done great considering all you got going on.
Thanks Someday, nice to hear it from you.
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Again: less than 10% deviation from your goal today. Only this time in the ofher direction. Fluctuations are normal. And being 1 g off that protein goal? That's such a small difference you can't even know if it's real, because measuring errors and rounding.