Alligatorob's Diary

Having a friend with a digger would be good. Those Russian Olive trees must be a real menace! I'm glad you're starting to feel a bit better, Rob.
Decided to take a day off from the gym today, I don't feel awful but want to see if or how the gym is contributing to my tired feeling. I have a Dr's appointment next week to talk about it. I had this same problem back when I reached my bottom weight, I think it just turned out to be too much weight loss. However this time I am not too skinny...
Would that program offer you help to get rid of them in any way?
Mostly just advice and encouragement to get rid of them. Below is a link to the kind of thing they put out, not very encouraging, I appreciate the quote “when you tear a Russian Olive out of the ground, you invite 100 Russian Olives to the funeral, and they are really ticked off". I have a big rough cutter for my tractor, to keep them out after removal I will have to periodically mow the property, probably forever. Even after I get rid of mine roots and seed will keep coming from the neighbors. Russian Olives: How to Get Rid of Them
Having a friend with a digger would be good. Those Russian Olive trees must be a real menace! I'm glad you're starting to feel a bit better, Rob.
It is. And I do seem to feel better when I exercise less, not a great thing but at least it seems to be working. Don't want to give up exercise so I need to try and get to the bottom of it... Maybe just getting older?
I hope you can figure out how to keep on getting a nice amount of exercise without overdoing it to the point of feeling bad Rob. Good idea to take a break and ask your doctor about it.
My unofficial and unsolicited opinion is that at first glance, I would think you need way more calories daily, as active as you are in other areas. But good to rule out other energy-zapping causes. If it's hotter than usual where you live (northern hemisphere), maybe you're down on electrolytes, for example. Definitely good to listen to your body though and not force a workout if you're zapped.
Decided to take a day off from the gym today, I don't feel awful but want to see if or how the gym is contributing to my tired feeling. I have a Dr's appointment next week to talk about it. I had this same problem back when I reached my bottom weight, I think it just turned out to be too much weight loss. However this time I am not too skinny...
Rob, would you please do us a big favour? When you see your doctor would you mention that some of your friends think you are not eating enough calories to fuel your activity? Ask him if he thinks you are currently at a healthy weight.
You love exercising now and it would be great to work out a well-balanced diet (maybe with the help of your PT/Nutritionist) that would fuel your body so that you could keep doing the things you love to do.
I love that you admitted that you were too skinny :) xo
Today was a good day. Trying to reduce exercise and stick to the near 1500 calories to see if it will reduce my weakness. Planned no exercise today, but I started to feel a bit guilty. So I did a 45 min home workout, it felt good. It has been a while since I have used my home equipment, I could tell that my muscles were stronger, on everything except the right arm overhead. That is still not up to what it should be, it is weaker due to my neck nerve problem. Some recovery since surgery, but not complete. Suppose I have to accept that it never will be what it was. My physical therapist says my right arm strength is about average, but most other things are above, not a bad place to be I guess.
95% sure it's overexercising while undereating but definitely get it checked out.
I think (hope anyway) you are right, and I will.
I hope you can figure out how to keep on getting a nice amount of exercise without overdoing it to the point of feeling bad Rob. Good idea to take a break and ask your doctor about it.
Thanks Liza, I will feel better if I can figure it out.
My unofficial and unsolicited opinion is that at first glance, I would think you need way more calories daily, as active as you are in other areas. But good to rule out other energy-zapping causes. If it's hotter than usual where you live (northern hemisphere), maybe you're down on electrolytes, for example. Definitely good to listen to your body though and not force a workout if you're zapped.
Hey Bubbles, nice to see you here! I do think I could lose another 20 pounds, that would still be 20 above my low 3 years ago. That is why I have cut calories, but maybe too much...
Rob, would you please do us a big favour? When you see your doctor would you mention that some of your friends think you are not eating enough calories to fuel your activity? Ask him if he thinks you are currently at a healthy weight.
You love exercising now and it would be great to work out a well-balanced diet (maybe with the help of your PT/Nutritionist) that would fuel your body so that you could keep doing the things you love to do.
I will, not sure how much help he will be, but I'll talk about it.
I love that you admitted that you were too skinny :) xo
LOL, you know even when I was at my lowest I could see and feel fat I wanted to lose. Guess I know now that was probably wrong. At that point my waist was 32 or 33 inches, today it's about 38. Not sure what it should be...
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According to our guidelines your waist should be under 94 cm for (statistical) cardiovascular health. And it is. Yay you!
Finding that 'right weight' can be a bit difficult I find as well. Especially when you want to calculate in what your goals are. For me now, I value strength and fitness abilities over being skinny so it changes my ideas around ideal weight.
Talked to my trainer who as I have said was educated as a nutritionist this morning. She said I should be at 1800 calories, so I guess I will give it a try. I have always had problems increasing calories without bingeing, but I will do my best. I am still feeling a bit tired or weak, but it's not as bad today. Did 2 hours in the gym this morning and felt better than I have been, but not up to my usual. And I usually do 3 hours on Wednesdays. She did not think I was over exercising, just that I needed more calories.
According to our guidelines your waist should be under 94 cm for (statistical) cardiovascular health. And it is. Yay you!
My numbers yesterday were just guesses from the size clothing that fits. So this morning I actually measured, my waste is closer to 100 cm, so there probably is some to lose. My trainer, who sees me workout in light gym clothes, said she thought losing a little weight would not hurt me, but she said I clearly am not obese and maintaining muscle should be more important. She said that at 1500 calories I was probably losing muscle...
Finding that 'right weight' can be a bit difficult I find as well. Especially when you want to calculate in what your goals are. For me now, I value strength and fitness abilities over being skinny so it changes my ideas around ideal weight.
It is, and I agree strength and fitness are probably more important. Thanks for your input.

I know in some ways this is kind of splitting hairs compared to the weight I carried for most of my life. Being more than 100 lbs overweight, and clearly obese will do that for you.
I meant overexercising compared to your calorie intake so I fully agree with your trainer! I know it's a struggle but I'm so glad you're trying.
I really hope you find the right mix with the food and exercise so that you feel energised and happy instead of tired!
Today was a good day, ate well, first day trying to make the 1800 calorie thing, I got close. But still did not quite get to 140 grams of protein, have to work at that. I think (hope maybe) the tired weak feeling is on the decline, we'll see how a few more calories work.
I meant overexercising compared to your calorie intake so I fully agree with your trainer!
I guess I knew that, your advice is pretty much the same as her's. Except that she doesn't want anyone to exercise less... she is a trainer, LOL.
I know it's a struggle but I'm so glad you're trying.
Thanks Llama, I appreciate your support.
I really hope you find the right mix with the food and exercise so that you feel energised and happy instead of tired!
Thanks Emily, and I am working on it. I know you fight a similar battle, I guess all here do.
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Today was a good day, ate well, first day trying to make the 1800 calorie thing, I got close. But still did not quite get to 140 grams of protein,
Nice job getting those calories up Rob! And nice focus on the protein. Is it hot there? I would imagine that could be adding to the fatigue??
Feeling a bit better this morning. It's the 4th of July and I had planned to give the gym a pass, but I woke up early and found out the Zumba class was happening so I went. Spent a couple of hours there, not feeling weak. Maybe this is working... or maybe not will have to see how it feels in a couple of days.
Nice job getting those calories up Rob! And nice focus on the protein. Is it hot there? I would imagine that could be adding to the fatigue??
Thanks, it is moderately hot, highs in the 90s F, but its a dry heat. Took a ride up the mountain yesterday, cooler up there, still some snow, here is a picture.
That is at about 9300 ft, and only about 3 or 4 miles from my house in a straight line. My house is at about 4400 ft.
Yay for reasonable calories!
Thanks Llama, so far so good.
Dry heat is easier to cope with, that's for sure. It's good to see you upping the calories, Rob. I love how much you enjoy exercising. I wouldn't mind trying Zumba again.
That seems surprisingly low altitude to still have snow, Rob, but it's great that you can easily escape the heat.
Today turned out alright, it was the 4th of July and we had a bbq and not a lot of good food, but I managed to keep my calories close to the new 1800 goal. I am still a bit tired, but it does seem to be getting better.
Dry heat is easier to cope with, that's for sure.
Yes, but its still hot. 40+ C forecast for next week...
It's good to see you upping the calories, Rob.
Thanks, I hope it works, so far so good.
I love how much you enjoy exercising. I wouldn't mind trying Zumba again.
You should, its good exercise and fun, and I have found in my class no one is judged, LOL
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I think 40°C+ would almost bowl me over! I would enjoy Zumba more now as I would go on my own & not with my ex-DIL & I would no longer feel I had to keep up. Exercise to music is fun.
Happy 4th of July, Rob. I spent my 4th of July not wishing a 100-year-old Happy Birthday. It is what it is!
Wow, your mountains are beautiful up close, too! That's crazy that you can have 104F temps and still have a little snow in the mountains. Nice you can go up there to escape the heat. Zumba class sounds so fun. Glad you got to go before eating party food for the 4th. I really hope you get used to the 1800 calories easily. That would be so ideal. Happy Independence Day (a little late)!