Alligatorob's Diary

Also the trainer told me I should try to eat 150 grams of protein a day, so I tried, and succeeded. However I don't think you can eat a good diet of 1,500 calories and get 150 grams of protein.
That would be a lot of protein to try and fit in for sure. I have a terrible time trying to get to just 75 grams on the same amount of calories. You do much better than me for protein. Do you think she meant to go ahead and increase the calories as well so that you had more room for more protein?
Do you think she meant to go ahead and increase the calories as well so that you had more room for more protein?
(She definitely wanted to see more calories as well.) 150 g of protein a day is a stupid amount for almost anyone but when you're on such low calories with so much activity getting a large proportion of your calories from protein does make more sense.
I binged yesterday... Had decided to up my calories to feel better, but it went wrong upped them way too much.

I do feel better this morning and am hoping to make it a one time thing.
Rob, did you up your calories with bread? Starchy carbs or sugar can be a trigger for me, whereas protein (& I mean meat or cheese or eggs etc) or fresh fruit doesn't lead me to overeat.
No binge yesterday, but I did eat a lot, went out to dinner and had a cheeseburger. Ate it all. My weight has gone up a lot, hopefully mostly water.
Thanks Marsia, I needed it.
Righting the ship isn't easy but you can do it :grouphug:
I'm trying...
Rob, did you up your calories with bread? Starchy carbs or sugar can be a trigger for me, whereas protein (& I mean meat or cheese or eggs etc) or fresh fruit doesn't lead me to overeat.
Yes, it started with bread...

Did not record yesterday, but it was not a binge, probably around 2,000 calories.
Well done! For me eating a bit more than I think my body should need is generally the best way to come back from a binge (even though the voices in my head disagree loudly) and there's nothing wrong with 2000 kcal days. A full stomach/gut and glycogen-filled muscles are always going to be a lot heavier than the reverse.
I hope you can find just the right balance, Rob between getting enough good nutrition to fuel your active life & stop the binge cravings & staying near your current weight which seems to me to be a healthy weight for you. I know how hard finding balance is but you're a smart cookie. You also have a nutritionist as your PT & she sounds so helpful.
I agree. Sometimes I really need a high calorie day to feel satiated so I am not fighting cravings all day. Much better than the alternative of way overeating. Glad you are doing better!!
Sorry to hear you had a binge episode Rob but as you said, you felt a bit better after, so your body might have needed some extra calories. Back on track today!
went out to dinner and had a cheeseburger. Ate it all.
My question is it possible not to eat all of the cheeseburger? Lol. Don't sweat it Rob, I think you're doing great.
Another day late hitting the post button, typed this last night...

Today was a good day, ate well, and worked real hard on the new place. Removing old fences and junk mostly, pulled down a few more trees too.
Well done! For me eating a bit more than I think my body should need is generally the best way to come back from a binge (even though the voices in my head disagree loudly) and there's nothing wrong with 2000 kcal days. A full stomach/gut and glycogen-filled muscles are always going to be a lot heavier than the reverse.
Thanks, Llama, it works for me too... sometimes anyway.
I hope you can find just the right balance, Rob between getting enough good nutrition to fuel your active life & stop the binge cravings & staying near your current weight which seems to me to be a healthy weight for you. I know how hard finding balance is but you're a smart cookie. You also have a nutritionist as your PT & she sounds so helpful.
Not sure I'll ever find that "right balance" think I will be satisfied to muddle through... not necessarily a bad thing.
I agree. Sometimes I really need a high calorie day to feel satiated so I am not fighting cravings all day. Much better than the alternative of way overeating. Glad you are doing better!!
Thanks Marsia, it is much better than the alternative.


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Today was a good day, and this time I hope to get posted on time.

No gym, but I did spend a few hours working at the new place. Here are a couple of pictures of the pond... still in progress.
pond 1.jpg
pond 2.jpg
It is mostly drained, should be about 3 feet deeper and much larger when filled. It will be a while. Those are the dreaded Russian olive trees on the far end. Soon to be gone and hopefully replaced with weeping willows. This is a close up of one of the nasty thorns... and my dirty hand.thorn.jpg
They do have nasty-looking thorns, Rob. Here we would call your pond a dam. Is that your digger?
Oh, that's just the size of my grandfather's pond - perfect size for taking a little swim. It's wonderful! Weeping willows are just magical. That's going to look fantastic when you are done. Do you plan to plant out the pond banks with anything special? It's such a cool property with the beautiful mountains behind, too. That must be something trying to cut the Russian olives up for firewood. Thanks so much for posting photos. It's even nicer than I imagined.
Was having trouble after posting the pics, so I started a second.
Sorry to hear you had a binge episode Rob but as you said, you felt a bit better after, so your body might have needed some extra calories. Back on track today!
Thanks Emily, and I probably did need a few more calories, but not nearly so many as the binge... It is good to be back on track.
My question is it possible not to eat all of the cheeseburger?
Good question, has it ever been done? Not in my experience, LOL
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That is a beautiful pond, and beautiful mountains. Too bad the Russian Olives are an issue--they actually look quite nice...
But I like the idea of replacing with lovely weeping willows.
Today was a decent day, I ate well and got in some exercise. Less than usual, still feeling kind of fatigued, but better.
They do have nasty-looking thorns, Rob. Here we would call your pond a dam. Is that your digger?
Yeah, it is a pond made by a little dam. Not my digger, belongs to a friend who is helping out. My tractor is smaller, and without a backhoe. I can move some dirt but not nearly so much as his.
That's a huge pond! It's going to look gorgeous once done.
I guess size is relative, but it is the biggest one I've had, LOL.
Oh, that's just the size of my grandfather's pond - perfect size for taking a little swim. It's wonderful!
Probably no swimming, the water temp is about 50 F, way to cold for me. But it does not freeze in winter, the spring flow keeps it at a constant temp.
Weeping willows are just magical. That's going to look fantastic when you are done. Do you plan to plant out the pond banks with anything special? It's such a cool property with the beautiful mountains behind, too. That must be something trying to cut the Russian olives up for firewood. Thanks so much for posting photos. It's even nicer than I imagined.
I like weeping willows also. Still thinking about what to plant, will be some cattails for sure, maybe iris, and some lily pads. Still in the thinking about it stage.
That is a beautiful pond, and beautiful mountains. Too bad the Russian Olives are an issue--they actually look quite nice...
But I like the idea of replacing with lovely weeping willows.
Thanks, and I agree the Russian Olives look nice... from a distance. However they have lots of branches that reach the ground and with the thorns are impossible to get under. Also quite invasive, they spread from roots and are hard to get rid of. We will probably have to keep killing and removing for years. Utah considers them invasive and has an eradication program, not working real well though.
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Utah considers them invasive and has an eradication program, not working real well though.
Would that program offer you help to get rid of them in any way?