Alligatorob's Diary

Wow, I didn't realize how big a project the trees are. Glad you have someone to help with the pond. I like the idea of wood chipping the sneaky bugger that says to eat too much. I may try that, too.
Today was a good day. Went out to dinner at a friend's house, I knew I'd be eating more than normal so I was light on breakfast and lunch. It worked out fine. No gym time, but did 6 hours of work at the new place, good exercise enough I think. Will probably be back over there tomorrow.

I had planned to do more work there but my forearms broke out in a bunch of small white blisters. It got me worried so I went home washed and changed clothes. A strange reaction to something, fortunately it did not hurt or itch and now the blisters seem to be going away. Never had that happen before.
Depends on the language, I'm pretty sure. Or maybe on the person. Maybe I'll try visualizing shredding them next time my brain won't stop skulking around massive amounts of calories.
Shredding sounds good, no matter the pronoun, LOL
Wow, I didn't realize how big a project the trees are. Glad you have someone to help with the pond. I like the idea of wood chipping the sneaky bugger that says to eat too much. I may try that, too.
Counted them today, 43 (not including a bunch of little ones) to go... and the biggest are over 50 ft tall and a couple of feet in diameter. I did not realize what a big project it was going to be either. Won't be done soon...
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That is a LOT of work. Do you have enough wannabe alphas around to advertise it as a series of cool manly man events where they pay you for the privilege of helping out?
Wow, glad the blisters went away and didn't itch or anything else alarming. The tree project sounds really ambitious, but so good to make sure they don't hog all the water. Are there other nice trees there that will fill in now? Glad you were able to account for the dinner at a friends being higher calorie and stay on track so well!
That is a huge project, Rob. I hope the blisters are not a nasty reaction to those trees. Do you wear protective clothing when you deal with them?
Today was a good, but tiring day. I worked on the new place as long as I could stand the heat, it was 99F, and then in the afternoon I did some more moving help. Got real tired, probably too tired. Feeling a little better now.
That is a LOT of work. Do you have enough wannabe alphas around to advertise it as a series of cool manly man events where they pay you for the privilege of helping out?
LOL! I wish...
Wow, glad the blisters went away and didn't itch or anything else alarming.
I was worried, but they are mostly gone now, and never did hurt, itch, or turn red, and odd thing.
The tree project sounds really ambitious, but so good to make sure they don't hog all the water. Are there other nice trees there that will fill in now?
I am going to try native willows and maybe some cottonless cottonwood. Both are more pleasant, and have been pushed out by the Russian olives.
That is a huge project, Rob. I hope the blisters are not a nasty reaction to those trees.
Maybe, but I was in them again today with no reaction. So who knows.
Do you wear protective clothing when you deal with them?
Not much, it's too hot... I do wear overalls and boots, but can't do that all day in the heat.
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Glad to hear the reaction didn't repeat itself. Hives without redness or itching are weird. Your calories are going down again, my friend: maybe bring an extra snack for during the tree work?
Yikes - that's very hot to be working so hard out there for so long! I hope you can have a nice day resting up now!
Yesterday turned out alright, but I sure was tired. A short gym day, less than 2 hr, and I had little energy left for projects after that. Guess I need to up my calories a bit.
Glad to hear the reaction didn't repeat itself. Hives without redness or itching are weird. Your calories are going down again, my friend: maybe bring an extra snack for during the tree work?
The hives are gone now, except for some flaking skin where they were. I agree weird, but better than being worse. I did eat more calories yesterday, and today is better, but still not up to 100%...
Yikes - that's very hot to be working so hard out there for so long! I hope you can have a nice day resting up now!
Did a lot of resting yesterday and will try not to push too hard today.
Oh, Rob. You are very active & your body needs more fuel. You must sleep well.
I know that is probably true, but when I lost the big pounds I was eating less and it wasn't until I got below 160 that I started to feel the tiredness. Feeling it now in the 180s... I usually sleep pretty well. Had a strange dream last night, dreamt I was asleep and screaming. My mother (gone 15 years now) came to me and hugged me and said "it's just the haircut"! Then awoke feeling that scared feeling. I rarely have nightmares, that was about as close as it gets. Oh, and I think my hair is fine, just gray...
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I know that is probably true, but when I lost the big pounds I was eating less and it wasn't until I got below 160 that I started to feel the tiredness. Feeling it now in the 180s...
I think the fact that you have since had surgery several times, some of them BIG (both knees, neck, and thumbs if I'm remembering correctly?) could possibly play a roll. Or maybe your body knows what's happening this time and doesn't like the look of the future.

I like that your mom still comes to hug you if needed, even if only in dreams. If it was my dream I'd say the haircut refers to cutting/pulling down all those trees and the anxiety before was a reaction to the fatigue. I get very anxious when I overdo it.
A better day than yesterday, not quite so tired, but still tired. Lots of gym time and ate well.
I think the fact that you have since had surgery several times, some of them BIG (both knees, neck, and thumbs if I'm remembering correctly?) could possibly play a roll. Or maybe your body knows what's happening this time and doesn't like the look of the future.
Could be, I asked my trainer, also a nutritionist, the same question. She said that I probably have 20 lbs more muscle than I did then. I guess there might be something to that, but I don't feel a whole lot more muscular. It was back when I was just first starting to do regular exercise. Course it could just be because I am older...
I like that your mom still comes to hug you if needed, even if only in dreams. If it was my dream I'd say the haircut refers to cutting/pulling down all those trees and the anxiety before was a reaction to the fatigue. I get very anxious when I overdo it.
It is nice, I see many of the people I have known in life in my dreams, some still living, some not, it seems to make no difference. And of course as I get older more and more of them are now dead. But in my dreams they are as I remembered them. Maybe there is something to the hair/trees thing.
Having your Mum comfort you in a dream would have been lovely, Rob :grouphug:
I was, but as I said there is nothing unusual about my dreams including people who are no longer living.

Do y'all dream about folks who have passed? People who were important in your lives?
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She said that I probably have 20 lbs more muscle than I did then. I guess there might be something to that, but I don't feel a whole lot more muscular. It was back when I was just first starting to do regular exercise.
That also makes sense. Not feeling more muscular doesn't mean anything. I don't necessarily feel fatter than when I weighed 2/3 of what I do now but my knees disagree. Age would likely play a role if it was 10 years but you only joined here 5 years ago, right? And you weren't at your lowest weight yet at that point.
Do y'all dream about folks who have passed? People who were important in your lives?
I can't really answer that yet but my dream genie doesn't even make a difference between people who exist and characters from books and tv so I probably would.
Do y'all dream about folks who have passed? People who were important in your lives?
I sure do. I have woken from a dream with my sister in it & felt she was there with me. Even when I realised it was a dream I still felt really warm & loved. I don't feel sad when I remember her. She died 19 years ago now, but I think of her & occasionally dream about her & I always feel good knowing how much she loved me.
Not my best day, feeling really exhausted. I did up my calories a little. Also the trainer told me I should try to eat 150 grams of protein a day, so I tried, and succeeded. However I don't think you can eat a good diet of 1,500 calories and get 150 grams of protein. Don't think I will try again. On top of all that I had my eye injection today, never makes me feel good... Anyway if I still feel tired in the morning I may skip the gym tomorrow. One day won't hurt and it may help. I think I will still try not to go much over 1,500 calories but will go back to my old 100 gram protein goal, and eat a few more carbs...
That also makes sense. Not feeling more muscular doesn't mean anything. I don't necessarily feel fatter than when I weighed 2/3 of what I do now but my knees disagree.
You are right, I know some days I can still feel fat, as fat as I felt 150 pounds heavier.
Age would likely play a role if it was 10 years but you only joined here 5 years ago, right? And you weren't at your lowest weight yet at that point.
Gave it some thought and I joined and started my diet in the Spring of 2019, 5 years ago. I was 320 lbs then, not my highest, but high. I hit the 160s some time in the summer or fall of 2020, a little less than 4 years ago, so it has been a while.

Gave the surgery thing you mentioned some thought, did not really consider that. You are right I had my knees, neck, and hand done. But also had prostate and hernia surgery, all since that low. All healed and seem fine today, but I suppose there could be some residual effect. Strange thing is I had never had any surgery before that... not blaming the weight loss, but it does seem and odd coincidence. Hopefully I am done with surgery now, fingers crossed.
I can't really answer that yet but my dream genie doesn't even make a difference between people who exist and characters from books and tv so I probably would.
In my dreams I think I just see people I have known, usually people important to me, but now always. No real distinguishing their current life state. I suppose a lot of people are like that.
I sure do. I have woken from a dream with my sister in it & felt she was there with me. Even when I realised it was a dream I still felt really warm & loved. I don't feel sad when I remember her. She died 19 years ago now, but I think of her & occasionally dream about her & I always feel good knowing how much she loved me.
That is a nice story, I think its good to know our loved ones never disappear from our minds, they are always there.
Absolutely! I just had a nice dream with my dad in it the other night. Usually he just shows up doing normal things. I always like when he shows up :) Very nice you had a nice dream about your mom!
You must be, or have been, close to him. Nice that he still shows up!
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All healed and seem fine today, but I suppose there could be some residual effect. Strange thing is I had never had any surgery before that... not blaming the weight loss, but it does seem an odd coincidence.
Your body would have taken a hit just from the anesthesia each time. 5 surgeries in 4 years is enormous. You may have ignored any health issues you had before or assumed they were caused by obesity so you "deserved" them and needn't get them checked out. Plus it does often seem to be that once people get surgery some other background problems come to the fore during or after recovery and I don't really know why.
I don't think I could consume 150 g of protein a day. I don't find protein drinks as a meal replacement satisfying. I cringe when I read about injections in the eye, Rob. A friend of mine has macular degeneration & is about to start a trial which will involve lots of eye injections, as she will most definitely lose her sight before long & she's prepared to try anything that might help. She plays Masters netball & bowls & sews & is very active. It sucks!
A day off gym certainly would not be the end of the world. I hope you take a rest day, although I'm not sure you can.
I've dreamed about my mom a couple of times, but I get so surprised by it, that I wake up instantly when I see her in my dream. I dreamed about my grandmother needing me and her mom (my great grandmother who I really adored) to help her find her way to the light, so I dropped everything and lived with her and helped with hospice care. I'm so glad I did that. I was shocked at how many surgeries you've had in 5 years, too. You are so incredibly resilient to bounce back so well from all of that so quickly!! I hope you can do something fun while resting up. You seem like a go, go, go person who might get antsy taking it easy.