Alligatorob's Diary

I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law Rob. 72 seems quite young these days.

Hopefully your weight goes down again or stabilises at least.
Hi, Rob. I saw the bushfires in Utah on the news last night. I hope they are not near you.
I'm curious to know what % your macros are set to on My Fitness Pal. Mine are the default of 50% carbs, 30% fat & 20% protein. I change them about occasionally & up the protein & reduce the carbs but it sets me up to feel like a failure so I have switched them back to the default. When my carbs are mostly from fruit & veg I don't see them as bad.
Today was a good day, I ate pretty well, made my goals, exercised and I feel good tonight. I am still getting used to the 1800 calorie diet, it seems like a lot of food... well except compared to a binge. Had lunch with my sister-in-laws kids and other family and got blindsided a bit. They asked me to speak for the family at the funeral, each of them will write a little something for me to use. I don't really want to, but that is not a request you turn down... Hope it goes well enough.
I also find it hard to hit the protein amounts, and usually fail. Unless I also way exceed the fat :LOL:
Yep, getting high protein without fat is hard, unless you eat a lot of protein supplement things. I have been doing that, but I don't really like the idea.
Good for you getting up that high--I'm always way short of my goal and mine's only at about 65-70!
That would be a much easier goal for me. Not sure I really need a lot more protein than you do.
Again: less than 10% deviation from your goal today. Only this time in the ofher direction. Fluctuations are normal. And being 1 g off that protein goal? That's such a small difference you can't even know if it's real, because measuring errors and rounding.
You are right of course, sometimes I know I get a bit obsessive about meeting goals... kind of a mixed thing, it does keep me closer to them.
I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law Rob. 72 seems quite young these days.
Thanks Emily, and you are right 72 is too young... particularly given that I'll be 72 in a few months!
Hopefully your weight goes down again or stabilises at least.
I hope so too, this is kind of odd a few months ago I stuck to a 2,000 calorie a day diet for about 6 weeks. I maintained quite well, not much loss or gain. Now I am gaining at 1,500 to 1,800. I know from experience that so long as I stay in a deficit my weight will eventually drop, so I am just waiting...
Hi, Rob. I saw the bushfires in Utah on the news last night. I hope they are not near you.
No, not yet anyway. Our worst fire risk comes in late August and early September... so we'll see. It has been real hot and dry, that on top of an unusually wet spring is bad. Lots of rapidly drying vegetation.
I'm curious to know what % your macros are set to on My Fitness Pal. Mine are the default of 50% carbs, 30% fat & 20% protein. I change them about occasionally & up the protein & reduce the carbs but it sets me up to feel like a failure so I have switched them back to the default. When my carbs are mostly from fruit & veg I don't see them as bad.
I don't use the My Fitness Pal goals. Or I don't pay much attention to them anyway. The 140 grams of protein is a goal my trainer/nutritionist gave me. I am trying to stick to it, but I know she really emphasizes muscle building. Not a bad thing, but I am more interested in being healthy than an Arnold Schwarzenegger look a like, LOL.
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Had lunch with my sister-in-laws kids and other family and got blindsided a bit. They asked me to speak for the family at the funeral, each of them will write a little something for me to use. I don't really want to, but that is not a request you turn down... Hope it goes well enough.
That is a real honour, Rob.
They asked me to speak for the family at the funeral, each of them will write a little something for me to use. I don't really want to, but that is not a request you turn down... Hope it goes well enough.
A real honor for sure. I'm sure you will do well.
No, not yet anyway. Our worst fire risk comes in late August and early September... so we'll see. It has been real hot and dry, that on top of an unusually wet spring is bad. Lots of rapidly drying vegetation.
I hope those fires stay away Rob. It's terrible when you get that awful combination of heat and smoke.
Wishing you plenty of flowing thoughts for what to write/say at the service.

Protein and muscle are musts for us older folk. Just try telling that to my appetite at the thought of eating chicken breast or more protein powder :cautious:. Having great muscle tone really kicks up the metabolism.
Today was a good day, exercised, ate well, and feel reasonably good tonight. Well to be honest I am still worrying about the weight gain, another pound today. However I am going to stay the course for a while. I am pretty sure I am in a calorie deficit, but less of one than I am used to when dieting.

Went to the Dr and asked him about the tired feeling, he said he was pretty sure it was the low calories. However he is going to run some blood tests just to be sure.

Got graduated from physical therapy today, I suppose it was time. This is for neck thing. My nerve got pinched and damaged, as a result my right arm is not as strong as my left, it has gotten better but its been 9 months since surgery. Guess I have to accept that it never will be. But I do have some strength, the therapist said my right arm is about average, but my left arm is well above average. I am right handed and my right had always been the stronger arm, but no more. Oh well it could be worse. I will keep up the PT exercises, can't hurt.
Y'know, these two issues could solve each other...
I hope so, actually today I am not feeling so tired, but it was hard to get enough calories. I feel quite stuffed tonight, even though I am a bit under my 1,800 goal. Not that it would not be easy to binge, pretty sure I could go get into the chocolate or something and eat 5,000+ calories. Being full has never stopped my bingeing...
That is a real honour, Rob.
I guess so, but it has me worried. The first draft of what folks want me to say isn't to my liking. Guess I have to find a way to do what the others want or something close and still feel right about it. Without going into details I am seeing there is a reason the others don't want to do this...
I hope those fires stay away Rob. It's terrible when you get that awful combination of heat and smoke.
Thanks Liza, I think they will. Years ago my wife had to evacuate the house, a fire came within a block or so of it. I was out of town on business. But that is a rarity. When I was in college I worked summers for the Forest Service, and did a lot of fire fighting. I know all too well what they are like...
Wishing you plenty of flowing thoughts for what to write/say at the service.
Thanks, that's just what I need!
Protein and muscle are musts for us older folk. Just try telling that to my appetite at the thought of eating chicken breast or more protein powder :cautious:. Having great muscle tone really kicks up the metabolism.
Good to know I am not the only one fighting the protein and muscle thing. However I am pretty sure you are not so old, not as old as I anyway :)
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Without going into details I am seeing there is a reason the others don't want to do this...
I'm sorry to hear there is strife around the funeral. The bad news is that you usually can't make everyone happy. The good news is thst once it's done, it's done, and nobody can turn back the clock and make you redo it.
Not that it would not be easy to binge, pretty sure I could go get into the chocolate or something and eat 5,000+ calories. Being full has never stopped my bingeing...
Funny, isn't it? The more upset (including too full) my stomach is, the more tempted I am to binge.
I guess so, but it has me worried. The first draft of what folks want me to say isn't to my liking. Guess I have to find a way to do what the others want or something close and still feel right about it. Without going into details I am seeing there is a reason the others don't want to do this...
That sounds very difficult, Rob. G has been asked to do a few eulogies, but they have been his words only & he didn't have to read out other people's words. I don't think I could ever speak at a funeral if I had issues with what I was to say. Was this your brother's wife who died?
Good for you sticking with the plan despite your worries about weight gain. One thing I like to remind myself is that it is more about feeling good and healthy and scale numbers are only one part of that picture. Having proper energy and ability is also very important.
I agree with the others--hard to write something for the funeral when you have to incorporate other people's ideas if you aren't really in agreement with them. I hope you can find that balance where it feels authentic to you while including what others want a little.
Today was a good day, exercised and ate well. A bit tired tonight, but not bad.

Heard back from the doctor today on my blood work, apparently all looks good. And yesterday's exam when well. The Dr said he thought it was the low calories but wanted the blood work just to be sure. So I have nothing to blame for my tiredness but the calories. When I got down to my all time low, after a year and a half of 1200 cal/day I had the same feeling but worse. Got all kinds of tests done then, ekg, lots of blood work, a colonoscopy (looking for internal bleeding) nothing looked bad. That time the low calorie thing never occurred to me, or the doctors (different doctors that time)... Oh well, I should be happy that I am healthy, I guess I am.
I'm sorry to hear there is strife around the funeral. The bad news is that you usually can't make everyone happy. The good news is thst once it's done, it's done, and nobody can turn back the clock and make you redo it.
Yeah, it happens, I am sure I will get through it, with less stress than most I think.
Funny, isn't it? The more upset (including too full) my stomach is, the more tempted I am to binge.
It is an oddity of our problem, not one I understand...
That sounds very difficult, Rob. G has been asked to do a few eulogies, but they have been his words only & he didn't have to read out other people's words. I don't think I could ever speak at a funeral if I had issues with what I was to say. Was this your brother's wife who died?
I won't say anything I have issues with, just have to figure out what I am comfortable with that will not discomfort others... it will be short and all positive. No reason not to be at this time. It's my wife's sister.
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You'll do an honest, respectful, and kind job. That's pretty good, especially when people know there are some disagreements in the matter.
I wonder if electrolyte powder would help. K just got her blood tested because we thought she was anemic, and all was fine. Once she started taking electrolytes, she felt better in a couple of days. You've been getting lots of exercise in the heat, so could be worth a try swigging a couple of Gatorades and seeing if they do anything for you. I would not be happy writing a eulogy by committee. I hope you can just write out what you'd like to say, and if it fits, then sneak in other people's suggestions? Also, I don't know if you are particularly stressed or not, but I just can not lose weight if I am too stressed. My body decides I am in danger mode, and to hold on to every stinking calorie. Could you try switching your carbs to more carbs from fruit and veggies and see if that helps? I tend to gain if I eat too many simple carbs, too.
Heard back from the doctor today on my blood work, apparently all looks good. And yesterday's exam when well. The Dr said he thought it was the low calories but wanted the blood work just to be sure. So I have nothing to blame for my tiredness but the calories.
That's good to hear! Hopefully with the calorie increase you'll feel better. Though when it's that hot out I would also be very tired and sluggish.
Well done on the good physical test results! Those are some good consistently healthy habits you must have. I'm hoping you can up your food intake just a little though to balance out your energy levels. I admire anybody who can think of food in this way and carefully plan, AND execute that plan. It eludes me.
I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job with the eulogy Rob! Glad nothing came up in the blood work. You'll just have to keep eating well!
Well done on all the good tests, Rob. Your food looks good :) I'm sure you'll come up with something you're happy with for the eulogy. You shouldn't be expected to say things that make you feel uncomfortable.
Today was a good day, I ate well and got some exercise. Not gym exercise, helped niece and nephew clear out their mother's (my SIL's) place. Lots of moving boxes and furniture. Empty now, most of her things ended up going to the local thrift shop as donations, not a bad thing.

Weighed my peanut butter today and found I have been underestimating calories, not hard to do. Guess I need to go to weighing it.
You'll do an honest, respectful, and kind job. That's pretty good, especially when people know there are some disagreements in the matter.
My objective. I think it will be at least ok...
I wonder if electrolyte powder would help. K just got her blood tested because we thought she was anemic, and all was fine. Once she started taking electrolytes, she felt better in a couple of days. You've been getting lots of exercise in the heat, so could be worth a try swigging a couple of Gatorades and seeing if they do anything for you. I would not be happy writing a eulogy by committee. I hope you can just write out what you'd like to say, and if it fits, then sneak in other people's suggestions? Also, I don't know if you are particularly stressed or not, but I just can not lose weight if I am too stressed. My body decides I am in danger mode, and to hold on to every stinking calorie. Could you try switching your carbs to more carbs from fruit and veggies and see if that helps? I tend to gain if I eat too many simple carbs, too.
Never done that, the electrolyte thing, worth a try I guess. Thanks for the suggestion.
That's good to hear! Hopefully with the calorie increase you'll feel better. Though when it's that hot out I would also be very tired and sluggish.
Thanks, and I am feeling a bit better. You are sure right about the heat, way too hot today ~104 F, 40 C.
Well done on the good physical test results! Those are some good consistently healthy habits you must have. I'm hoping you can up your food intake just a little though to balance out your energy levels. I admire anybody who can think of food in this way and carefully plan, AND execute that plan. It eludes me.
Thanks Bubbles, but I don't have a lot of consistency... Mostly good genetic luck I think. My BP and blood work has always been good, even when I weighed over 100 lbs more. Hope I can live up to what you think I am, LOL.
I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job with the eulogy Rob! Glad nothing came up in the blood work. You'll just have to keep eating well!
Thanks Emily, hope I can keep eating well. All I can do is try.
Well done on all the good tests, Rob. Your food looks good :) I'm sure you'll come up with something you're happy with for the eulogy. You shouldn't be expected to say things that make you feel uncomfortable.
I won't say anything I am not comfortable with, the challenge will be to try and make folks happy with where I end up. I think keeping her kids as happy as is possible is important.
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I think keeping her kids as happy as is possible is important.
I agree. When my gran died my mom organized the funeral. She tried to involve as many family members as possible and asked me to read the footprints on the beach poem/prayer. I really don't care for religious stuff but Granny did and my mom does so I too decided the person who'd just lost her mom mattered more. (I liked my grandmother fine but I was one of a crowd of grandkids so we were never close.)