Alligatorob's Diary

I'm trying to work our way slowly through our protein bars. They're sickly sweet. I think I would rather have something savoury. I'll have a go at making something soon, Rob & let you know how it is. If I make it, it has to be simple!
I binged last night, after posting... on protein bars. Now I just need to not do it today.
:grouphug: Sorry to hear it. If it's any consolation: I came here to convince myself not to go out and buy chocolate - or at least not a massive amount - and your post is a little weight on the healthy side of things.
I think it's easy to do, Rob if they are especially delicious. I think I'm glad mine are not. Do you have many left?
Today was a good day, back to the gym for a good workout, ate well and I feel good tonight.
Hard to say. Sitting still is bad for me (and everyone) but working with patients - while fun - exhausts my introvert self to the point of barely ever wanting to see people outside of work. Pros and cons.
I know you are somewhat introverted, we have talked about it before, but your presence here doesn't feel that way at all. You are very sociable in this group.
I'm trying to work our way slowly through our protein bars. They're sickly sweet. I think I would rather have something savoury. I'll have a go at making something soon, Rob & let you know how it is. If I make it, it has to be simple!
Are you taking about making a kind of protein bar? The ones I have are not real sweet, kind of chewy...
:grouphug: Sorry to hear it. If it's any consolation: I came here to convince myself not to go out and buy chocolate - or at least not a massive amount - and your post is a little weight on the healthy side of things.
Anytime I say something that helps you or anyone else be a bit heathier it makes me feel better. Thanks
Sorry to hear about the binge Rob, but you are doing so well otherwise. And today's a new day!
Thanks Liza, and yes today is another day and no binge today, so far, and I think that will stick this time.
I think it's easy to do, Rob if they are especially delicious. I think I'm glad mine are not. Do you have many left?
It is easy, but mine are not especially good, unfortunately for me the taste of what I eat has little impact on my bingeing. Its more a primordial force or something, I will choose tastier if given a choice, but anything at least somewhat edible can be binge stuff for me... I have a few left, had one today. As I said its not the food item that's the problem... anyway I made my protein goal yesterday probably several times over...
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Do you think you binge to get to how you feel afterwards or can you tell what the draw is? Glad you are feeling good now!
I can't imagine what your digestive system must've felt like afterward :eek:
I know you are somewhat introverted, we have talked about it before, but your presence here doesn't feel that way at all. You are very sociable in this group.
Being sociable and being introverted have little to nothing to do with one another. It's not that I don't like people (although interacting with strangers terrifies me; my work persona does it quite well but playing that role takes a lot of energy), it's that interacting with them irl exhausts me to the point of literally not being able to think. Written interactions are completely different.
It was a good day, though I am still trying to adapt to this new ~1800 calorie a day thing...
Do you think you binge to get to how you feel afterwards or can you tell what the draw is? Glad you are feeling good now!
I think the draw is just instinctual, however what triggers my ability to hold that instinctive drive back one day and not another I am not sure of.
I can't imagine what your digestive system must've felt like afterward :eek:
It was fine, I have a more or less iron digestion. The only times I have had problems have been when I was eating a really lot of veggies, broccoli or cauliflower or the like. I suspect that's one of the reasons I gained a lot more weight bingeing than you.
Being sociable and being introverted have little to nothing to do with one another. It's not that I don't like people (although interacting with strangers terrifies me; my work persona does it quite well but playing that role takes a lot of energy), it's that interacting with them irl exhausts me to the point of literally not being able to think. Written interactions are completely different.
Thanks for the explanation, I guess its hard to understand another person's problem if you know nothing about it. And I really don't know anything about introvertedness. So forgive my ignorance.
It's all about the silver linings. The new house sounds cool, it's great to have a project like that.
Thanks Emily, I always thought that there was a dark cloud beneath every silver lining, LOL.
Rob even with the setback those pounds are slowly coming off. Im jealous ive been stuck at 198 for almost 3 weeks
You don't know the whole story, I was down to the same 181 I saw this morning back in June. Then I had one binge that lead to a lot of water weight gain. What you have been seeing is the slow release of that water. My theory anyway. So its not mostly real fat loss. Still it is the right direction. Don't let a 3 week plateau get you down, it happens, and if you stick at things it will end, always does.
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Hugs for that out-of-control binge feeling. Although I have to say, sounds like your body needed the protein. That's one way to get it! I hope that doesn't sound like I'm invalidating how upset you were by the binge. I don't mean that at all.
Nice one on another good day!

I was actually thinking of you yesterday when I took a break on my bike ride for some jelly beans. I don't normally need fuel on my bike rides but it was especially humid out and I was sweating a lot to the point that I was actually starting to feel nauseous. The jelly beans and water fixed me right up...anyhow I was wondering if you fuel during your workouts at all. You seem to go very hard and it's so hot where you are and then you weren't feeling great so just wondering if you are fueling and drinking enough before, during and after your workouts. I never knew about fueling during longer runs before and when I learned about that it made such a difference. Also learning how to properly replenish afterwards was really helpful too. I had come back from a few runs in the past and actually vomited and then someone told me about the importance of fuel...who knew? haha Anyhow maybe you could ask your trainer/nutritionist about all that for your workouts specifically what might be helpful. Or maybe you are all fine now you've just added the extra calories...
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Today was a good day, ate well, exercised and I feel good tonight.

Sister-in-Law's funeral is tomorrow, my eulogy is mostly ready. It's just as well the funeral has taken a couple of weeks to happen, feelings have settled a bit and I think what I have will satisfy most, and I am not uncomfortable with it. Not that I am comfortable doing a eulogy at all, but someone has to and they asked me...
Probably a combination of at least a dozen factors, which makes it hard to tease apart.
Hugs for that out-of-control binge feeling. Although I have to say, sounds like your body needed the protein. That's one way to get it! I hope that doesn't sound like I'm invalidating how upset you were by the binge. I don't mean that at all.
I know, your comments are always welcome and I always see them as helpful. Kind of had the same feeling today, but I only had 2 of the protein bars left, they are gone now!
I was actually thinking of you yesterday when I took a break on my bike ride for some jelly beans.
The jelly beans seem to have taken on more importance than they should, LOL. Do you remember that Ronald Regan loved jelly beans, always had a jar of them on his desk. Don't know if he bicycled though.
I don't normally need fuel on my bike rides but it was especially humid out and I was sweating a lot to the point that I was actually starting to feel nauseous. The jelly beans and water fixed me right up...
Then they are the right thing for you.
anyhow I was wondering if you fuel during your workouts at all. You seem to go very hard and it's so hot where you are and then you weren't feeling great so just wondering if you are fueling and drinking enough before, during and after your workouts.
I don't and I never feel hungry or crave anything whilst exercising or working. I have more trouble fighting off binge urges on down days. You know I have only just begun to eat something, a low cal yogurt, before going to the gym. I have been there up to 4 hours without eating anything before or during and never really wanted or felt the need to. Only eat when I get home. Only really want to eat after I eat that first breakfast... it can be hard to stop.
I never knew about fueling during longer runs before and when I learned about that it made such a difference. Also learning how to properly replenish afterwards was really helpful too. I had come back from a few runs in the past and actually vomited and then someone told me about the importance of fuel...who knew? haha Anyhow maybe you could ask your trainer/nutritionist about all that for your workouts specifically what might be helpful. Or maybe you are all fine now you've just added the extra calories...
Maybe I should try it... just because I don't crave it doesn't mean I don't need it. Thanks for the idea.
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Today was a good day, ate well, exercised and I feel good tonight.
Sister-in-Law's funeral is tomorrow, my eulogy is mostly ready. It's just as well the funeral has taken a couple of weeks to happen, feelings have settled a bit and I think what I have will satisfy most, and I am not uncomfortable with it. Not that I am comfortable doing a eulogy at all, but someone has to and they asked me...
I'm sure you'll do a good job, Rob. All the best with it xo
You know I have only just begun to eat something, a low cal yogurt, before going to the gym. I have been there up to 4 hours without eating anything before or during and never really wanted or felt the need to. Only eat when I get home.
I never had urges to eat while I ran--it actually seemed like an odd idea to me when someone told me about it. It might be a very different thing for workouts at the gym though, especially depending on intensity--like I say--maybe worth asking your nutritionist/trainer about it.

Best of luck with the eulogy!
Today was an ok day, I got to the gym before the funeral, and think I ate well enough. It was had at the funeral luncheon, lots of things that I have no real idea on calories on. I however kept my portions pretty small, the main dish, as it always is here were the Utah funeral potatoes. So I just put a helping of those into my diary, much larger than I actually ate, but thought it might cover the other things. I also ate desert, probably too much. It was a variety of finger foods so again I just put in cherry cobbler at what seemed like an equivalent level. So I got no idea how close my count is, but based on how I feel its probably at least ballpark.
I'm sure you'll do a good job, Rob. All the best with it xo
Best of luck with the funeral and the eulogy.
Best of luck with the eulogy!
Thanks, I think it went well, got a lot of thanks and complements. But at funerals I am never sure most people say what they are really thinking. Had over 100 people there, a larger crowd than I had expected.
Family dynamics can be so complicated :grouphug:
For sure, and this one is on many levels. However those are not the things to talk about in a eulogy, I tried only saying nice things, that were true and I believed. One thing about this family is that it's probably 80% Mormon, however my sister in law was not Mormon and the service was held in a Presbyterian Church. However most attending were Mormons. I decided to make a bit light of it, started by saying that when I moved to Utah I was quite naive, never ever heard of a Mormon. That got a lot of laughs, mostly from the Mormon side, so I think it worked. SIL was once of the first people I met in Utah so it was kind of relevant.
I never had urges to eat while I ran--it actually seemed like an odd idea to me when someone told me about it. It might be a very different thing for workouts at the gym though, especially depending on intensity--like I say--maybe worth asking your nutritionist/trainer about it.
I will talk with her about it, but she is very focused on eating and exercising for body building, lose all possible fat whilst gaining all possible muscle. That just ain't me... Losing some fat while building a little muscle, or not losing much anyway is more my goal.
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