Alligatorob's Diary

That's great that you helped your neice and nephew clear out your sister-in-law's house. That's a big job. It must have been sad too.
it sounds like you were pleased with the results. Stuff like that is a huge job. I had to have my parents move all the stuff from my apartment when I went into the hospital and It took them a long time. I can't imagine a whole house.
Today was ok, I made my goals, exercised and feel good tonight.

However I am not happy with the high protein goal, I don't like what I have to do to make it. I set a 140 g/day goal based on what my trainer/nutritionist told me. However I am not sure that is best. Did some internet research and could not find anything that suggested that much protein for a healthy diet. Something more in the 100 range seems to be the consensus. I did read that some thing plant based protein is better, so I have been drinking a lot of plant based protein shakes, not sure that is best either... oh well just muddling through.
I agree. When my gran died my mom organized the funeral. She tried to involve as many family members as possible and asked me to read the footprints on the beach poem/prayer. I really don't care for religious stuff but Granny did and my mom does so I too decided the person who'd just lost her mom mattered more. (I liked my grandmother fine but I was one of a crowd of grandkids so we were never close.)
Thanks Llama, that is something like what I have in mind.
Any signs of it planning on cooling down at all? Those electrolytes might make a good difference in that sort of heat.
No sign of cooling yet, will try to find some electrolytes tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.
That's great that you helped your neice and nephew clear out your sister-in-law's house. That's a big job. It must have been sad too.
It was a big job, but we just tried to work quickly and be done with it. And we accomplished that.
it sounds like you were pleased with the results. Stuff like that is a huge job. I had to have my parents move all the stuff from my apartment when I went into the hospital and It took them a long time. I can't imagine a whole house.
It was a 2 bedroom apartment in an assisted care facility, and she had downsized a lot before moving in there. That made it easier. Sure made the thrift store people happy, a nonprofit one at the local Presbyterian Church.
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I don't know of any legit reason to have that much protein either. Keeping it extra high while you're on very low calories makes sense to avoid losing more muscle than absolutely necessary but at 1800 calories a day 100 g should be plenty for someone who isn'ta bodybuilder with an astonishing amount of muscle to maintain. 2g/kg and all that is bro science.
Plant protein vs animal protein is an interesting conundrum. Animal protein can be used more efficiently by the body so you probably need a little less of it but plant protein comes with fewer animal fats, which - as far as we can tell right now - is healthier. In protein shakes that bit doesn't matter though, so 🤷‍♂️

I personally think (and I am not a nutritionist) that for someone who gets triggered to binge by being full it would make sense to add more fat, for satiety without a physically full belly. Also veg if you aren't just omitting it from your listing because it's low in calories anyway. Nutrition research is very hard to do because it has to be long-term and real life and people won't be controlled like that but one thing all professionals seem to agree on is that plants are important for us beyond the sum of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
will try to find some electrolytes tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.
Well really it was Marsia's suggestion, but I just think that makes sense!
Sure made the thrift store people happy, a nonprofit one at the local Presbyterian Church.
I love how thrift shops makes everyone's lives easier--an easy place to go drop off the things we don't need anymore, and a lovely place to go get affordable goods. Win-win!
If the protein goal isn't making sense for you, then don't do it. Keeping your calories at a certain level and eating as well as you can is more important.
Today was a good day, mostly, I ate well and got lots of exercise at the new place working on trees and the like. Only problem was I had some really strong binge urges this evening. I managed to just tough it out, urges are now mostly past. At this point I think my risk is pretty low. I plan to be asleep soon.
I don't know of any legit reason to have that much protein either. Keeping it extra high while you're on very low calories makes sense to avoid losing more muscle than absolutely necessary but at 1800 calories a day 100 g should be plenty for someone who isn'ta bodybuilder with an astonishing amount of muscle to maintain. 2g/kg and all that is bro science.
Plant protein vs animal protein is an interesting conundrum. Animal protein can be used more efficiently by the body so you probably need a little less of it but plant protein comes with fewer animal fats, which - as far as we can tell right now - is healthier. In protein shakes that bit doesn't matter though, so 🤷‍♂️
Thanks Llama, glad to see you agree with me. I can assure you I don't and never will have "an astonishing amount of muscle". I do like the idea of maintaining what I got, and maybe building a little more, but that's all. I think the 100 g is a much more reasonable target, I think I'll go back to that for a while.
I personally think (and I am not a nutritionist) that for someone who gets triggered to binge by being full it would make sense to add more fat, for satiety without a physically full belly. Also veg if you aren't just omitting it from your listing because it's low in calories anyway. Nutrition research is very hard to do because it has to be long-term and real life and people won't be controlled like that but one thing all professionals seem to agree on is that plants are important for us beyond the sum of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
You probably make a good point on fat, but I have been eating pretty low fat foods for the past 3 or 4 years, except when I binge. I am pretty used to it, but I will consider eating a bit more fat... can't hurt I guess. And at 1800 calories it will be a little easier.
Well really it was Marsia's suggestion, but I just think that makes sense!
Oh, my mistake, did not mean to slight Marsia! I appreciate both your advice, and hers.
I love how thrift shops makes everyone's lives easier--an easy place to go drop off the things we don't need anymore, and a lovely place to go get affordable goods. Win-win!
I agree, I think they are a great thing. And I think it is the best form of recycling, no processing necessary.
If the protein goal isn't making sense for you, then don't do it. Keeping your calories at a certain level and eating as well as you can is more important.
Thanks Emily, I appreciate your level headed words of wisdom.
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Binge urges after a long day of physical labor at least make sense, annoying as they may be. I hope you make it to bed safely and sleep well.
Rob, do you like avocados? One of my favourite breakfasts is half an avocado with a boiled or soft poached egg on toast with just a little 99% fat-free mayo & a dab of rhubarb chutney. I also love having half an avocado with half a boiled egg & a little vinaigrette. Avocados are good fat.
Today was a good day, did a bit of work at the new place, but not so much as yesterday. I ate pretty well, and feel fine tonight.
Binge urges after a long day of physical labor at least make sense, annoying as they may be. I hope you make it to bed safely and sleep well.
Maybe, but sometimes a long day of hard work can ruin my apatite... not yesterday!
Good for you toughing it out--that isn't easy!
No, for about an hour is was hard, but I am glad I did it. No such urges today, nothing out of the ordinary anyway. I am almost never urge free...
Rob, do you like avocados? One of my favourite breakfasts is half an avocado with a boiled or soft poached egg on toast with just a little 99% fat-free mayo & a dab of rhubarb chutney. I also love having half an avocado with half a boiled egg & a little vinaigrette. Avocados are good fat.
I do, and you reminded me that I had a couple of slices with dinner that I forgot to log... oh well not too many calories there. Avocados are good food.
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Avocados are delightful and I'm wildly jealous of anyone who can get good ones year round.

Don't gnaw on rocks, my friend! They may not have calories but they're bad for your teeth and the poor minerals don't deserve it 😢
LOL, I do know the difference, but in my career I typed the word apatite far more than appetite. So when I type without thinking, not uncommon, it is what gets written. I suppose I think in English, and you don't so the written difference is clearer to you.

I am an engineer and did a lot of groundwater and soil remediation, the calcium phosphate mineral apatite is useful for that purpose.

Application of apatite particles for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater: A review and perspectives
I'm sure you will pooh-pooh this but your previous geological job looks seriously cool and I'm envious you got to do that. Don't tell me 'Oh it wasn't all that glamorous...." etc. Oh yeah? It's far better than just being a corporate drone. What sort of degree/schooling did you have, to get that job? Earth science?

I think it's great that you listen to your body and how you feel regarding protein intake.
Rob, I think I missed something along the way. What is this 'new place' you speak of? Cate's breakfast suggestion is a good one!
Today was a decent day, I ate well but am probably eating too many of those protein bars. Did not go to the gym, had a couple of meetings and no time. I did get some work in at the new place.
I'm sure you will pooh-pooh
Never pooh-pooh people, doesn't make much sense.
this but your previous geological job looks seriously cool and I'm envious you got to do that. Don't tell me 'Oh it wasn't all that glamorous...." etc. Oh yeah? It's far better than just being a corporate drone. What sort of degree/schooling did you have, to get that job? Earth science?
It had its high points, but like any job it often just felt like a job. I have a Civil Engineering degree, but took a lot more environmental science, chemistry, and geology courses than most CEs. Hey the world needs corporate drone, things wouldn't work without them. No need to apologize for that!
I got burnout just before finishing my bachelor's in geology and was never able to go back to it so I agree with @MsBubbles !
I think you told me that before. I am sure you know more about geology than I do, probably more about a lot of stuff. Do you think you are happier working as a physical therapist than you would have been as a geologist? Geologists I have known had mostly desk jobs, hard to imagine you happy with that.
Rob, I think I missed something along the way. What is this 'new place' you speak of?
Bought a fixer upper house with some really nice property, 2.5 acres with a spring fed pond. However it has been long neglected so I am busy trying to fix things.


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Do you think you are happier working as a physical therapist than you would have been as a geologist? Geologists I have known had mostly desk jobs, hard to imagine you happy with that.
Hard to say. Sitting still is bad for me (and everyone) but working with patients - while fun - exhausts my introvert self to the point of barely ever wanting to see people outside of work. Pros and cons.