Weight-Loss ACCOUNTABILITY CONTEST - The Blue Team Thread


Handi Snack breadsticks and cheese
glass of apple juice

(small) bumbleberry muffin

a bottle of sprite
1/2 a cheese bun

1/2 a cheese bun
a can of diet green tea

1/2 cup of spaghetti
1/2 cup of sauce
2 pieces garlic bread (BAD BAD BAD)!!! like 5 weight watchers points a piece:(
1/2 cup of homemade ceasar salad


3 liters and still going


60 mins of tennis
120 mins of cleaning my deck


yup - no fried foods

Exercise mins this week:248

60 mins (1 hr)

Affirmation for challenege:

I am a motivated person!
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Kawaii - I do that too :)!!! When I finally sit down and write it out, it takes me awhile to remeber, LOL!!
Awe, your girls are so cute! And you look really good.

aaawww thanx, I Know my girls are cute...well beautiful...Kaylea is so damn pretty it scares me!!! Me well, ya know, Im bad, I have accepted that I am not ugly, LOL!!! I hate to allow my weight to define me and I try hard to not let it but I hate the way I look....I love who I am and such but just cant accept my weight and how I look...LOL

Breakfast: 2 packets of cinnamon and spice oatmeal( hot water no milk) 320 calories


Dinner: small pizza sub
approx 300ml of apple juice
45 mins ddr ( oh gods my stamina in fine but * cries* i've forgotten half the patterns to the songs so my scores such right now.


still no fried food

Affirmation for challenege:

I take constructive criticism well
Heya girls. Keep up the awesome work!


Tortilla wraps
Cherry pie


Two egg whites
One whole egg
Multi grain toast

Calories: 1655

Exercise: 30 minutes bike, 20 minutes weights, 25 minutes arctrainer (I felt like leaving after the first five minutes on my bike. Today was such a horrible day, I was in a crappy mood, and it was storming out... rain, wind, thunder and lightning. It just sucked. However, I just did it since I was in there (maybe it's because I have new shoes. They're nike. So I just did it.) Harrrr. Anyhow... I actually ended up going faster for more minutes on the arc by the end of the night as I had some weird random burst of energy. Not complaining there.)

Exercise so far this week: 6 hours, 25 minutes (385 minutes)

Challenge: Still good.

I pushed myself hard and the gym and it turned out to be for the best. I can learn to push myself at other points in life and it'll make me so happy in the end. 7/3

P/B and jam sandwich

2 servings of shreddies

a serving of cheese

1 cup of spaghetti
1/2 cup of sauce

Havent been feeling well today at all...BLAH!!!Hence the low cals...I consumed all the cals in the am at work excpet the spaghetti i just had around 8ish...

2 liters



Affirmation for challenege

I refuse to settle for less than I deserve and i stick to my guns and stay true to myself!!!
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2 packages of apple cinnamon oatmeal
260 calories

2 hamburger patties

dinner: baked ponzo

30 mins ddr ( would have doen 45 but i got a cramp)


Affirmation for challenege
I am very openminded

Today was a bad day for me. As I have mentioned before I work nights...so my shift just didnt go well and it got started off wrong. What sucks is I work in a house so if I want to sabotage myself I can easily do it...Which I did last night...I went on an emotional eating binge, well it wasnt bad but I was eating for the wrong reasons...

I had an emotional break down last night, it wasnt pretty...I was crying uncontrolably and so on...Thankfully I work alone...I have alot going on in my life right now and I think the stress is just needing to escape...

My ex is back in my life, we are both trying to be casual about it and mantaine a it is only this and only that attitude, but we have such a strong connection and bond, it is hard to explain and hard to deal with...

I have an asshole of a man who rooms with us, upstairs in my grannies space, he is 50, single and a typical singloe man, ya know...knows everythign you must agree with him and blah blah blah...we get along cuz typically i kiss his ass and tell him what he wants to hear...(not literally kiss his ass but ya know) SO last night he comes in my face, barges into my room, like knocks and walks in at the same time...tells me I need to this and need to that, car mataince but I know, Im having van issues, and I just checked everythign under the hood on last Thurs...but between last Thurs and yesturday all the water had disopated...also I wasnt home for 4 days...so he is beign a typically asshole man telling me Im not checking it and Im not this when I am and becasue of that he got mad at me and told me not to get angry (which I wasnt) and he huffed off. Then he went upstairs and bad mouthed me to my aunt abt me beign a horrible nasty person and a bad parent...

For starters, why the fuck does he think i give two shits what he thinks about me and second how bloody mature....I think considering my circumstances and working nights and such I do a damn good job with my girls. I love them unconditionally and give them all I have and they are good girls. Plus I have a 4 year old and a 14 year old so give me a break. Those are tough ages.

WOW, I guess I needed to vent. Then I had the ex in my face at about the time about different stuff pissin me off, so he got a piece of me and then the van over heated all the way to work...after asshole t here lectured me, gee he did alot of good didnt he...

This infection was more severe than I thoguht it was...It really knocked me down and my body just hasnt been able to shit down and sleep and get the rest it needs...so im just not in a great place and it all came out last night...and then this mornign at work, LOL

I was talking to a co - worker and crying and such:( I rarely cry and especially in front of someone...*BIG SIGHS*

The ex made things worse last night cuz he cant handle it and doesnt even try to be supportive, he just leaves/runs ya know...but maybe it is cuz im a strong person and rarely unfold, I find when a strong woman unfolds and comes undone it is hard for people to know what to do...and he was never good in that department anyway...so I sent him an email and did a bit of damage control cuz for once it wasnt him that put me there...LOL...

WOW...well thanx for the vent, I will start a new post for my food....
Food for Friday

cake batter
small piece of cake

handi snacks cheese and bread sticks

chips - a serving (BAKED)!

small piece of cake

Boston Pizza for lunch

3 chicken wings
3 pieces of garlic twist bread
baked french onion soup

a grape popsicle


Bad just one liter

70 mins of tennis

Tennis hrs
Just 2

Exercise min this week:318

Challenege Yes I think so...wings arent deep fried unless breaded right ?

Affirmation for Challenege

Expressing my emotions isn't being weak, it is part of being human and it makes me no less of a person, if anything else it makes me a stronger/better person!!!
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Hey Gals, I hate to do this but I just wanted to remind everyone that with the last affirmations we were asked to put them in with our stats, when we check in:)
Hey gals.... sorry I haven't checked in.... I haven't been home, my mom had me go with her to my (oddly older than me) niece's... and we stayed there Thurs. and Fri. ...

Thurs. - No fried food, no exercise.

Affirmation - I have a great fashion sense. ^.^

Fri. - No fried food, 1hr 45mins.
Affirmation - I'm a great Aunt to my little nieces...^_^

I'll have my food and stuff posted tonight before 12. ^.^
:)My weight has finally dropped, Im down 3.5 lbs....yippeee!!!

Congrats! ^_^

Today was odd.
Sausage and potato cubes for breakfast...
Four TINY microwave chicken biscuit sandwiches for lunch..
A couple sticks of Mozz sticks and a bowl of oatmeal...
A cookie for a snack..
I think three cans of soda and two cups of water..

Exercise - 40mins
Fried foods - none
Affirmation - I am a great team member in my IRL group for DnD.. ^_^
Hey girls! We are still in last place! Everyone make sure to post your personal challenges in the challenge idea thread by today so that they count for the week! If you guys wanna do the same as me, I am doing no added salt and drinking 100 oz of water a day. Just for ideas if you don't have any!
This week my personal goals are too

Use my bike for 30 mins a day Mon - Thurs as I am going away on Fri morning after work

To do 2 Yoga sessions at work this week. I use to always exercise during my night shifts

To re-add my fiber suppliment every day and take my minimum of 30 a day.

And to continue on with an affirmation daily - This helps me find some positive in my day
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~ Challenge starting 7/7~

Food wise - No more than a cup of soda for every two glasses of soda. (Say I drink two cans of soda, I need to drink at least four glasses of water)
No sugary foods unless counteracted with a vegetable. (Not fruit, as fruit is sugary, fruit counts as a counteraction to its self. ^_^)

Exercise wise - I'm going to exercise through the list of music I have in my favorite list on YouTube each day... I think my list is almost 2hrs long... It can be a mix of dancing, stretching, running (with my dog in the yard, listening to my iPod), and indoor walking (Our neighbor hood is unsafe to walk, even with my dog)... Any exercise... ^_^

So my challenge is to balance my food properly, and do an hour to two of exercise a day, if not more.. ^_^

Oh and I'm going to keep a notepad, so I know exactly all my stuff..
Hey gals.

Tortilla rolls


Grilled Cheese

Calories: 1715

Exercise: 30 minutes bike, 20 minutes weights, 25 minutes arctrainer

Exercise so far this week: 1 hour, 15 minutes (75 minutes)

Challenge: Yes