Vic’s Weight Loss

Thanks, Cate and Llama.

Actually I didn’t feel stressed at all. Mostly because we went to the airport an hour earlier than I expected. Which is a first for them. So when everything happened I was surprisingly calm and just didn’t say anything. (My sister I was def stressed out.)

It’s daylight now and I didn’t sleep. Hopefully tonight I will.

Well I did end up eating a salami sandwich early morning while I was reading my book. Had a coffee with whole milk and Splenda. Lunch was a beef and cheese empanada and a bite of a shrimp one. Also drinking Bacardi with lime and Diet Coke with ice. Dinner was churasco (skirt steak) with rice and ripe plantain.

Ready to go to bed!
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Last night I slept great! Fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow! Stayed asleep all night!

At the beach early today. Didn’t eat breakfast. Just had a coffee with milk. Still full from last nights dinner. Lunch was Spanish bread with salami. No food trucks at the beach today. One came a little later. Had a chicken kabob with a little bread.
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Thanks, Cate and Llama:

So curious what my weight will be when we get back tomorrow. Leaving early morning. Have to get an Uber.

Breakfast was some coffee. At the beach early. Brought a salami sandwich with me and ate it mid morning. Had a chicken pincho with bread for lunch. Mid afternoon I had some rice and bean and a little fries. Dinner was just a piece of bread with cheese. Did have lime rum and Diet Coke today, as well.

Have to get up early so I’m going to try to sleep a little earlier.
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Thanks guys.

150.4 lbs when I got home. Yay!!! Better than expected!

Already had a ham and cheese croissant and a coffee with milk from the airport early this morning.

Tried getting an Uber but 2 cancelled on us. Luckily a taxi was driving by. More expensive but we got there on time. Plane ride went smooth. Fell asleep for half the flight!

Freezing cold! 19* F.

I bought a grandma cookies for the ride. Had 4 cookies. Might give the rest to my bro so I won’t get tempted. Made a coffee with 2% milk. Don’t have any almond milk. Too lazy to go to the grocery store.

Dinner will be grilled snapper. Took some out to make.

At the air bnb, I went to bed without eating. I did split my dinner meal into 2.

Lunch was a slice of white bread and salami. After lunch had another slice of bread and a slice of cheddar cheese.

Dinner was half a grilled snapper and roasted red potatoes.
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Sleeping through half of the flight is a win. It's good that the scales were kind, Vic. Now to settle in to your new place :)
Thanks, Cate and Llama.

150. something

This morning I’m liquid fasting. Just drinking coffee with milk.

Have to take my mom to her PCP at noon. Then I have to pick up my ladder at my old place.

Having an iced matcha at lunch time. DD. Ended up breaking my fast for dinner. Had the rest of grilled fish and potatoes. One tempura shrimp and one chicken. Later had another tempura chicken.
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149.9 lbs!!! Barely in but I’ll take it.

Today I had a sweet roll and a cheddar cheese slice. Dinner is by my sis I. She is making oxtail. I’ll just have a little since it’s so fatty!

Waiting for plumber for some work to be done on the house. After that I have to go to ALDIs to pick up a few grocery items.

Took my bro to get a mani/ pedi then a haircut and a shave. Then to the dispensary.

Was by my sis I place till late tonight.
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Yay for being back in the 140s Vic. Is there much that needs doing in your new place or are you just replacing some fittings that you don't like?
Hopefully nothing else needs to be done. I had a leak on the shower head that needed fixing. I sometimes wish that I stayed a renter. But the rates around here are astronomically high.
148.6 lbs!!!

Today I’m fasting at least for breakfast.

Have to go to Apple Store to pick up my bro iPad. He broke his. Then I have to go to Staples to send some paperwork on email.

Might go on the treadmill later today.
149.0 lbs

Had half of a bacon egg and cheese on a ciabatta from Panera. Shared with my mom. Lunch was eggplant and some brown rice. A little of the following (And a bite of coconut pone. Then one sugar cookie. Some Cheetos and plantain chips.)

Taking her to her appt this morning. Then another one in the afternoon.

Have to go to the library later today to write up a budget for my condo.

This week I’m going to lose 2 lbs. Going for a walk on my treadmill later today when I get home.

Well after all the calories I ate at lunch decided to start a real fast at 5 pm. Just going to drink plain coffee, tea and water.

Did an hour walk on the treadmill. Longer than I thought I would do.
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Thanks, Cate and Llama.

Did eat late last night.

148.5 lbs

Today I’m starting my day with a black hot coffee from Panera. Made it to lunch with just the black coffee and tons of ice water. Next goal is to dinner.

Have to pick up my nephew from school this afternoon. Buying him and bro Dominos pizza. It’s on sale this week!

Have to go to the library to use the computer. I have to make a budget sheet. Don’t have word on my electronics.

I am done with fasting soon. Almost made it to dinner time. Going to have fish and probably some microwaved batata.
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Another drop? Sounds like maybe you just needed that food.