Vic’s Weight Loss

Yes, Parisian bread is a baguette. So good. Esp when it’s hot. And I love mine with Genoa salami.
Few things are better than a fresh baguette straight from the oven. I don't like how cured meats tastes heated so I'll have it with some nice young cheese instead 😋
147.8 lbs!!! I think I’m totally out of the 150s! Hopefully for good!

Today I’m skipping breakfast.

Have to pick up my nephew from school after noon.

Have to go back to my old place to clean my basement. Should be quick since everything is going in the trash. Tomorrow realtor taking pics and condo on market!

Going to walk on the treadmill later today. I just hope I’m not tired. Today I woke up early and had a nice rested sleep last night.

Ended up not eating lunch and dinner. No snacks. Nothing. About to go to bed. I had cauliflower rice with sautéed cabbage slaw, turkey links, and an egg with sf bbq sauce. Also a little rice and a quarter of a burger meat with sf bbq sauce.

Walked for an hour on treadmill.

Tomorrow planning on getting up early. I have to go shovel my patio. Raining all tonight so hopefully won’t be much snow.

Then I have to get my bro breakfast. Then take my mom to her dental appt. Ss office after. Then drop her off and go to the bank in Salem to add someone to the online account.
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Thanks, guys!

147.7 lbs

Lunch was some rice, beans, an airfryed drumstick and a little veggies. And one cheese breadstick from Lil’ Caesars. Dinner was a Johnny cake and some stewed eggplant and ground sausage.

Busy for most of the day. In the morning I took my mom to the dentist. After went to ss to get a new ss card change my Medicare benefits and get my address changed. Had 2 get the twins from school because one had a high fever. Then I had to take my niece to her art class and had to wait for 90 min for her to be done with her class. During that time I went to my old place, a tree fell down so I have someone coming early tomorrow to chop it down.

Don’t feel like walking tonite. Ate a late dinner by my sis I.
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Thanks, guys.

147.8 lbs

Today I am by my old house. A tree fell and I have to get it chopped down.

Going to go home afterwards and take a walk on my treadmill. Not feeling it. But I spent all that money on it. So that’s my motivation.

Then I have an appt at 2 pm. So plenty of time.

Came home. Had a slice of sharp cheddar cheese and a slice of bread for breakfast. Going to skip lunch. Midafternoon food was scrambled eggs, a hash brown, and a sausage. Brother leftover from McDonalds that he left yesterday. Then I’m by my sis A watching my nephew and had piece of chocolate bread. Dinner was some curry chicken and a little rice. Later I ate a little pasta and curry pork.

Did 90 min on treadmill. Went back in the evening and I did 60 min.

My sis is on call so I have to watch my nephew again.
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I know, right! How unfortunate!

The photos came out nice. Going on the market on Mon. I hope it’s a quick sale. It just have a lot of problems. And I just want to get rid of it.
147.7 lbs

Today I’m going with my sis for mani/ pedis. Not getting my nails done. Just came for the lunch. Had 1.5 chicken barria tacos. Taking rest for later. Also had a passion colada cocktail.

Had to reschedule my appt for next Sat.

Have to do my bro meds. I went grocery shopping and got him his favorite food. Have to buy cigarettes. And I think that’s it. Except for packing.
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Thanks, Llama.

148.3 lbs

Drinking a coffee with creamer and Splenda.

Just packing right now. Flight is at night. So I have plenty of time.
Just arrived. Can’t fall asleep. Can’t take my sleeping tablet because I have to get up in a couple of hours.

The flight was fine. I was watching shows and a little of a movie. Then some music videos.

An adventure. My sis I lost her id on the way to the airport. We went back to her place and she found it by her car door. It’s a good thing we left early. Then about 5 min from the airport she realizes she didn’t pack the twins luggage in the car.

Well luckily this airbnb has a washer dryer. She will just get them a swimsuit and underwear.

I had 2 donuts last night. It was my mom’s and I couldn’t resist eating it while I was watching my shows.

I got an Uber for us. 10 min ride. My first time doing it by myself. Not difficult at all.
An adventure. My sis I lost her id on the way to the airport. We went back to her place and she found it by her car door. It’s a good thing we left early. Then about 5 min from the airport she realizes she didn’t pack the twins luggage in the car.
That would've been so stressful! Glad everyone made it onto the plane at least, even if not all the luggage came along.