Vic’s Weight Loss

Thanks, Cate and Llama. A scheduled us to go again in 3 weeks. Right before my trip to PR. Still debating if I should go.

This morning I went and got another load. About to go to Target for last minute gifts. Doing drive up. Lines were crazy yesterday.

152.6 lbs

Lunch was a Greek salad.

I’m almost finished with my Xmas wrapping.

I’m resting now. Will put chicken to bake at 1 pm.

Dinner I had a glass of wine, just wasn’t hungry. Came home and had a plate of Mac and cheese and pork. A piece of flan.
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It's 8.25 on Christmas morning, here in Oz. Merry Christmas, Vic! xoxo
151.5 lbs

Yeah, Llama, another short trip to PR. I decided not to do the pedi/ mani day… too much money. I have to pay my first mortgage payment in Feb and it’s high!

Today I’m going to swing by my mom. Hopefully they don’t have anything to eat when I pass by.

Maybe I’ll walk later. I need to swing by my old place. Put stuff in thrash bags and get the rest of my things.

Walked for 33 min on treadmill. Breakfast I had boozy macaroon. Lunch was one beef pate. Was still kinda hungry so had salad with roasted chicken breast. Had a little flan. And one cookie. And a red velvet cupcake with no frosting.
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Had a lot of cookies and cupcake last night!

Up early today to go to my old place to fix my ceiling. Today I’m throwing away my trash. I have to get more red thrash bags from MB.

Skipping breakfast. Busy this morning.

Lunch was some bolgogi beef with rice. And one small macaroon. And 2 wafer sticks.

This evening I walked for 31 min.

Dinner I had a piece of Parisian bread with salami.
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150.8 lbs

Woke up a little late. Went to my old place to pick up some more trash. Still have to go by later.

Breakfast was a small piece of bread with butter. With 3 coffees with creamer and Splenda. Lunch was rice, cabbage sautéed, and Bulgogi beef. Then I had 5 Cheetos and one chocolate chip cookie.

Dinner was salad with roasted chicken leftovers with a piece of Parisian bread.

Did 1 hr and 15 min on treadmill this afternoon.

Tomorrow morning I’m getting up early and going to clean up my old place. This is a lot of work. I have to make sure nothing is on the rugs. I have a carpet cleaning company coming tomorrow afternoon so I have plenty of time.

All I have left is my living room closet to take out a bunch of cans of paint that has been there forever. Then my hall bookshelf has some stuff and my upstairs just have a some stuff to throw out. Lastly I have a bunch of bowls (takeout containers) that I have to find the lids too. About three bags. I’ll throw out what doesn’t have a lid and donate some to my sis who always needs them.
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150.7 lbs

Going by my old place this morning. Ate breakfast. One slice of bread with butter and a coffee with creamer.

Carpet cleaner will come in the afternoon. So the carpets are great.

Lunch I had a piece of chicken thigh with a little rice. Dinner I had shrimp in a salad with feta cheese. Late night I had a slice of 45 cal bread with low fat mayo and 2 blackened shrimp.

Between trips to my new place, I managed to do an hour on the treadmill!

On Saturday the painters will be there. I have to get my own paint tomorrow. Then I can put my place to sell on Tues. Let the realtor take pics. Hopefully it sells fast.

Having a tea with almond milk tonight.
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I don't envy you the job of totally cleaning out your old place. Even though I feel sure you would be a very clean & tidy person I dread having to do that job one day. It will be a huge relief to get it done, Vic. Good luck!
Thanks, Cate. Yeah my bro isn’t helping me. So I’m doing it all. I’m mostly done. I am just throwing out stuff that I don’t want in my new place. I’m almost done. Tomorrow I have one more load of trash. I’ll have to get there a little early because the cleaners are coming.

I actually don’t mind doing it. I get to see what I have. My bro would just throw stuff into boxes and then into draws and stuff.
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It sounds like you are doing really well, Vic. I think most people would do what you say your brother would do. I'm going to try to declutter a lot more in 2024.
Thanks, Cate and Llama.

150.5 lbs

Today I’m up early. Got to get the rest of the stuff and then wait for the cleaners.

Got the rest of the trash. Came home and did 10 min on the treadmill then the cleaners said they could come earlier. So I went by my place. They are super cheap to do the whole house. I’ll give them a big tip!

I still have to get my pics before tomorrow. And I need to get the paint from Home Depot before tomorrow since painters will come early.

Breakfast which I ate after I woke up before leaving was a slice of bread with mayo and coffee with almond milk and Splenda. Lunch was a salad with blackened haddock. Dinner was Spanish style cauliflower rice and sautéed cabbage and carrots with blackened shrimp. I got hungry later at night so I had leftover haddock with low cal bread with sautéed red onions and coleslaw and a little mayo. Then had 2 shrimp and some sautéed carrots and lettuce. Finishing my day off with a black tea with almond milk and Splenda.

Did 35 min on treadmill this evening.

Tomorrow I’m waking up early to make breakfast. An egg, turkey sausage and a slice of 45 cal bread. Then I’ll go let the painters in. I’ll have them text me when they r done. I’m going to come back home and do some walking. Then I have to take my bro to the dispensary. Then I have to go get a pork butt and some batata to fry on NYE.
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Yeah, Llama, the cleaners did an okay job but the wall in the bathroom wasn’t clean. So I’ll go a little early tomorrow to fix it before the painters come. I hope the painters don’t make a mess and clean up after themselves.
It will feel so good to be done with it, Vic. Is your new place far from your old one? I was wondering about changing where you shop etc.
I know I’ll def be done moving by Tues! Yes, I live like 5 min away. That’s why it’s easy for me. If it was a longer drive I prob wouldn’t have done it by myself.
Yeah, I got lucky… thanks, guys.

150.8 lbs

Last night had some fried rice and gen gaus chicken. Ahh! So frustrating.

Breakfast is an egg and a slice of bread. Lunch was some cauliflower rice, cabbage mix and pieces of chicken thigh. Snack was 3 mini pancakes with whipped topping. Going to have a chickpea salad for dinner.

Did 30 min on treadmill. Thinking about doing an AF video later.

Tomorrow I get to sleep in!
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Thank you, Cate and Llama.

149.6 lbs

Skipping breakfast. Not sure about lunch. Dinner is by my sis who moved in her new place. It’s appetizers. So a lot of fried foods.

Not going to exercise today. Let my body recover.

Early lunch of 4 mini pancakes and 3 turkey sausage. Then a little later I had some chickpea salad and a slice of 45 cal bread with lite mayo.

2 more weeks until our trip to PR!
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