Vic’s Weight Loss

Thanks, guys!

151.3 lbs

Took another trip to the new place.

Breakfast was 2 hotcakes with syrup and a little coffee with creamer and sugar. McDonald’s.

Lunch will be curry lamb, Chana, and potatoes. Doubles. By my sis.
152.3 lbs

I’m tired. Did another trip to the house. I think I should have let the movers just take the boxes that I packed. Anyway I’m almost finished. Movers on Wed.

Today I’m skipping breakfast. Going to have a salad with chicken breast deli slices for lunch. Going to take everything by my sis. All that rich food I ate the past several days.

Did 20 min on treadmill. Tomorrrow I’m going to cancel my gym. I also have to take my mom for my mammogram. Maybe swing by ss to get Medicare insurance off.

Breakfast was an egg (80) 2 sausage links (120) bread (110) butter (50)… total 380

Lunch was half a whopper with cheese (410) total

Dinner ended up being two chicken tender and some fries (350) total.
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Thanks, Cate and Llama!

I can’t wait to move and you r right it’s just in time for Christmas! I just couldn’t decorate. But I will def next year!
150.8 lbs

Breakfast was a Jamaican me crazy coffee with creamer and Splenda. And half a bacon egg and cheese on an English muffin. Heavenly’s. Also, had a barra. Had half a cup of passion fruit juice.

My mom is sick with a cold. So we had to reschedule her mammogram.

Lunch today was a salad with deli chicken slices. Made it home at 11 am to make it. Even one for my mom! Dinner was a little shrimp fried rice with 2 pieces of gen tso chicken.

I have to finish moving things. Will have to get up early to finish before the movers come.
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I'm guessing there's plenty of decorating to do without the seasonal stuff. That's the only nice part about moving!
150.3 lbs

Up early this morning. Doing some more moving. Movers should be here this morning.

Breakfast was a bacon egg and cheese on an English muffin and a coffee with creamer with Splenda.

Late lunch of a salad with sliced deli chicken breast.

Movers finally left. I am by my mom because she wanted a salad too. So after this I’ll swing by my old place to get my modem and cords to set up my internet and cable. I also have to get some pics for drywall.

Finally got the cable and internet in the living room working. Have to get my Apple TV, etc from my old place.

Well I guess no dinner for me. I’m home and I’m tired. Just wanna watch tv. Tomorrow I’ll start organizing.
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Thanks, Cate and Llama.

Scale not at my place.

Got up early to do 30 min walking.

Breakfast was 2 cubes of cheese, a fried over easy egg, and 2 doubles. Lunch was a Fuji apple salad with chicken from Panera. Used my own poppyseed dressing.

Left my mom and took my bro to dispensary. Now I think I’ll stay at my new place and put everything away.

Did an hour tonight on the treadmill. Planning on getting up early tomorrow.

Ended up having a sliver of meatball sub with one meatball. Trying to fall asleep and I hope that helps!
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Doubles is 2 barras… It’s like fried dough but yellow because of the turmeric. Made with flour and yeast. And then fried. Can’t eat two much because of that.
I love reading about different things that I have never heard of before. I love breakfast. It's my favourite meal of the day.
Thanks, Cate and Llama!

Well it’s about 3 am and just can’t fall asleep. Even on the ambien.

My body has to get used to the exercise. Not tired so I organized my closet. I need more hangers.

Around 12 or so went back to my old place. Got the whole chicken and chicken quarters to defrost today. I’m making roast chicken on Sun. Also got my salad stuff, breakfast stuff, water purifier, some pots and pans, utensils, and seasonings to cook. Brought rice and beans and defrosting boneless chicken thighs so my bro can cook something for lunch.

I’m waiting for breakfast. I am not walking this morning or weighing. I did check my weight for a ruff estimate. I think I’ll make something soon. I hardly had dinner so I’ll eat earlier. Just an egg and a slice of bread.

I guess I’ll try not to nap today so I can sleep tonight. Just watching tv now.

Had coffee. I had instant coffee Splenda and dry creamer in my travel bag so that worked out perfectly.
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153.6 lbs

I ended up sleeping a little. Now I’m going back to my place to get some more stuff.

Almost done… just have my kitchen pantry food!!!

Traffic is horrible right now. Got my bro lunch and came home. Took me 45 min and usually 10 min. Dinner will be a salad with chicken.

I skipped breakfast. Lunch was 4 chicken wing dings and one slice of bread.

Just did a 15 min Latin dance video on AF. Then I walked for an hour on my treadmill.
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Traffic will be horrendous for the weekend. Do you only have one more load, Vic? Do you have to do a clean after that or do you have someone coming for that?
Thanks, Cate and Llama.

151.6 lbs

Slept great last night! On our way to get mani/pedi and unlimited brunch.

Had short ribs taco and didn’t eat the tortilla. Had a lot of other tacos. Had one rum punch.

Dinner I had piece of puertorican bread with butter and coffee with creamer and Splenda.

Did an hour on the treadmill tonite.

After dinner had a piece of pr bread with chicken breast deli slice. And a shrimp tempura.
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Slept great last night! On our way to get mani/pedi and unlimited brunch.

Had short ribs taco and didn’t eat the tortilla. Had a lot of other tacos. Had one rum punch.
Sleep, pampering, AND good food? Lovely.