Vic’s Weight Loss

Thanks, Llama and Cate!!!

Everything went smoothly. Did last walk through. Everything nice and clean. Did the closing. Got my keys!!! Will move in starting on Mon when I’m back!!!

Leaving tomorrow for my PR vaca!!! Have to park my car by my sis. I just hope it doesn’t snow while I’m gone.
Excellent! Have fun, Vic xo
I’m doing great. The plane ride was okay. I just watched a couple of movies and some music videos. I had forgotten to download movies and music until last night. Then my iPad wasn’t charged. So of course could only download a couple of stuff. Going to start downloading tonight.

The weather is hot of course. We came at sun down but we did make it to the beach. Just a short walk from the condo. We got groceries at a CVS.

I had a grilled cheese for breakfast. Lunch was at the airport. Grilled chicken breast sandwich. I’m not having anything else tonite. Just not hungry.
Did eat late last night. Bread and slice of deli chicken breast.

So not eating this morning. At the beach. Had to get bug spray. Some tiny bugs biting me.

Had a little Cheetos.

Lunch at the beach was some rice, beans, steak, fried chicken, and a beef empanada. Dinner was just a deli sliced chicken breast sandwich. Had 2 packets of cookies.

I’m going to sleep a little later because of the time difference.

I bought a ventless washer/ dryer combo. Coming in on Wed! I also go a treadmill. Also, coming on Wed!
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Slept great last night. Woke up a little earlier.

Drinking coffee for breakfast. Kinda full. Had a little chips. Lunch a chicken pincho and a beef and little potato empanada. Had a passion fruit shaved ice. And a piece of bread with a slice of salami.
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Everything went smoothly. Did last walk through. Everything nice and clean. Did the closing. Got my keys!!! Will move in starting on Mon when I’m back!!!
Good for you! I am sure you'll enjoy the new place.
150.9 lbs
So close to the 140s! Good for you girl.
Had to get bug spray. Some tiny bugs biting me.
No see ems? We had them in Florida, they can be vicious, but just getting up a bit off the beach and sand helps. Though you probably went to PR for the beach, at least in part.
I bought a ventless washer/ dryer combo. Coming in on Wed! I also go a treadmill. Also, coming on Wed!
Enjoy the new place! But enjoy PR first.

Do you speak Spanish? I used to do a little survival Spanish, but the accent in PR was particularly hard for me to understand.
No, Rob, I don’t speak Spanish. I’m learning. Or trying too. But so far everyone I’ve interacted with spoke English.
Thanks, Cate! The bugs weren’t there yesterday. But we did have bug spray.

Today we r going to spend more time at the pool. The beach is having a rip current today.

Skipped breakfast. Had a bite of sandwich. Lunch was chicken pincho (little bit of bread) and a beef empanada. Had some bimbo cookies and some plantain chips.
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Had a great time here in PR.

On board early to go back home. I have my movies music and shows. Back to the cold!!!
Finally home. We had to wait a couple of hours while they fixed some electrical problems on the plane. Which I didn’t mind. Better to be safe.

Breakfast was a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich with an iced cafe latte with almond milk and Splenda. Then we r on our way to my BIL birthday dinner at his mom’s house! Should be some good food. Dinner was some roast pork with rice and beans, steamed veggies and salad. I had a slice of strawberry cake with ice cream.

Then tomorrow I’ll be packing up my clothes to move them to my new place. Tuesday is my facial and my mom’s massage. Then Wed my washer/dryer combo comes in. And my treadmill. On Thur my full length mirror comes in from Wayfair!

And tomorrow is the dreaded weigh in. Hopefully not too much of a damage!
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Best of luck with the move. Yes, definitely better to wait a little on the plane than to risk issues during the flight.
Thanks, Llama and Cate.

152.3 lbs!!! Yay, a lot les than I thought it would be.

Had a hot coffee with cream and Splenda from McDonalds. Breakfast was a bowl of rice crispies cereal. Lunch some oxtail rice beans and sweet plantains.

Started moving to my new place as soon as the sun came up. Did one trip. Then went to Home Depot for some boxes.

At my mom’s this morning. Will do some more this afternoon. Moving is so hard.
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Moving is awful, but being in a new space with all your stuff unpacked and arranged just so is lovely. Congratulations on that weigh-in right after your vacation!