Vic’s Weight Loss

Funny one, Vic. Shame about the patio furniture & the BBQ.
150.9 lbs!

Today going to fast until the San Cocho for dinner. Successfully skipped breakfast. Ended up eating a croissant, short bread cookie, half a slice of pizza, and some plantain chips. This was around 3. Still waiting for soup to be done. Had 2 bowls of soup.

Going to watch the lights tonight with my mom, I, and the twins. Shared a fried dough with the twins.

Late night eating of 2 cc cookie from BK. Then a small piece of butter bread with a pat of butter.
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152.0 lbs

3.5 lbs lost for the month!!!

Today I’m fasting again. At least try. I’m by my sis during the day and she has leftovers and tons of snacks (meant for the kids).

Taking my mom to get her Covid shot this morning. Then the junk removal guy is coming in the afternoon. Should be quick!

Fasted until 8 pm. Ate 3 hotcakes with butter and syrup. With almond milk.

Tomorrow I’ll try again!
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Thanks, Llama and Cate!

I want the same or more weightloss for Dec. Really want to get and stay in the 140s.

Going to be hard. This weekend we r going to the Polar Express train in Maine and a Chinese restaurant after. Plan on having just one roll and share it with my mom. Maybe one cocktail.

Then on Mon I have a teeth cleaning and my bro meds at Bedford. My mom will come with us. I think it might be raining during my commute.

Tues- my last walkthrough at condo then closing right afterwards.

Weds- Leaving to Puerto Rico till Sun.
Losing weight in December is hard, especially with a trip coming up, but even if the end result is "only" maintenance trying is much better than giving up beforehand and gaining 10 pounds.
You are right, Llama. I just want to get below or stay at 150 lbs. This is a busy month. I hope in PR that no one comments on my eating.
150.4 lbs

Breakfast was a croissant with cheese. And some fudge cookies. Late lunch was a huge slice of pepperoni pizza. Dinner I’m going to try to skip.
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151.3 lbs

Today we r going up to Maine to go for the Polar Express train. Going to have hot chocolate and shortbread cookies on the ride. Then after going to a sushi place. Then spending the night in a hotel. It has a pool. Not sure if it’s heated.Should be a fun day.
You are right, Llama. I just want to get below or stay at 150 lbs. This is a busy month. I hope in PR that no one comments on my eating.
Are they more likely to make nasty comments about people who eat too much or those who don't eat enough for their taste? At the end of the day how much and what you eat is nobody's business but yours (and in extreme cases your medical team) but I know old habits die hard and I hope you'll feel comfortable eating the amount that's right for you.
It’s when I am on vacation I just feel pressured to eat every meal. They would say things that it’s not healthy to skip meals. And I should eat a little something. Your metabolism is going to slow down.

Which is all true. But I don’t want to hear that all the time. But my metabolism is really low. Mostly because of my ED. I don’t think it can go any lower!

Breakfast this morning was a waffle with syrup and whipped topping. Lunch was 2 donuts. Dinner was 2 salami slices and 2 slices of bread. Late night dinner I had one slice of bread with a salami. And another bread with butter and a boiled egg.
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Well will they accept it if you genuinely do eat just something small plus a cup of tea or will they still push you to eat more? If it's the former that's something you could do in order you have some peace and quiet but if it's the latter you might as well ignore them to begin with.
I will try that this next vaca. Not too many of us will be in the condo so I think I should be good with eating a little something with coffee.

I already talked to my mom and she said she will not mention anything to me about the eating.
Tomorrow I’m going to be busy in the morning. So should be easy to fast.

Going to Bedford. I have a dental appt. My bro has an appt at lab/ meds. I’m bringing my mom too.
152.3 lbs

Fasted for breakfast. Planning on having a little white rice and kalbi short ribs with kimchi for lunch. Going to try to skip dinner.

Kinda tired today. Tomorrow I have my condo closing in the morning. I’m bringing my mom with me.

I still have to pack for trip.
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150.8 lbs

Have my closing this morning! And then I’ll pack this afternoon.

Had one hotcake with a little syrup and a coffee with creamer and Splenda. From McDonald’s. Lunch was some soup and some lasagna. Some nut mix.
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Hope it all goes through smoothly, Vic :)