Vic’s Weight Loss

My nephew has failed the driving portion of the DL three times already. Once he was late and had to reschedule.
🤞 I hope he passes this time :)
153.4 lbs

Had a coffee from McDonald’s for breakfast. Dinner apps by my sis for Halloween trick or treat.

Going for brunch as soon as my sisters finish with their mani pedi. Sis I bday.

Went to a Spanish restaurant for lunch. Had 1.5 beef barria tacos. And half of a pork and cheese papusa. And one expresso-rito. Heading home.

Went to my sis. Dressed as little red riding hood. Went to trick or treating around her neighborhood with the kids. Got a Jell-O shot at one of the houses.

Had pasta with sausage and shrimp. Had one mikes hard lemonade. One slider burger with cheese (took off one of the bun). Had a small slice of Spanish guava cake. I put the leftovers in the fridge so I don’t get tempted tonight. (Thanks to Cate’s idea!).

I forgot to give my sister her gift. I’ll go drop it off tomorrow.
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My nephew has failed the driving portion of the DL three times already.
Does he get too nervous? It was too many years ago, but I remember my driving test, I was terrified. And I am sure the test is harder today.
Had 1.5 beef barria tacos. And half of a pork and cheese papusa. And one expresso-rito.
Sounds really good!
Had a small slice of Spanish guava cake. I put the leftovers in the fridge so I don’t get tempted tonight. (Thanks to Cate’s idea!).
I'll take the leftover cake, but probably shouldn't. I like guavas, but am not sure I've had guava cake.
I failed my driving test twice because of nerves so my mom sent me to yoga class for a while and it made a huge difference. I actually remember where I went and what happened the third time! Also I passed that time; I guess that's the important bit...
Yes, he gets really anxious while driving. Thanks, guys!

154.8 lbs

Had 3 hotcakes and a coffee with creamer. McDonalds.

Walked an hour at the gym. Going to have a salad with bbq shredded chicken breast. With my sg poppyseed dressing.
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153.4 lbs

Had 3 hotcakes and a coffee with creamer and Splenda. McDonald’s.

Waiting for the installer to put another shelf in my shower.

Dinner was a broiled chicken salad with sg poppyseed dressing.
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I forgot what I weighed this morning. Had a bacon egg and cheese on a croissant and a Irish cream coffee with creamer and Splenda.

Then I had my video with my psych. Then my sis texted me that she had had a spa day and she couldn’t make it. So I got lunch of a grilled chicken Caesar wrap. I ate half. The other half is for dinner. Had a mani-pedi. I’m feeling good and relaxed.
155.0 lbs

Had an egg for breakfast with a tea with almond milk. Decided not to have the hotcakes.

Starting back my diet and working out today.

I’ll eat lunch. Waiting for a package and then I’ll go to the gym. Cold today. Had to take out my winter jacket. Tomorrow and the next few days will be nice though.

Early lunch of chicken breast with bok choy.

Did about 45 min of walking on the indoor track. Will try to get up and go in the morning. Will lay out my clothes.

I went for a 45 min walk around my neighborhood. Planning on getting up when the sun rises and go for a walk.

I have another package coming before 12 pm tomorrow. Then going by sis at 4 pm to have dinner. Our weekly getogether.
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I had a nightmare about giant mounds of bok choy last night. No idea why: it's good stuff, especially with a bit of protein like you had.
A bok choy day. I went to the fruit & veg shop yesterday & they didn't have any of the choys & I had to settle for silver beet! Choys are the good stuff :)
155.0 lbs

Walked for 30 min. And bike for 6 min. Had to go pee and didn’t go back.

Had cream of wheat with almond milk.

Eating bbq baked chicken, rice, beans and salad for dinner. So saving my cals for that meal.
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153.1 lbs. Shouldn’t have had the popcorn last night.

Had a passion iced tea lemonade this morning. Breakfast was a scrambled egg with onions in an egg wrap.

Early lunch was an iced coffee protein drink. Late lunch/ midafternoon meal was 3 oz grilled chicken breast on an egg wrap. Had a SF Red Bull.

Went to the gym and did upper body strength training. Walked on treadmill for 10 min.

Having another SF Red Bull. Dinner is butternut squash. Not sure if I’ll have a protein with it.

Late night snack of half a glazed donut. And half a scoop of protein iced coffee Splenda shake
Wow your food sounds yummy.
151.5 lbs

Went to bed really early last night. Now I’m up at 2 am and can’t fall back to sleep.

Had a glass of 2% milk and a small piece of Parisian bread with butter.

I might go for a walk around my neighborhood when the sun rises. Prob around 7. Then I have an appt at 1030 am.

This evening going to Lots of Eats. Nothing healthy. Might get the chicken satay. And a diet drink. Don’t even know if they serve cocktails. Nothing online about alcoholic beverages.

I walked 50 min around my neighborhood.

Early lunch of small piece of rotisserie chicken breast. And small piece of bread.

Dinner at lots to eat. No apps for me. Was difficult to say no with everyone judging you. Had 2 chicken satay at the restaurant, one at home with an egg wrap (and 1 for leftovers) and 2 spring roll. Just a Diet Coke and a bite of weird dessert. Had black beans and banana with sticky rice. Some sort of sweet cream. Had 3 chocolate cookies late night!
Is that like an all you can eat buffet?
155.5 lbs

Today I’m up early because of the time change. Went to the gym and walked on treadmill for 30 min and recumbent bike for 15 min.

This week on Mon I have to take my bro to Bedford. Then on Tues I have my oil change. Then from Wed to Mon my sis and BIL are going to Jamaica so I’ll be taking my nephew to and from school. Luckily I didn’t have anything scheduled.

Had a protein shake with 2 scoops for breakfast. Drinking tea with almond milk.

Late lunch was another 1 scoop protein drink. And half a big Johnny cake. Then went for another walk at the park. Castle Trail.

Dinner will be shrimp fried cauliflower rice. Do have to go to store to pick up the ingredients.

This week I’m going to try to lose at least 3 lbs…

Depending on if I’m hungry or not, I will have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. Go out walking at least once per day for 30 min.

Well got hungry mid afternoon so had a cream of wheat with a little almond milk. Late dinner of one whole chicken wing airfryed and 1 of bread with mayo. And 1 slice of bread and one top bun with butter.
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