Vic’s Weight Loss

152.9 lbs

Up early. Had one scoop of frozen coffee chocolate protein shake. Lunch was another shake and a cinnamon raisin bagel with butter.

Went and got my sister and BIL. Made it on time. Had to go around the airport twice since I thought signs were a bit confusing.

Had my period since Friday. Hopefully it ends soon.

Really late dinner was butternut squash, red beans, and chicken breast with onions. A little mayo on an egg wrap.
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Periods suck; I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, Cate and Llama.

153.7 lbs

At Bedford. Bro getting teeth cleaned.

Skipping breakfast. I think I’m having too much protein drink. But it tastes delicious. Early lunch I had a little chicken breast and butternut squash in an egg wrap. Going to have an iced coffee chocolate protein drink with one scoop.
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I might replace the odd meal or two with a protein drink while G is away but I don’t think I would feel satisfied if I didn’t include vegetables in most of my meals.
Thanks, Cate and Llama. The housing market is crazy here. Which I’m sure is everywhere.

153.3 lbs

Up early this morning. Got my bro breakfast and lunch. So he doesn’t bother me while I’m at my facial late morning.

Skipping breakfast. Just had a tea with h/h and Splenda.

*Edit* Offer was approved for the condo. Now just have to deal with the bank. Closing is in 60 days so should be plenty of time. Plus I’ll be selling my current condo. I’ll miss my new bathroom that I just remodeled.
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Yes, the new condo is bigger. I currently have a 2 bedroom/ 2 bath and this one is a 3 bedroom/ 1 and 3/4 bath. But I’m leaving because I will have to fix half the roof since the HOA won’t pay for it. Have to leave before it leaks. And then I’m in charge of this HOA and there is always a problem with the tenants. So I’ll be so happy not to have that responsibility.

Plus the layout is a lot better. And my bro will pay half the condo amount. Hopefully I can get it paid off with that and the sale of my condo.
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151.5 lbs

Went to bed really early last night. Now I’m up at 2 am and can’t fall back to sleep.

Had a glass of 2% milk and a small piece of Parisian bread with butter.

I might go for a walk around my neighborhood when the sun rises. Prob around 7. Then I have an appt at 1030 am.

This evening going to Lots of Eats. Nothing healthy. Might get the chicken satay. And a diet drink. Don’t even know if they serve cocktails. Nothing online about alcoholic beverages.

I walked 50 min around my neighborhood.

Early lunch of small piece of rotisserie chicken breast. And small piece of bread.

Dinner at lots to eat. No apps for me. Was difficult to say no with everyone judging you. Had 2 chicken satay at the restaurant, one at home with an egg wrap (and 1 for leftovers) and 2 spring roll. Just a Diet Coke and a bite of weird dessert. Had black beans and banana with sticky rice. Some sort of sweet cream. Had 3 chocolate cookies late night!
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152.8 lbs

Ended up having 3 chocolate chip cookie late last night. Thinking about throwing it out. Just bought it for donation. Going to be hard to resist.
Give the cookies to a neighbour, Vic. Having stuff in your apartment that is not nutritious is way too tempting. A place called Lots To Eat sounds horrible to me.
I think I’ll keep the cookies for my bro. Even if I’ll eat a few. My sister will prob ask him about the cookies. And I don’t want to explain what happened to it.

Lots to Eat is a Thai food place. It’s delicious if not on a diet and I do regret not trying the garlic pork rib appetizer. Oh well, next time.

Today I took my bro to the dispensary this morning. Dropped off car seats to my sister. Rained again today and will again tomorrow.

I think I’ll go to the gym tomorrow. Start my week off right. On Mon have the home inspection. I will bring my bro along so he can see the new place. He can pick the bedroom that he wants. I’m thinking for the 3rd bedroom I’ll buy a treadmill and cancel my gym membership.
I love Thai food. The name made it sound like an all-you-can-eat type restaurant. I really dislike those, regardless of the type of food. It seems like it's raining everywhere!
Setting up a mini gym in the 3rd bedroom sounds like a great idea. It's very exciting about getting a new place!
154.0 lbs

Today I’m skipping breakfast. Might be going for a short walk with my sisters and kids. Maybe go to Browns- a seafood place.

The weather is cold today but sunny.

Went to Hampton beach. Walked among the dunes. Went to Sea Ketch. Had a rum runner and had a lobster pie. Yum!

Dinner I had half a baked chicken thigh. And one chocolate chip cookie.

Tomorrow I have my home inspection in the afternoon. Can sleep in.
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