Vic’s Weight Loss

Thanks, Rob, Llama, and Cate.

156.7 lbs

Day 1 begins.

Started off with a coffee with creamer. And a tea with almond milk. Leaving here at 10 to go to the gym.

Went to the park instead and walked around C Trail.

Ate lunch at 12. Had a cup of butternut squash and 4 oz curry chicken breast and a cup of sautéed cabbage slaw.

Feeling craving for bread. Not going to give in.

Did 20 min of Latin dance cardio on AF.

No bread, pasta, potato and cereal. Just a reminder to myself.

Had a coffee with almond milk and Splenda.

Made it to 9 pm. Took night meds at 930 and get ready for bed. Hungry now. Having 3 oz curry chicken on egg wrap with mayo and ketchup.

Tomorrow going to Topsfield Fair. Have to go by Panera to pick up some breakfast for my sis.

Planning on getting up early to do a workout before I go.
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155.1 lbs

Day 2 begins. No bread, no pasta, no cereal, and no sweets or junk food.

Going to Topsfield Fair today. I made my lunch to take with me so I don’t get tempted by all the food. I made an egg wrap with the curry chicken breast. I’ll be drinking just water today. Or a diet drink.

I did an hour on cardio dance- one 30 min hip hop and the other 30 min Latin dance.

Waiting at Panera for my sisters breakfast order.

Ended up at lunch at 99 with the fam. Got a sirloin steak, side of cauliflower rice and a side salad. Ate half and brought back half.

Dinner was an egg wrap with the curry chicken from earlier. After dinner I had another egg wrap with curry chicken breast.
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Day 2 begins. No bread, no pasta, no cereal, and no sweets or junk food.

Going to Topsfield Fair today. I made my lunch to take with me so I don’t get tempted by all the food. I made an egg wrap with the curry chicken breast. I’ll be drinking just water today.
A good plan! Enjoy the fair.
I did an hour on cardio dance- one 30 min hip hop and the other 30 min Latin dance.
Sounds like fun.
Thanks, guys!

The fair was nice. We came about an hour and half early. They still let us in even though the stands weren’t ready. So we just went to agricultural part and walked around and pet all the animals.

I didn’t get any snacks or anything at all to eat. Didn’t get a chance to eat my curry chicken wrap. Because we went to a restaurant. But I stayed true to my diet. Didn’t get any beverage other than a Diet Pepsi.

Reminder for the rest of the day: no cereal, no bread, no potatoes, no pasta, no sugar or sweets. No donut holes that my bro has. No rice.
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153.0 lbs!!! New low!!!

Day 3. No bread, donut, rice, pasta, and sweets.

Next goal is under 149 lbs. Haven’t seen that most of this year.

Didn’t get up early to do my videos. But I did finish getting my condo demolishing ready.

For late breakfast I had an egg in an egg wrap. Lunch is my leftover side salad. Messed up. Had 4 croutons. Midafternoon meal of an egg wrap and curry chicken. Dinner was an egg wrap with curry chicken and butternut squash.
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Going for a walk would definitely be healthy but I really don't like leaving construction workers alone in my apartment. Too many bad experiences in my extended circle.
Yeah you’re right. Can’t be trusted alone. But my brother is here. Prob won’t go anyway because my bedroom is near my bathroom and I would have to change my clothes.
153.1 lbs

Day 4

Reminder: no bread, pasta, rice, sweets. No donuts! No chips! No snacks! At the beach

Doing a lot of errands this morning. Then after lunch I have to pick up my nephew A at his school. Then we r heading to the beach. Nice summer weather. Next week temp drops.

Lunch was a salad with avocado quarter. Then I had some curry chicken, butternut squash, and an egg wrap. Late dinner of half a packet of apple oatmeal with almond milk. And since I messed for dinner I ate an ice cream sandwich.
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It's been super nice weather here as well. Probably a terrifying thing for the planet (it was 28°C here today when normal October weather would be... maybe 10-15?) but in the moment it's much nicer than the usual fog. Hope you enjoy the beach!
Thanks, I had a great time. Water was ice cold but I still went in. The waves were high.

Tomorrow getting up early to go for a walk with sis A. My other sister might not come. After that I think I’ll do a video.

I have to put back everything in its place. I had to move stuff to make way for the remodelers.

Took a shower in my new bath. I love the look. I have more space on my new vanity.
Thanks, guys!

Day 5

154.3 lbs… Moved my scale

Went for a 30 min walk around CTrail.

I have to put everything back.

I’m so not motivated today. Because of my weight. So I’ll just be eating regular today. Going to get hotcakes and a coffee from McDonald’s.
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Regular days in between dieting days can be super helpful for motivation. Just don't be like me and let it turn into a high-calorie mess.
154.3 lbs… Moved my scale
I am sure that's what did it, you are doing well, the weight should be coming off. Maybe slowly...

A new room, particularly a bathroom is always a nice thing!