Vic’s Weight Loss

Yes, I did get some protein in.

Dinner was some beet salad with a little rice and beans with pumpkin. And a couple pieces of brown chicken thigh.

Had 2 pb whiskey shot. And a taste of aged whiskey . Did not like it.

Resisted dessert.
Thank you :) Larger beets do take forever to roast whole. I like to add sheep's or goat cheese to my beets: will have a think about what spices would work with beets and beans for me.
Yeah, next time I’ll put goat cheese in the beet salad.

155.2 lbs

Doing same thing today. My sis did ask us to get together today for tea. She got a new tea set and tea from London. But she didn’t set a time. So I’m hoping she forgets.

Well she didn’t. We r going at 1 pm. But first we r doing a walk around the hills in her neighborhood. I’m bringing almond milk and will try to eat healthy. Don’t know about the food she will be serving.

Went to the gym in the morning. 2 hrs of cardio. 15 on the Precor, 5 min on recumbent bike and 1 hr 40 min on treadmill. Around sis I neighborhood we walked for 30 min on a hill.

5 pm right now. Starting my fast. Ended at 1030. Had an oatmeal with almond milk. Bread with butter and pb & j.

Going to sleep and will worry about weight in the morning.
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That sounds like a lovely day, Vic with loads of exercise. Does your sister have fancy tea cups as well? I think, from memory, tea isn't drunk very often in the US, especially "proper" tea (not tea bags).
Yes, someone gifted her with a fancy teapot set. I think porcelain. It’s for 6 people.

I think here it’s more coffee than tea. But yeah lots of people also drink tea. And I think mostly tea bags.
155.2 lbs

Today was kinda good food day. No exercise.

Completed half the acounting. Will do the rest tomorrow. Sent off the text to the other condo owners.

Tomorrow I plan on waking up late.
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156.0 lbs

Still not in mood to go to gym. Did the other half of the accounting this morning. Just need to proofread it tomorrow before sending it off.

Had a fried over easy egg and a low cal bagel for lunch. Prob have the same for dinner.
Thanks , Llama and Cate!

156.3 lbs

Breakfast when I woke up was half a slice of a bagel and a smear of pb and coffee with Splenda and creamer.
156.3 lbs

Went to the gym this morning! Finally! It’s been days of doing nothing.

Did 30 min on Precor and 15 min on treadmill jogging at times.. Thinking about going to the pool later. Maybe do some jogging.

Breakfast was bran flakes with cranberries and almond milk and pb. Lunch was half a grilled cheese. Dinner was leftover pasta with Alfredo sauce and steak.

Went to the pool and jogged for 22 min and swam for 3 min. Will prob go back tomorrow. Have to work on my swimming!
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Did 30 min on Precor and 15 min on treadmill jogging at times.. Thinking about going to the pool later. Maybe do some jogging.

Breakfast was bran flakes with cranberries and almond milk and pb.
Good exercise and good food, happy to see it!
Yeah, next time I’ll put goat cheese in the beet salad.
Do you roast your own beets? I like pickled beets, but have never tried cooking any. I like goat cheese as well.
And a taste of aged whiskey . Did not like it.
Wish I could say the same, I've invested a lot in good whiskey over the years. Not much good to show for it, except memories...
156.3 lbs

Today after I take my bro to dispensary I’ll go to the gym. I’m forcing myself to go.

Did 15 min on Precor and 15 min on treadmill. Going back later.

Late breakfast of an egg, onions, salami, and cheese on 2 bread. And 2 coffees with creamer.

Snack: piece of strawberry and cheese danish

Lunch: sausage with bread

Dinner: broccoli
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So we r not getting together this Sat. On Sun we r going to Topsfield Fair.

I bought broccoli. Chicken breast and thighs. For this week.

Tonight I’m planning on just eating some broccoli. I’m still full from lunch.

Then on Sat. I’m going to get some cauliflower. Lunch will that with airfryed chicken breast.

Planning on weighing my food.

Exercise wise I plan on going in the morning. Gym closed for an event in the afternoon.

Plus it’s raining again. Tomorrow too. So no outside walk.

I really want to lose this weight. Glanced in the mirror at the gym and I can see the weight that I gained.

Just have to try harder and be consistent this next week. And I think I’m getting my period.

No bread, rice, potato. No cereal.

Tomorrow is my Day 1.
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Ugh on periods. They're bad enough without the added bloat but when I'm already unhappy about how I look they're just horrible.
Glanced in the mirror at the gym and I can see the weight that I gained.
Been there done that, LOL. Sure hope you are able to lose the weight you want, and am confident you can. However I am sure you look fine, looking at ourselves in a mirror we always focus on the small flaws.
Tomorrow is my Day 1.
Good for you! Here's to a good October!