Vic’s Weight Loss

It’s like an elliptical and stair stepper combined. It just has Precor on it. So I’m not sure of the name. I’m just going with Pmachine. I’m on level 7.
You must be very fit, Vic, which is great :)
It’s like an elliptical and stair stepper combined. It just has Precor on it. So I’m not sure of the name. I’m just going with Pmachine. I’m on level 7.
Oh, my gym has Precor machines as well and I think I know the one you mean. I don't know the name either and our version is way too old to be on their website but I think it's what they call the AMT, for adaptive motion trainer.
Today I went by my sis for twins bday party. Had a lot of apps. Late lunch was a little rice and bbq chicken. And a lot of salad with my sg poppyseed dressing. Had 2 slices of pineapple cake with vanilla ice cream.
How old are the twins, Vic? Is your sister a twin? I don't know many twins, but will be catching up with 2 little cuties soon.
No my sister is not a twin. My 7 year old twins are from (I believe) IVF. My sister was a little older. I think 40.
Weight too high, of course!

Didn’t start off my day good! Had 3 hotcakes with 3 butter and syrup. From McDonalds.

Will try to eat better for lunch. Still full midafternoon. Dinner was an egg salami onion in an egg wrap. Had a couple of boneless ribs.

Got my bro some food this morning.

Doing his accounting for the VA. Might take all week. Plenty of time. Due on Oct 1st.

Did 23 min on Precor in the morning. I went back and did 37 more min.
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152.9 lbs!!! Next goal is under 150 lbs.

Went for 30 min on Precor machine. Later my sisters and I are going for a walk outside. Sisters did not make it. No rain!!! Weather good till Monday!

Did 10 min of dance video. Then I went to C trail.

Not hungry for breakfast. My first meal was egg, salami on a half of an everything bagel. (150) Then the other half with salami and lite mayo. (70) Lunch was an egg wrap with a scrambled egg, mushrooms, and onion. (105) Dinner was a veggie burger. (100) Then an egg wrap, and egg with salami. (105) After dinner I had half a bagel with an egg and salami. (140) And a mug of hot sf chocolate with almond milk. (60)
Almond milk in coffee (30). Then I had a Chinese chicken finger. (100). And because I’m still a little hungry I’ll have half a bagel with salami (50).

Food Total: 1000+ cal
Exercise: 500- cal

My mom might not be coming in Nov. So my goal is to get to under 135 lbs by my Feb vaca.
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Weight still up!

Went for a walk at C trail with sis A.

Breakfast was a raisin bagel with butter and 2 coffees with creamer and Splenda. Lunch was quinoa salad and a beet salad. Dinner was some fettuccine and ground turkey breast meatballs with sauce.
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Cate, I went to bed right after reading your message. Not thinking anything of it. Got up early. Checked my weight. Shocked. Then I remembered what you asked me. I think it is the extra carbs that I have been eating this past week. So this next week I’m going to limit the amount of heavy carbs that I’m taking in.

This time that I’m trying to lose weight seems to be harder than before.
Up early! Weight still high!!!

I went for a walk this afternoon at C trail with my sis A.

Have a facial after.

I fasted from 10 pm last night to 930 pm. 23.5 hours!!!

Broke my fast with a bowl of leftover quinoa salad. Then I had an egg wrap with a half veggie burger with onions. And a mug of cold chocolate almond milk. Around 1130 pm I had the other half of the veggie burger and onions with half a slice of low carb bagel. And a glass of 2% milk.

Starting my next fast now. 12 am. I hope I’ll last until 5 pm tomorrow!
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I should get back on trying to learn to cook grains properly. Even after years and even with a rice cooker I've never been able to get any grain (other than wheat berries, and I eat enough wheat already) to come out nice. They're always soggy, even when the bottom is already starting to burn.
156.1 lbs

Today my plan is to fast until we getogether for dinner. So after 5. I’m making a beet salad today. I already roasted the beets yesterday.

This morning I’m up early. Putting away my laundry. Then I have to take my bro for a haircut and shave. Then to the dispensary. Then I’m going to the library to use the computer. I don’t have word on mine. I have to send a letter to one of the units to say how much they pay for the HOA.

I plan on just drinking water until dinner. Probably have a shot. Did have coffee with almond milk when I woke up. Almost noon and I’m having cravings for Diet Coke. But I’m going to power through it and don’t give in.

First goal is under 155 lbs.
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No, I don’t have a recipe. I just put foil on the beets and into my oven. I didn’t peel and left them whole. It took hours!!! I left them in the fridge overnight. The skin came off pretty easy under the faucet.

Anyway, yeah, I just added a lot of stuff that I like into my salad.