Vic’s Weight Loss

It does seem to work for you, Vic (and Flyer). I simply can't do it & have been advised not to ever try by my cardio & GP.
My BP actually goes down with IF.

156.0 lbs!!! New low! Next GW is to get under 155 lbs.

Today for lunch I had a steamed lobster and home fries and salad. Also had one small piece of sushi. A glass of moscato. And one pb whiskey shot. I skipped breakfast. Planning on skipping dinner unless I get roped in to eat dinner!

At Hampton beach. Evening time. Kinda warm. Would like it to be hotter though.

Dinner I’m skipping. I’ll try to go to bed without eating tonight. I’ll take my meds a little later.
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I think both of my doctors had found a way eventually to get my BP down with meds & fasting really messed with it.
Being at the beach in the evening sounds lovely, Vic :)
156.5 lbs

On our way to the waterpark. Nice day today. Brought soda and a bagel with pb.

After the waterpark we had a late lunch. I had Thai grilled chicken lettuce wraps. And a rum punch. Dinner I had the bagel with pb.
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Thanks, Cate! This whole week looks like perfect sunshine days. I’m going to take advantage of it. Maybe go for walks outside.
155.8 lbs

Skipped breakfast today.

Early lunch of a garden salad egg wrap with an egg, onions, and black beans. Had the same for early dinner. Late night eating I had some black beans with lobster claw pieces. Then just being greedy I had half a raisin bagel with smear of pb.

Now I’m full so I can fall asleep. Cals are really low. So I’m expecting a drop in weight tomorrow morning.
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Thanks, Cate. I am going to add pico de gallo to it tomorrow.

And it’ll be great weather until Sat. I have to go to the bank tomorrow morning so I might go get a hike in at Castle trail.
152.2 lbs!!! Yay!!! What a huge drop.

Breakfast was a garden salad egg wrap with black beans, and pico de gallo. Lunch was some honey stung wings and some Parisian bread. Dinner was a crab Rangoon and some rice and gen gua chicken.

Up early this morning. Have to go to the bank and take my bro to the dispensary.
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152.0 lbs

Back at it again today.

Went to the gym and walked on the indoor track for 20 min. Then 10 min on treadmill.

Late breakfast was an egg with onion, black beans and pico on a egg wrap.

Messed up by dinner! Had a pork wonton soup. And some other things.
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You can do this, Vic. Have a healthy eating day & drink lots of water. Don't restrict too much. Nurture yourself, xo
Binged last night. Weight is up high!
Been there done that too many times. But today is another day, and you know most all of the weight is water and solids, it can go away pretty quickly.

Been meaning to ask, as I recall you had a problem with purging. Am I right? If so how is that going?
The purging I’ve stopped for awhile now. But I wouldn’t say I’m recovered I still think about it at times. Esp when I binge. But my teeth I don’t want to lose them. Already had a tooth root canal. Can’t afford another one.

Thanks for asking Rob. I haven’t said anything. Don’t want to jinx it.

153.4 lbs

Today I have dinner really late (8 pm) at China Blossoms. Dinner was cancelled.

Heard my little niece fell from her scooter and hit her head yesterday. Not wearing a helmet. Had to go to ER. Got a staple.

Lunch was pork rib meat with egg wrap. Snack was 10 green grapes. Dinner was 2 low cal bread with pb and coffee with creamer and Splenda.
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The purging I’ve stopped for awhile now.
That is great!! Good for you. I suspect that is more important than your weight, you are not obese, not that you shouldn't try to lose some weight but for your health not purging is better. And yes, you will need those teeth!
But I wouldn’t say I’m recovered I still think about it at times. Esp when I binge.
I understand that, I hate to admit it but there were times I tried to purge after bingeing. My constitution would not let me do it, I have not vomited since I was 12 years old. Probably for the best, the bingeing problem is enough for me... You are doing really well dealing with both problems. It has to be tough. Good for you girl!