Vic’s Weight Loss

Came yesterday. Put up our tents. Went to a Walmart Superstore. Had a burger with bun for dinner. I did not snack at all yesterday. Did have a glass of Riesling and a sit of peanut butter whiskey.

Skipping breakfast this morning.

Breakfast yesterday was 3 hot cakes and a coffee with creamer and Splenda from McDonald’s. Lunch was a little white rice and a couple pieces of gen tso chicken (bro lunch)

Today it’s raining. I’m surprised my tent held up and no rain inside. Going to bowling at noon to get out of the rain. Dinner today is curry pork and doubles. Saving appetite for that!
I hope that rain goes away for the rest of your trip. Wouldn't it be good if we could send it to Canada?
Yes, wish we could!

Today for breakfast I had a Dominican breakfast. Had piece on an avocado on half a sourdough bread. Late breakfast a beef and corn pate.
Leaving today. Should be home by noo.n or so. Right now at the playground with the kids. Finished packing everything already. Tent came down by itself easily. Was kind of worried.

Breakfast I had a glass of Riesling just to finish off the bottle. Had several coffees. Had a garlic knot.

Lunch was some spaghetti and hot sausage. Dinner was doubles with curry chana, potato, and pork.

Tomorrow have to take my mom to the bank so my sis I will come to babysit the kids.

Then my mom leaves early Thursday morning.
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Yes, internet is fixed! And yup camping was great. Just the one day of rain and I’m glad my tent held up!

So of course my weight is up. Probably won’t record my weight until Friday. I have a lot of social events this week with eating. Then early Thursday I have to drop my mom off to the airport. Then I’ll start back exercising.
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Thanks, Cate!

156.6 lbs!!! Not too bad considering!

Did a 30 min cardio dance video from AF when I woke up.

Going by my mom later. The twins dad is home so I don’t want to disturb him so early. So I’ll go after noon or so. I’ll just clean out my car.

Going to skip breakfast this morning.
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156.8 lbs

Today for late breakfast I had some curry pork, Chana and potato with one barra. A little rice and brown chicken with veggies. Lunch was a cheese pate.

Took my bro to his pcp. His bp is finally down. Everything else looks good.

Plan is to go to Kobe hibachi for dinner. Or maybe Arias. Mom is leaving early Thursday morning.
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Good news about your bro, Vic. You do seem to live a fairly social and happy life with your family. So many families don't get along. It's great that you get to see your Mum so often.
Yup, Llama, one more dinner and then I'm back to more nutritious food.

And, Cate, my mom comes back up here in November. We are really close except for my half- bro who lives in Atlanta.

157.0 lbs

Early tomorrow my mom leaves. I actually upgraded her to the big seats. I didn’t tell her because she’ll say it’s a waste of money. But it’s 2 long 3 hour flights.

Breakfast was 3 hotcakes. Lunch was a brown chicken drumstick and brown rice. Tonight’s dinner was lobster ravioli and steak, shrimp, and lobster. And garlic bread.

And tonight is the last time that I have to eat what my family is eating. So I get control of my food. Planning on going to the gym tomorrow some time. Depending if I’m tired since I’m up at 3 am or so.

Well I ended up twisting my ankle this afternoon. Will take some medicine tonite and hopefully the pain goes away by morning.
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Breakfast was 3 hotcakes. Lunch was a brown chicken drumstick and brown rice. Tonight’s dinner was lobster ravioli and steak, shrimp, and lobster. And garlic bread.

And tonight is the last time that I have to eat what my family is eating. So I get control of my food. Planning on going to the gym tomorrow some time. Depending if I’m tired since I’m up at 3 am or so.
Your food sounds good, even if it's not what you might want. Hope you enjoyed it. Never had lobster ravioli, I am envious!

Hope you get to the gym, I think that makes you feel better.
Early tomorrow my mom leaves. I actually upgraded her to the big seats. I didn’t tell her because she’ll say it’s a waste of money. But it’s 2 long 3 hour flights.
I agree with Cate and Llama, very kind of you!
Thanks, Cate, Llama, and Rob.

159.6 lbs!!! Super high!!! My starting weight. 2nd time in my life this is my highest weight!!! 80 more days till my mom comes. Hoping to lose 17 lbs.

Today my mom left early. Sis I drove us to the airport. Came home and slept for a couple more hours. Went to the gym.

Walked for an hour on the indoor track. Did a 15 min cardio dance workout on AF.

Breakfast after my workout was an egg wrap (30) and a scrambled egg (70). Coffee with almond milk (10). Lunch was a half a veggie patty (45), cauliflower rice (30) and eggplant (30). Midafternoon I had the same as lunch (135). Had a Greek yogurt with peaches as a snack (80). Later dinner I had some cauliflower rice (30) and eggplant (30). Then cuz I was craving and tempted by bread (140) I had a piece with a mozzarella cheese slice (80). Couple bites of hard cheese (80) . And because I wasn’t satisfied I had a slice of white bread (70) with a small smear of pb (25). creamer (30). Bite of pizza (50).

Cals for day: 965 cals

So finally I can cook whatever I want. So I’m going to try eating more protein and veggies. This egg wrap tastes pretty good. Should have tried it earlier.

I’m going to try to not drink diet soda today. Drinking crystal light instead. Maybe plain water.

My ankle is almost better. Just a slight pain.
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Egg wrap sounds nice. Is it a wrap made out of egg, rolled around veggies and other fillings or a regular one containing egg as the filling?
Yes, the egg wrap is an egg white wrap made out of the whites. Only 25 cals. And as big as the other wraps. And you just add your fillings in it and wrap it up.
That sounds like such a healthy day, Vic. That egg white wrap sounds really good & so low in calories :)